Woman rekt/hate thread

woman rekt/hate thread

Hey look! A faggot who has no idea how to deal with women and might have some mommy issues. Niiice

Hey look! A faggot.

Lol someone just got cucked by tyrone


note the angle its filmed from, theyre practicing theatre punches or stage fighting


It sounds like you have no idea how to deal with women.

My gf openly admits to me that if I don't hit her, she'll walk all over me and destroy me.

Hagen daz! Hagen daz! Hagen daz! Now!



Women always act tough until they get slapped and then they cry like little girls.



Women are ALL fuckin talk. More then men. Oh let me guess, this comment will get me some fucking ufc webm of some girl kicking ass


dat file name

Lol this works actually hahaha




this thread is now about birds with arms

im changing my vote

go on..

Fucking attentionwhore




Fake and gay


let The man win. one retard less, GO TRUMP GO


Hey its the angry birds guy

Right this way friend

Fuck off Roz!


me too, how awesome would the mass suicide be come election day



if thats not cool i dont know what is


Cops in the US are utter cunts! Badly trained, egotistical, arrogant, shameless, ignorant, lazy good for nothing cunts! I'm a NZer living in the US, they are worlds apart. Cops in NZ are trained to de-escalate a situation. Here, they just act like thugs and bullies. Fuck 'em all!


Well okay.


all I can imagine is her teeth fucking his dick up as she spins round



Little nigerina looks like she got yanked back in time.

You are to week for America, stay out!


is it only me or rekt female turns me on

WTF it should hurts af






Nazi thread. We need to scare off these fucking liberal cucks migrating to the website.

man those bombs must have knocked something lose in the japanese



dude, i really need sauce on da full vid... i fapped 1 to many times to this gif

i mean really... just really


i must say, thats pretty hot
she has a really nice body


Nice trips

Great now I am afraid of clowns

Is that Slenderman in the background?

good lord that is an ugly woman

> Well, what is it?

Then why call it "FEMinist" if it implies gender equaity?

>Badly trained, egotistical, arrogant, shameless, ignorant, lazy good for nothing cunts!

Same could be said about the citizens

Waste of a perfectly good cunt. Looks like she had a nice body.


nice trips my man

This even better with sound. The noise of the slap is so perfect.


Maybe because FEMales were the ones who got fuck'd over in the past (and still in camelfucker countrys)??? use your brain goddamn it


Here's your (You)

If you dont like the US, dont live in the US. Faggot

IIRC the girl died from that impact



Because they are girls you fucking virgin

whats a girls??

shes doing for leverage over you you fucking idiot

Something you will never have

ı don'ʇ ǝʌǝn ʞnoʍ ʍɥǝɹǝ ʇɥǝ ɟuɔʞ ʇo bǝqın˙˙˙ ʍɥʎ do pǝopןǝ ןıʞǝ ʎou ɟınd dǝɐd bodıǝs soɯǝʇɥınq ʇo ظoʞǝ ɐbouʇ? ʎou ʇɥınʞ bǝɔɐusǝ ʎou qǝʇ ʇo sıʇ ın ʎouɹ ʍɐɹɯ ɥoɯǝs on ɐ ɔoɯpuʇǝɹ ʇɥɐʇ ʎou ɔɐn ظusʇ ظoʞǝ ɐbouʇ ɥoɹɹıbןǝ ʇɥınqs ןıʞǝ ʇɥıs? ʍɥɐʇ ʇɥǝ ɐɔʇuɐן ɟuɔʞ ıs ʍɹonq ʍıʇɥ ʎou quʎs? ʇɥıs ıs ʌǝɹʎ ɟuɔʞǝd up, ʎǝʇ ɔɹɐzʎ ɐssɟuɔʞs ןıʞǝ ʎou ɐɹǝ posʇınq dǝɐd ʇɥınqs ןıʞǝ ıʇ's noʇɥınq˙ sıɔʞ ɟuɔʞs, doınq ʇɥıs sɥıʇ doǝs ɟuɔʞınq noʇɥınq˙ so ʎou ʍɐnʇ ʇo ɔoɯǝ on ɐn ıɯɐqǝboɐɹd ʇo bǝ ɐn ɐssɥoןǝ ɐbouʇ ʇɥınqs ןıʞǝ ʇɥıs? ןǝʇ ɯǝ ʇǝןן ʎou quʎs, ʎou ɐɹǝ ɐןן ɟuɔʞınq ʍǝɐʞ˙ ʎou ʍouןd nǝʌǝɹ bǝ usǝɟuן ʇo ʇɥǝ ʍoɹןd ʍıʇɥ suɔɥ bǝɥɐʌıoɹ ʎou pɹǝsǝnʇ˙ ɥonǝsʇןʎ ʍɥʎ do pǝopןǝ ןıʞǝ ʎou quʎs ǝʌǝn ǝxısʇ? ı bǝʇ ʎou don'ʇ ǝʌǝn ʞnoʍ ɐbouʇ ɥɐןɟ oɟ ʍɥɐʇ pǝopןǝ ɥɐʌǝ qonǝ ʇɥɹouqɥ ɟɹoɯ ʇɥǝn ʇıןן noʍ ʍɥǝn ʇɥǝʎ ɥɐʌǝ soɯǝonǝ ʇɥǝʎ'ʌǝ ʞnoʍn dıǝ˙ ʎou ɐɹǝ ɐןן suɔɥ dısqusʇınq buןןıǝs˙ ısn'ʇ ıʇ bɐd ǝnouqɥ ʇɥɐʇ pǝopןǝ qo ʇɥɹouqɥ ɥɐɹdsɥıps oɟ ʇɥǝıɹ ןoʌǝd onǝs? sǝɹıousןʎ ʍɥɐʇ do ʎou quʎs ɹǝɐןןʎ ɟınd ɟunnʎ ɐbouʇ ʇɥıs? sʇupıd ɟuɔʞǝɹs ı'ɯ so ɐnqɹʎ ɹıqɥʇ noʍ ʇɥɐʇ ı ʍısɥ ı ɔɐn ɟuɔʞınq punɔɥ ɯʎ ɔoɯpuʇǝɹ sɔɹǝǝn so ʇɥɐʇ ɯʎ ɟısʇ ɔɐn qǝʇ ɐ qood ɥıʇ on ʇɥɐʇ ɐssɥoןǝ ɟɐɔǝ oɟ ʎouɹs, op, sıɔʞ ɟuɔʞs˙ sǝɹıousןʎ, ظusʇ ɟuɔʞınq qɹoʍ up ɐnd ɐɔʇuɐןןʎ ɐɔʇ pɹopǝɹןʎ ɐbouʇ dǝɐʇɥ˙ sʇupıd ɟuɔʞ, ʞǝǝp ǝɐʇınq ʇɥosǝ ɔɥǝǝʇoǝs ʇɥɐʇ ʎou sʇɐın on ʎouɹ sɥıɹʇs ǝʌǝɹʎ dɐʎ˙



Cops in NZ (whatever the fuck that is) don't have to deal with American niggers every day.

efficiency nice 911

Stop circlejerking!

Egalitarianism is the word you're looking for

Great now I'm turned on by clowns


gib spruce