People don't think "trans" is a mental disorder

>people don't think "trans" is a mental disorder
>none of our historical figures were transgenders
>nowhere within thousands of years of human history has it been recorded that there were people who felt as if they were born with the wrong gender
>only until modern times do we have people undergoing surgery and chemical treatment to essentially do nothing more than boost their self-esteem instead of just living their fucking lives like decent folks and harnessing their potential as human beings
>thousands of dollars are wasted on these chemicals and procedures and it's no different than drug abuse because it's not necessary for survival and truthfully just unproductive and stupid
>radical members of the LGBT and feminist community constantly harass innocent people, beg for special treatment, try to change how the world works while oppressing the common citizen's ways of life, and wonder why they're hated
>whenever something bad happens on the news it's always the LGBT community to pop up and preach as if everything is a hate crime against them, screaming louder than the black community when some nigger gets shot
>trannies are so brainwashed and delusional that they'll threaten to sue you over the stupidest shit
>mfw these people are more trouble than they're worth
>mfw I'm a white pansexual cis male and I get treated like shit because I look like a nazi in the eyes of trannies

Don't get me wrong, I have a few LGBT friends and they're awesome people. But holy hell, the things radicals do makes me wish they'd all burn in hell for the chaos and bullshit they've brought to the world. Maybe a good 8% of the LGBT community has decent people, the rest of you can get gassed to death in a concentration camp and raped in front of a police station while the officers laugh at you for being such a literal mistake. Equality can't happen because of people like you, you're the anti-equality because you're so busy letting yourselves get consumed by petty differences.

Other urls found in this thread:

Liberals claiming to love and be all about nature and the natural order of things and how humans shouldn't fuck with nature.
>goes and fucks up everything socially and sexually naturally occurring
I hate democrats

only freak out when it bleeds into your day to day life. its not worth getting all bent out of shape and angry over otherwise.

Im gonna go ahead and assume its because they didnt talk about it back in the old days.

im really tired of faggots. shits getting annoying

>not knowing about the 3rd gender. Do you even history?

>nowhere within thousands of years
That's just not true bud. Learn up on the Greeks and Romans, they were fuckked up.
Dont just make shit up, the internet has a lot of people on it and even fucking high schoolers could see thru that much effort.
I do agree shit gets annoying tho.

We should ignore them. Maybe they'll just shut up

Op is right
Trannies can prove me "wrong" all they want. If you can't be comfortable how you were born, you have a problem.

Gender is binary faggot

>The freedom of speech hurts my feelings you fascists

One day these retards are going to wake up and realize they gave away their rights on their own.

I say we find anything on youtube that can be considered hate speech that is by feminists and report.


OP protesteth too much, methink.

Got some feelings you need to talk about, OP?

Transsexuality is not the only self-image disorder, but it is the only one that we treat by trying to make the body match the brain with surgery and hormones and makeup and voice training. Why? Because this puritanical culture we've inherited from the Anglo-Saxons in this country completely flips its shit with anything the least bit sexual. It's the same reason it's impossible to discuss ages of consent rationally.

often happens :T

Or maybe, being transgender is a mental disorder and should be treated as such

What's worse is, the behavior is accepted as "normal" and you are to accept it as being "normal" or you're discriminating against people. It's so bad, that even people in positions of authority even in the medical profession will encourage people to follow this if they FEEL this way, even if they're little kids. There are numerous articles of children feeling like they want to be the opposite gender and the parents are for it, school teachers, therapists, etc.

However in most societies, the age of consent is about 16 or so. Using that logic it takes someone until that age to be able to MENTALLY and MATURELY accept sexual acts and understand what they're doing but you can change your gender/know what you want at half that age.

what about hermaphodidic mutations though

rare, but at least they actually exist

It's some kind of Brave New World shit. Inyroduce children to rampant sexuality to erode society's moral foundation.

As to who exactly is doing this and what they hope to accomplish, I wish I knew for sure.

>only until modern times do we have people undergoing surgery and chemical treatment
Only until modern times was it a possibility fag

so, OP is gay then. Cool.

At least he's on here venting, not shooting up a queer bar like that adherent of the Religion of Piss last week.

Greeks and romans theorized women were a birth defect. They gave men the right/meant to be of please and women the task of raising child.

>>only until modern times do we have people undergoing surgery and chemical treatment
>Only until modern times was it a possibility fag

haha, I know. "Only until modern times did we have people indulge their desire to go fast in cars. Before that you never heard of this bullshit!"

"Only until modern times did kids spend hours on the internet! Until the 1990s you never heard of such!"

>hermaphodidic mutations though

Not that user but if you're talking Pseudohermaphrodites, born with a particular chromosome type but develop secondary characteristics:
>Sex determination and differentiation is generalized with chromosomal sex during fertilization. At early stages, phenotypic sex does not match chromosomal sex—until later during intrauterine development, sexual maturation is reached. During intrauterine development, females change to male with the testes moving down from a blind vaginal pouch with a developing scrotum, as well as a penis which initially resembled a clitoris. What seems like a female phenotype is altered by increased testosterone levels secretion.[
>Mutations affecting the androgen receptor (AR) gene may cause either complete or partial androgen insensitivity syndrome. Androgen, a hormone used to describe a group of sex steroid hormones, is responsible for affecting male pseudohermaphroditism

If you mean true hermaphrodites that plays into multiple mutations and is involved with intersex/identification such as the shit we see today

What the hell do you care what people waste their money on? Some people buy records, some people play League of Legends, some people grow tits. What difference does it make to you?

Basically, this is OP (and everyone else like him):

Not OP but
Except then you realize they're spending billions of projects around the world from our tax money on stupid shit/hundreds, of millions on huge ass sport stadium domes with tax payer money, foreign aid, etc

Meanwhile our infrastructure is falling apart, lowest teacher pay/one of the worst education systems, terrible mental health system, etc