
wtf i hate immortal technique now

holy fuck

Top kek

on a more important note, Dance With The Devil is 10/10

every kid from my high school would play that while smoking and be like "damn.. this is fucking crazy"

Dance with the Devil is the epitome of being a tryhard

I bet you thought Stan was deep too


lmao what a fucking nerd

two of the worst rappers that aren't hopsin or eminem duking it out on pitchfork
quality content, /moo/

ITT nerds who were bullied in school and trying to look cool on a Taiwanese fur-trapping board.

A lot of it comes from how perfect the beat is and how well he flows over it, but the story's very engaging too.
>tryhard = bad

get over yourself man

Idk that "deep" is a good descriptor, I love Stan but I wouldn't call it deep at all, it just tells a compelling story. This song doesn't really get that deep either, but it explores typical gangsta rap themes of greed, consequences, justice and even religious ideation from an individual and interesting perspective. How can you tell me this isn't a great line
>Devils used to be gods angels that fell from the top/There's no diversity because we're burning in the melting pot

that's a brilliant bar to describe the black hole, no pun intended, effect that the ghetto community has created in itself
Even if you don't like him calling Eminem one of the worst rappers is just short-sighted. He's technically very skilled even if a solid percentage of his discography is dog shit. When you think that broadly with idiots like 21 Savage out there, there's really no way to see that viewpoint

>technicality directly correlates with the quality of his music

idiot you called him one of the WORST rappers. Is it hard to see how maybe you came off as calling him bad AS a rapper?

And while I'm obviously personally a big fan of Em's early work, I still think you're jumping the gun a bit to say MMLP for example is some of the worst rap music in existence. I think you're just making overly big statements you don't really believe either to make a point or make your opinion more valuable or some shit

>IT terrorized kids
Nah bro it was an inside job. Open your third eye.

Dance with the Devil is IT's only good song and Stan is Em's best song by far and that's all there is to that


Toast to the Dead and Point Of no Return are solid too but yeah that's about right

wtf I like immortal technique now

only worthwhile thing Immortal Technique has ever done

Wiggers can't make art