Why the fuck would anyone ever date a black girl

Why the fuck would anyone ever date a black girl

I fuckin love steak personally

uglies and hotties in every race

They have more nutritional value.

This indeed, OP pic is the worst comparison.

OP is the reason there's an abnormal amount of porn with black men and white women

I like all kinds of female.

Yes but even a sexy nigger smell and has white soles.


pussy is pussy

That pic is genius

I'm allergic to strawberries

steak is way danker than fruit, what are you a fag?

Spearchuckers are always gonna be spearchuckers.


>Newfags don't even check these trips.

Cotton doesn't pick itself

Yeah, for example Rihanna is hot as fuck.

Great, now I want food I can't fucking afford.

Fuck you OP, your racism's made my broke ass hungry.

IDK the only black girls I found attractive are halfies anyway

blacks are objectively the ugliest race.

Cant afford a 8 dollar steak?

Fucking pleb to the max

Isn't she like mulata? Put white in it and everything gets better. EVERYTHING.

Summerfags ignore trips and dubs for some reason, it's pretty sad ;(

Gimmie juicy steak any day. White meat, dark meat its all good as long as its lean!

Or, another angle....
Make both of those things illegal, and I bet only one of them causes every man on this planet a criminal.

here's a tip... you don't make friends with salad!


You've clearly only ever seen porn star pussy


Because black girls are easy and surprisingly clingy

both checked'em, dub trips in thread

8 dollar steak? Gross.

NIggers physically make me sick when i see them.
Fucking cannot stand them

Dubs checked
Trips checked

Wouldn't lay a finger on her, she's disgusting.

>paying 40$+ for a meal you can make for 8$

yep. thats why you are poor.

Why in the fuck would you want to leave mommys basement OP

Whoa checked

Blacker the berry, sweeter the juice

She's from a different island where they're lighter

Trap loving fag

Niggers are a good fuck, man. Don't bring it home to mother, but you should at least try it once.


Very much straight, just not into her, i don't like blacks in general but i truly think she looks like shit.

My neighbor/good friend is dating a jigaboo. You can tell it's starting to wear upon him. He's white, and he's starting to tire of her shit.

I could never do it. Ever.

>Why the fuck would anyone ever date a black girl

1) Generally bigger asses and more cushion for doggystyle pounding.

2) Big lips, perfect for oral sex.

Just avoid Black American women and you should most likely be fine.

>OP rather eats pussy strawberry than juicy medium rare steak

Get your faggy feminine ass out of my Sup Forums

Sexuality is all about personal preference. I'll admit I don't watch porn with black girls, but I see black women in real life that I'd love to fuck. Conversely, I watch a lot of porn with blonde girls, but in real life I don't think they look that hot.

And blue eyed apparently...

Didn't know AIDS had a flavor.

Who gave you AIDS? I wasn't aware pussy with AIDS was flavorless.

Summerfag detected.

It's not the nigger, it's the fucking lotion they use. Wife used to nanny for a white family that adopted black kids. Guess what? Those kids didn't smell like niggers. It's the goddamn shea butter they lather all over themselves to keep from being ashy.

they wouldn't why do you think black guy spend all day spreading the bullshit rumor that they all have big dicks? because no one with half a brain would believe them smarter or superior in anyway.....black women are general ugly, ill manners, massive loud rude mouths, that make you instantly hate all blacks...

Niggers have white soles? I didn't know that

I'd fuck the nigress just to fill her with my superior white seed as a show of power.

Porn industry sure helped a lot in spreading that rumor. And guess what? It's predominately white.

Steak over bitch berries any day. What was the argument?

Mixed race blacks are fine. As in their pigment has be diluted with some white, and the big lips and sloping forehead are mitigated.
True black though, not my taste.
Zero acceptance if they are part of hood culture and don't speak properly; I'm not wearing my time on the immature or someone with the linguistic skills of a 3rd grader.


Sexual attraction isn't racist. Beauty is completely subjective. I've been called racist so many times for not being attracted to blacks. My dick likes what my dick likes. And it doesn't like blacks or redheads.

3rd graders are sexy as fuck though

It's not summerfags I've noticed a lot of people even before summer started ignoring trips and dubs I guess all the phonefags are just too lazy to look at the post numbers

fucking kek'd at that pic.


Pigskin women age horribly after 30, can't cook and have lackluster bodies, also they don't understand loyalty at all and move onto something else at the drop of a hat. Black women are superior in every way.

Not the user in question but even though that's true, that doesn't invalidate good statement. And every black woman I've seen in this city has behaved that way. All big inner city black women seem to behave like that unless they are wealthy. It's so disappointing because all I can think is for much they are propagating the streoretypes.


why would anyone actually give a fuck about that stuff? all the big gets are grabbed up by mods and all the insanely stupid rolling threads act like posting ghettos for you retards anyways

This. Because people are so inundated with white porn (because most of them are easy sluts) your brain automatically thinks that white is somehow more attractive because you associate them with sex. It's simple psychology, when in reality white women aren't really that attractive at all.

racist fuck you fucking Sup Forumstard kys

come on now, it's the current year

HA, drew barrymore down there, srsly

fucking wat

Summer is here

I don't disagree with him on that. I find most black women's attitude aggressive and unattractive (especially if they're mostly American), but I was talking about that so called BBC rumor that spreads around. I'm not going to sit there and pretend like whites didn't have a play in that.

Op is right. Niggers are gross. FUckin AID's monkey's

Your neighbor is probably a low test beta faggot like you kek. And that black girl has a better body and smile than all 5 of those skinny cavewomen.

meh, I generally only check if I agree with the poster or think his image is brilliant, you don't have to be fanatic about it, sometimes the numbers jump at you, sometimes they just hide in plain sight... If you're checking every number in anything other than a get thread you're taking it too serious

all the niggers on this pic look like horses lol

claiming 5

Never stick your dick in aids

Funny how all of the AIDS cases in the porn industry are white. Some of those reptilian cavebeasts even hid the fact they got AIDS and continued working int he industry spreading their filth. I would never touch a cavebeast without at least 3 rubbers . Your race is filthy as fuck

If blacks can be openly racist in their songs, I can sure as hell should be able to call them niggers.


faggot detected
go to your trap thread kiddo

Ok, Chuck d

Never mind the objective fact that negroes are universally hated.

the original porn aids spreader is a nigger, you shit skinned coon piece of shit.

Sexual attraction is completely subjective. I like the color blue and hate the color yellow. Just because I want to fuck blue doesn't mean the paint or color palette industry has fucked with my mind. Yellow is ugly to me and I would not put my dick in it.

Perfect example of PC culture running amok. Attributing perfectly valid personal preferences to a manipulative scheming culture being manipulated purposefully by evildoers.

why? cuz i only like human females?

typical dindu

This is so wrong... And why would you mix Latinas with sandniggers? Should go Whites>Latinas and East Asians>couple of blank spaces>various other ethnicities>nigress

Well I guess I'm indifferent to that topic done my dick is small by all standards.

You can call anyone whatever you want, just remember that when the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser. Basically people that resort to name-calling cannot express themselves in an intellectual manner. It is a sign of a lower caste. stay pleb

Insert racist retort here
Follow up with black penis joke

> (OP)
>pussy is pussy


niggers are slave tier, 'nuff said

You've been on Sup Forums too long, take a step outside

Insert cuck here.
Follow up with FEEL THE BERN T-shirt.


lmao holy shit how can you be this deluded?

nigger ape detected

ooga booga monkey

Can we all agree that mixed race is the best? Asian American women are super hot.

Except that's not true at all. You small dicked white trash, pigskin, woman-transitioning, kid diddling faggot

that cherry picking....

I think you're on the wrong website; here let me help www.reddit.com

what he said. PC culture is killing america, its like its own form of facism. if you like A and not B, your wrong because (insert conspiracy preference) wants you to like A instead of B. culture shaming, ect ect, your stupid and being manipulated to like things, but if you like B, welcome to KONCIOUS AWHERE KLUB ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!