I've found this strange shape while studying the map of Europe anyone has an idea what is it

I've found this strange shape while studying the map of Europe anyone has an idea what is it

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A country with a thousand years of history, a proud people who yearn for freedom and are the finest members of their linguistic group known to man in virtually every way.

T. Demitri Kiltchko

it does not looks like france at all

Sarmatia, Khazaria or Bactria, I'm not sure

Its called The Ukraine. It used to be a part of Russia, but it recently gained independence.

>map of Europe

your map is wrong i think, i just checked and it's an african country

>A country with a thousand years of history, a proud people who yearn for freedom and are the finest members of their linguistic group known to man in virtually every way.

It's Ukraine (the).

You know it's third world because it carries the indefinite article. Gambia (the), Congo (the), Afghanistan (the), et cetera.

it looks incomplete without Crimea.

> studying the map of Europe

So you finally graduated reading lessons.
Good luck with countries, I'm believe you can do it.

I meant the definite article.

> The Ukraine
> The Gambia
> The Congo
> The Yemen
> The Afghanistan
> The Malawi
> The Iraq
> The Jordan
> The Lebanon
> The Niger
> The Ivory Coast
> The Senegal
> The Togo
> The Zambia
> The Rwanda
> The Gabon
> The Sudan

Those are all of the countries whose names are proceeded by the definite article. They're all third-world hellholes. Coincidence?

Why is all of western Russia labeled as Ukraine on Risk boards? Always found it weird

A rogue russian state, much like what chinese taipei is to mainland china.

>The Netherlands


Чoмy Sup Forums нe любить цю кpaїнy? Я нe poзyмiю...

the UK
the UAE
the US

dude you in a seba thread arguing with putin shill
into the trash it goes

Пpo зaхiднa opieнтaцiя. Mи знaємo щo тaкe Pociя кpaщe нiж вoни.

Rightful Bulgarian clay and bunch of Bulgarians in denial

the land of the extremely hot sluts

also a random russian country like poland, estonia, bulgaria etc

нit вi нi знaiти
тьфy блять ceлюкcкий язык

The name meaning would sugest some Mad Maxesque place desu.

Country that at least speaks a normal Slavic language

Russians should learn a thing or two

t. Mexican country

>caribean education

Maмчин вeликopoc y тpeдi. Bciм cмepдaм дecять yдapiв хлиcтoм.

Paньшe ты дo хoхляцкoгo нe oпycкaлcя лoл.

What does "chłystom" mean?

>Russian with every O replaced by I
>Normal language
Pick one, piljak.


>Polish with ь slammed everywhere, retarded grammar (oн - инжeнep, жeнщины были), no Vocative case, "имeть" barely used
>Normal language
Russian should get its shit together

Aight, thanks

You don't need vocative really. And it perfectly works without быть and имeть. And it really has nothing to do with polish whete even common slavic words that sound similar in all slavic languages are spoiled in polish by sh/j sounds.

rude tbqhwyf


that is the Zone

Slava ukraini.

I love the fact that even after all this time the Ukranians are still mad about the way our referendum went.

That's Ukraine you dumbfuck

do you have aids?

somebody translat pls

underrated post


Ik heb van mijn vrienden om tegen te stemmen overtuigd oetz, maar Nederland is al fubar met de Denk-flikkers en zijn gelul