Ok Sup Forums you have 3 Nukes.. Where would you place them on the map?

Ok Sup Forums you have 3 Nukes.. Where would you place them on the map?





On OP's dumb fucking face


Where ever you live

Where ever you live

Especially where ever you live

North Africa, South africa, middle east
Basically anywhere with colored people


they take them well

Nonononon not Russia

Russia is amazing, why you do dis ;_; russia loves you

those are some massive explosions

On all countries that end with stan
Somewhere on Africa where population is the poorest.
Antarctica for the lolz.
Wouldnt drop on USA or Russia because that would imbalance the world too much.

Some shithole in africa

This map uses Mercator's Projection, which doesn't respect the size of territories. Thus, the size of the nukes is irrevelant

OP is a faggot

Use all 3 of them to carpet bomb the middle east.
Sure, we lose the oil, but at least ISIS (and the vast majority of radical Islam) isn't going to be a problem anymore.


Send all 3 into the atmosphere and end this shit show.


This was easy...


The Antarctic. I hate those smug penguin cunts.


kek'd so hard that I pissed myself

Plot twist, Op is the same race as faggot commenter.

You shouldn't have left that sliver of Africa, now the niggers are an extreme world minority allowing them more incentive to feel the need to work together and overthrow the governments in power. They're going to breed and have only 1 common interest, haven't you ever seen planet of the apes??



>not incinerating your enemies from the orbit with a 1.21 gigawat laser cannon?

North Africa

America because I can't stand its population. Middle-East because fuck their terrorist bullshit--taking their shit out on innocent people. Russia Because Putin would fill the power vacuum right after.

Turkroachistan, Mecca, and Israel.


>Tfw living in that little triangle between the 3 nukes


I'm from fucking Balkans.

>tfw investigate explosion and die of radiation

All three of them on Antarctica, melts the ice entire world gets flooded.

1. Right on Iran directly. Fuck those who inhabit near them

2. Berlin. Because they should have gotten at least one back in 1945.

3. Los Angeles because fuck the people whom inhabit that area and their political views.

Dodge well user

africa, the middle east, and then the middle east again just to be sure.

1) Antarctica to piss off the liberals faggots

2) Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan area to get those sand niggers roasted

3) Japan as a final fuck you to say were not sorry

North Africa
Central Africa
South Africa

Antarctica to see what the global warming crowd would do

San Andreas fault to speed things up with getting california off of us

Hiroshima just in case they thought we were sorry

only right answer.



Do you have a folder with text files or something because you copy paste like a 9gager

Nowhere because violence is immoral. Maybe detonate them in space X-Men Apocalypse style


>One on Russia, human rights yadda yadda
>One on the middle east, no more ISIS
>One on Hiroshima, in case they thought we were sorry

I drop every last one of them on Las Vegas

Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans about 1 mile below the surface.

Good bye everyone.

east usa, mid usa and west usa - done!

Butt hurt amerifag

>Hiroshima again

Top Kek user. Fuck Obama for apologizing. I would have told them we'd do it all over again and maybe three times.

All in Antarctica. Fuck up coastal communities everywhere, more damage than nukes alone.

Nice try amerifag

Step one
>dig hole deep beneathe Yellowstone caldera

Step two
>Insert all three nukes into hole

Step three
>blow up all three nukes

Humanity would be wasted just like the dinosaurs.

lol penguins dont live on the south pole

what has antarctica done to you??

Stay mad and jelly eurocuck

How the fuck am I supposed to get anything done if I'm dropping my damn nukes on a piece of shit map!

Something like that.

russia needs to get fistfucked by hulk

Creative thinking, user.
Also this



you missed india

We still need something to shit on, and they're used to it.

USA, Israel, and ENGLAND you dork. Guilty by association.

What do you have against russia?

Very nice

You are my man.

I live in LA and I completely agree with you.

Mecca?? The Holy Sea???? and... Tibet????


Only needed two.

the three oceans, after a coup, to reinforce the idea of pollution

>nukes of this size
A single nuke that large would destroy the whole planet, so it doesn't matter where you put it.

>Southern Spain

what the hell country???

The polar ice caps m8

>caring about the deaths of innocent people.
>dropping 3 nukes
shiggy diggy doo

you forgot half the planet. asia, india, south america, france and the UK

>doesnt know that syria is pretty much neighbours to iran
why waste a nuke?

Israel, Mecca, and Morocco.

OP's house, his parents' house, and his place of work. I know I'm nuking the same spot three times, but you just gotta be sure.

Probably Australia m8

best one

One of these blast would wipe out life as we know it. Perma-Ice age, no sun for a very long time, no food.

Fuck it, I'll go first then, drop it on New York City. At least i won't starve and freeze to death.

most of the second one is wasted on low population desert, move it a bit south-east and then we're cooking

For a thread like this, you need a map projection that preserved the relative size of the landmasses.

it hasnt submerged florida yet

Those are insanely powerful nukes

obviously the only answer...or all 3 in the middle east and MAKE SURE those fuckers are erased.

This is the ONLY answer


only correct answer

USA, UK, Canada
The source of liberal filth