Please help me Sup Forums.. So I finally created a Tulpa...

Please help me Sup Forums.. So I finally created a Tulpa. Basically I intended to make her look like Taylor Swift but she changed her looks on me and now she just looks like a Skeleton. Before you say anything, I didn't choose to make her look like that AT ALL. She chose to do that on her own. But now she is scarying me and she tried to give me a kiss yesterday. I just blushed and shrugged it off, then left wonderland. I went to bed knowing she wasn't going to be able to leave wonderland for awhile but I woke up and saw her laying next to me. I thought she was asleep but I got up and she tried to kiss me again. Then she held me down and raped me. I can't get rid of her and I can sense her anger over me typing this. How do I kill my Tulpa?

>Pic related. This is a real pic of her.. Yes I put it on google images so ppl would be aware!!


looool I don't remember horny skeletons being a part of Tibetan theology


I want more photos of your tulpa.

Looks like Taylor Swift to me

Is a being that is created by humans with intense thought and focus.

Basically it's making an imaginary friend but outside your head.


Here you go. She's mad because her hair fell out and I'm rlly scared now.

It's inside your head though.

Maybe just try and emotionally manipulate her into looking like Taylor swift again?

They got mad bcuz they thought I was trolling :(


I guess so.
I've only read up on it a little.


You're fucked.

The thing is, I tried to turn her into a dominatrix and I guess it backfired bcuz she more powerful than me and she has full control. But she's not sexy :(

Dude. OP is so obviously bait. Though still thanks for the warning I guess

Silly user, you are trolling!

Well that's what u get for wanting to be overpowered. Time to man up and show her who has more power. Force her to do your bidding. Time for you to be dominant

nice m8. Top tier Tay Tay

Fuck her right in the...wait. does she still even have a pussy? Or is it like...hip bones jabbing into your pelvis?

I keep trying. She just tries to pose seductuvely like she isn't the least bit threatens then she rapes me.. Here's a pic of her right before the raping. Notice how she doesn't seem intimidated at all..

dude got raped by a feminist skeleton

Damn you're screwed man. Tbh she looks pretty sexy though. Just let her rape you.

>gets told to fuck off in /x/ with his tulpa shit
>comes to Sup Forums
>even the shit covered retards of the internet think tulpa rp is stupid
>worst of the worst


i tryed that once createing a Tupla but since its just in your head you have the power to fource it to change ive been living with the one ive created a cupple of years back < used my oc. it was a strange experiance when i first met her but now its just like meh

Someone post that cute skeleton from that manga with the pet demon king.

Guys plz help me she invited another skeleton to make me jellus :(


I guess you can say she's getting........ Boned! HAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahhahahah hah hah ha..