I am a self taught musician who learns by ear - what do you think of my short piece I made using FL studio...

I am a self taught musician who learns by ear - what do you think of my short piece I made using FL studio? I got a new midi keyboard, and I'm kind of proud of it as a little intro to perhaps a very good album!


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I was not expecting that, it was bloody good. I want MOAR!

You trollin'? If not, thanks very much.

Not trolling at all, I genuinely loved it.

My favorite parts are the underwater drop sound at 0:13 and then how the whale sounds come in around 0:33

damn son nice music

Ah, thanks user. Appreciate the feedback, I did post to /mu but not as many people there. What way did it make you feel?

Awesome user, could belong in a game/movie soundtrack! Moaaar

You would benefit from formal training though.

It's quite ambient.

I guess if I was going to be mean I'd call it boring. (this is Sup Forums after all). But um, pretty good overall if you've never had any training.


I think there's a false note around 0:30 or before, but otherwise, this is good. Really good.

Sort of like Enya learns new tricks.

You're talented, user. Don't stop making music!

Made me feel bliss and peace

Not bad. Keep creating.

Relaxed, peaceful and interested. Usually music is nothing but a background blur to distract my brain from other thoughts but I was really interested in actually listening to the music.

Didn't expect a drop at 00:16. It's quite good. Keep it up


I tried formal training and got an equivilent grading at the time of 6 (when I was 12) I'm now 23, but it's hard to get it right coming form an acoustic background. thanks for feedback user!

Damn good.

>learn to read music
>be real musician
>not be fag anymore

Yeah, the 'drop' was kind of like 'diving into the ocean' with the whales and swimming with them :) you can actually hear them ^^



yes, you're right! I heard it around 0:27 thanks!

Really doubt it's you
But yeah, it's good, really good.
Plenty of room to explore those melodies, plenty of foundation to build on.
I'd recommend some rudimentary formal lessons in your discipline though, minimum. you have talent, but that's the very bottom of your potential unguided. and your shit is to quote idubbbz- "eyyy!, that's pretty good" but at the very least get lessons so you don't have to preface your music by saying self-taught. Because y'know what self-taught sounds like? It sounds like "I don't really know what I'm doing lol" & if I was basing my giving your track a shot from a professional musicianship approach, instead of boredom-based-free-time scrolling; like many in that mindset, I wouldn't have even listened to it, just a red flag for you there, peace.

Def not for me, but I can see the appeal.

You can improve the ambience in the background by looking at stuff like Radiohead's Treefingers, and the piano needs coherence.

Just IMO, though

Appreciate your words, thanks.

Very well done, user. Keep up the good work

>Radiohead's Treefingers
feedback taken thanks! :)

This is good advice here.

OP, learn to read music and study music theory. It can't hurt you in any way, but at least you'll know what's up and you'll enjoy it anyway.

You already have the hardest to have: talent. So don't worry, but don't be lazy.

Self-taught or not won't matter. You can teach yourself how to read music. Watch videos and such. You don't even need a real-life class.

I can read music, but just not fluently. I play all sorts of instruments (and in my defence) I can tune a piano by ear to almost concert pitch. :/ I don't like to say I am 'lazy' when it comes to music cause, with General Anxiety Disorder, playing music for 4-6 hours/day is the only thing that brings me peace.

I made this piece using a 40euro midi keyboard and a crappy computer, I prefer live playing. :) appreciate all the feedback completely though, and yes, he/she had great points.

Dudeeee I want to meet you. Super talented

Thanks so much, i actually can't express how happy I am people even replied to this thread

I agree with most of this, all i'd add is personally I don't believe online resources in any other form than booked Skype lessons so far as really learning an instrument are going to be much help *ultimately*, it's a fantastic start but for me: If nothing else, your own personal teacher tasks you things you may like to learn in order for your own progression, that you may not know/have been taught yet, they can stop you and tell you in real time if you're making any mistakes, even if it's just perhaps postural techniques, years down the line it could be invaluable health-wise and technique-wise, and most importantly they personally inspire you, I'm not currently in lessons for my musical discipline but I had previously been for years, and am going to be again soon. But really my point is knowledge is power, as slanted of a summary as that may be.

For what it is, it's good. But it works since it's so short, longer songs are harder because you need a theme you change and work upon. You lack a theme, and it then sounds like what I play when I just make some shit up without any second thought. There are certainly great musicians who didn't receive musical training (see Jimi Hendrix), but training helps a lot, and it will help to at least learn the functions of chords, and some basic songwriting theory.