If people call blacks monkeys, how do you explain this?

If people call blacks monkeys, how do you explain this?

racial hatred isn't exactly the most logical thing to begin with OP. Welcome to the world.

Isnt that a chimpanzee?
chimpanzee are apes, you monkey.

so you counter racist nonsense with racist nonsense....

look at those puffed out lips. They look like a fucking monkey. you see how the white woman's lips are close to the skull? that is the desirable genetics.

Yeah look at how normal black people look compared to white folk.



>implying you know what normal is

>implying "normal" exists

Hey OP, I'm a white guy with big lips. I guess I win!

Ok tumblr. Pretty sure it isnt normal to look like a gorilla.

I think most races look like some animal or another. Racists are just more likely to point it out.

And for some reason it's more racist to be compared to some animals as opposed to others.

Fucking this.
Get it right niggers. Monkeys have tails.

I'll call them hippos then. Or maybe just Jiggers!!! The "J" is for Jigaboo. Now get back to bouncing your balls.

It's a matter of evolutionary stage rather than looks m8. Gr8 B8 tho

It's more about acting like a chimp that the comparison comes in, nigger.

Have you seen the pictures on the internet? For how many times they make that comparison, I'd say it's pretty normal for someone to look like a gorilla or the other way around

gorillas are more like blacks than chimps. chimps are whites.

we hate your blackness not because of how you look, but because of how you act and live. You live in filth, you destroy everything you touch, and you are prone to violence. Nobody is safe who lives or works near you. That is why we hate you.

Underageb& please go

oh. so you are the creator of this world?

tell me more


google shaved chimp, they're white as fuck

>thinks chimps are monkeys
>uses Maggy T's lips as an example of every white person
>still doesn't look like a chimp

Low quality bait.
I MEANT to bite

yes this. thank you

>mfw niggas dont evem know nuffin
(monkeys..!= apes)


Aren't chimps like the smartest apes?

Chimpanzees being smarter than apes that blacks resemble.

Because as we know, black people deserve to be loved. And it is logical to love people who are destroying you.

>coming from a guy which entire race's "culture" is based on violence, competition, genocide, war, stealing ressources etc.


Well, if you don't count humans I guess they're pretty smart.

Don't we call blacks monkeys because they behave like one?

If you feel that threatened by people who are different than you I suggest you do some soulsearching m8.


And architecture, technology, medicine, philosophy, art etc


To be fair I'd well rather chill with some hip hop niggers than with some prude online who thinks he speaks for everyone. I don't care how white he is, he still can't scratch records.

This is actually hideous.
white over black ape anytime


Oh yeah. so that makes it okay i guess

mainly due to the fact that there equally intelligent.
in 1000s years monkeys will be smarter and more advanced than niggers.

you were saying?

*they are


Lions are different, snakes are different. What makes them safe?


Pretty sure it's the whites who started all these other genders and otherkin bullshit

>in 1000s years

Humans are by their nature violent. You think the black tribes in Africa havent been kicking the shit out of each other for thousands of years? At least the whites have done positive things as well.

What racist nonsens is being countered here?

Comparing niggers to monkeys is a fucking insult to monkeys.


Black people look and act like apes. I hate them and wish they'd all go back to Africa.

no it was the jews brainwashing them with television shows

>Hey OP, I'm a white guy with big lips and a tiny dick. I guess I win!
Sure you do user

Jews are white dumbass

No. I won't slander the monkey species like that. Niggers are more like leeches, ticks, or tapeworms.


Dubs checked


The norm therefore he is correct.

the things in the top pic look like they're in their 40's; the animals in the bottom pic are up for debate

Probably shouldn't live in any western country then.

>Jews are white
>it's actually a religion
>Israeli people are not white
>most of them are Jews


This is a shit thread OP. Seriously, this is shit b8 and you know it.


The problem with blacks is the same with Native Americans. They were forced from a stone age existence into a world much more advanced than it. They could not and cannot adapt. This is called culture shock.


"Black people" are human are they not ? You therfore share 98.7% genetic match with bonobos




Historical revisionism of the worst kind. Go home Al

Hey user, I checked back to my original post, and as I thought, I didn't even mention my dick.
It's not award winning but it goes up to my belly button and is fairly thick. I'm pretty happy with everything to be honest.


Are you stupid user? Palestinian people are not white. Israeli people for the most part are white

inot op, but 've done some soul searching and have come to the conclusion that darkies have no souls

like? exporting a culture which is destroying the planet?

your "model" for living is awful. your positive things are just meant to make you feel better and turn a blind eye at the atrocities your "culture" commit everyday.

being so "great" your"culture" did not really help the world get better. and you are a fool if you think otherwise.

the only thing you are good at is make profit. meaning exploit others whatever the cost.


>jews are white

I wish I had a time machine to go back and leave every slave ship at the bottom of the fucking ocean.
Hard to imagine the U.S. with zero Niggers, must be close to heaven

White superiority

good point

Do you have anything to say that didnt come from a shirt at Hot Topic?

the purge

Why do black people always have to be racist motherfuckers?

>let's destroy this perfectly fine culture and impose our own
>oh shit shit are getting out of hand
>let's leave now
>why aren't going where we fucked shit up, user?

>Google average israli face
>point out the white

None of which YOU actually created. Why are you taking credit for things that other people did before your parents' parents were even born? Oh, so you're saying that white people did those things. Ok. How many things have you created? I'm not talking about white people who aren't even related to you 150 years ago. I'm talking about right now. What have you done that makes you superior to anyone? It's like the only thing you people can say is whites made all the progress, but how exactly? They enslaved people to do the work for them while they profited. It's not like they invented agriculture. No, they forced people to work the land for them through intimidation. What actually built this country? None of those things, actually. Well, not without things like the railroad. And your "people" didn't build that either. Your "people" are prolific only in influence. If you're proud of that, we'll good for you. If it makes you a better person, prove it.

Hey user your strawman is showing, amirite?


you got your ass destroyed by a black guy? Whilst its understandable this would create some resentment you have to understand that the actions of an individual cannot be exteneded to an entire people.

You still need a lower class.

This isn't a very difficult thing to understand retard. Go and image search jew and look at what color the people are

Yes. Tell us all about the great African and middle eastern societies who emancipated women m8

you speak of Africa like your "culture" has nothing to do with the present situation

piss off


Well I'll live twice as long and twice as comfortably as my great-great-grandfather. I can travel to any other part of the world in hours where in the past it would have taken weeks or months. I can enjoy the wonderful art and music the world has produced instead of shivering in squalor somewhere hoping to live through the night. But if these things dont appeal to you, please return to your favoured 'model for living'


