Why is this album so timeless?

why is this album so timeless?

because you're 17 yo

timelessly average

I'm 24

In Utero is my favorite Nirvana album but Nevermind seems to have aged the best

you're a qt then

Just give it more time.

It was groundbreaking for it's time.


There are 3 phases of opinions towards Nirvana music

1 Nirvana are the best band ever
2 Nirvana are overrated shit
3 Nirvana are pretty great but overrated

Teenage angst will always be a thing, so it's general feel is timeless.

What would you say are the main causes of teenage angst across the history? Just curiosity.

Not being taken seriously

Nice answer.

Kek A year must feel like a long time since you are 14

You forgot mine.

>literally who?

Try asking again in like 30 years

Bleach is better

Bleach > incesticide > Nevermind > in utero

Because Kurt Coleman shot himself

It got old bro.

Rather, teenagers take everything too seriously. And the hormones.