Happy Holidays

How did you celebrate the holidays lads?
I spend with my family in Oregon
Pic of my gifts

You clearly celebrated Christmas you fucking sperg


Well Merry Christmas you spoilt manchild

I went to have dinner at grandmas, then I went back to my house then room, sat in my computer and watched anime till dawn
I have no money for presents Im still building my PC

Why is Christmas so materialistic in the west, especial America?

I never said I didn't

>Happy holidays
faggot, just say Merry Christmas.

Also this Materialism pushed by the media, that imply that more shit = happiness. I got all I wanted, which isn't much (new shirt, socks, and other small stuff).

Holidays this Holidays that can't say Christmas

Merry Christmas is too impolite especially where I live

jesus christ grow up



I fucking hate you *automatically dies of jealousy*


>Final Fantasy XV
>Assassin's creed remastered
>Gamestop gift card
>Civil War
>The killing joke
>Gender Bender
>Starbucks card
>Power Ranger Toy
>3DS game
How old are you


>gender bender shower gel

Your parents are trying to tell you something...

>gender bender


Brotherhood > ass creed II > revelations

I went to my parents' house for dinner. Now I'm home and may get drunk while shitposting with my friends on Sup Forums and other Sup Forums boards.

I didn't notice it. Nice catch :^)

>happy holidays

>is too impolite especially where I live
You live in a shithole

Open gifts, ate food.

Shoveled parking lot in the dark for a while.