Going to shoot myself tomorrow if all goes according to plan. AMA

Going to shoot myself tomorrow if all goes according to plan. AMA


please an hero on cam right now. Why wait?

What's the plan?

im deformed, socially inept and despite some academic potential I've become too depressed and dropped out every time i've tried college. no job and no social life.

Cryogenicly freeze brain instead

you're cool, don't go to any gaybars tomorrow

Try meth/Adderall feel pleasure might change ur mind

drive to my family's cabin, get my gun and shoot myself.

Show picture and timestamp pls


drugs only buy me more time, eventually i start to realize how terrible i am even when im high.

i hope whatever is waiting once you do it, will give you peace.

Don't do it in the cabin, it lowers the property value and leaves a mess for the sorry son of a bitch that needs to clean up after forensics are done.

Want to see your deformity and rate m8

Don't, your family will miss you.

Killing yourself doesn't end the misery, you just give it to all your loved ones.

A darker night saves light for a brighter day user.

Gr8 B8 m8

it won't. there is nothing there, you just cease to be. its the cowards way out but i just can't imagine myself ever being able to cope with the shame and ineptitude of being me.

not going to, im going to go way out into the bush.

severely curved spine and fairly extreme pectus excavatum.

I don't want to be a burden on them anymore. Not making then unhappy is basically all thats kept me from it before. but i just don't want to be a burden on them anymore.

Pic and timestamp or fake b8

Which gun?

kill yourself some other way so you don't feed the cucks taking away our rights.
get a milsurp gas mask, a rubber hose, and a tank of helium. gas yourself. you get high and just pass out and that's it.

this, but snort a line before

>pectus excavatum.
Not sure about the spine but I know for a fact this can be corrected with surgery.

look at the loser OP seeking attention, look at 14 other losers encouraging him

you people are the shit of the world

and shit you will be







im not in the states so don't worry about that.

it can be, but then all the other problems would still be there.

accurate. this is why i want to off myself.

browning hipower

Why do people always wait?

because lethargy is a major part of my problem. everything is always tomorrow. everything.

Shoot up some muslims first pls