Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums
I've been recently told this is a plantar wart. How the hell do I remove this? It's bugging me and hurts when I press on it. Also, I see this light yellowish ring underneath it. Bad sign?

Liquid nitrogen. Look it up at a pharmacy or somewhere similar.

If it gets to deep he'll have to go get the doc to cut it out yo

Is that it? Will it just come off or do I have to do some digging

You go to a doctor.

also called a veruka. can be removed with most otc wart removers. DO NOT try to dig it out... the yellow is normal for the condition,

source: had one on my heel a few yrs ago. dr froze it and it healed over.

How does one tell if it's too deep

Not Op, but i you have one that doesn't hurt or is even noticeable without looking at it, will it eventually go away?

What would happen if I try to dig it out? And thanks

apply gaffer tape to it. a new piece everyday. it will disappear

Pain and blood. They can have a deep root, which you have to get or it will return.

I've heard in bad cases they have tied into nerves and that it's really a problem then



It hurts when I press something against it. Is it the end for me?


Dude I've literally had one of these several years ago. Real bad too.

the ONLY thing that worked. I tried EVERYTHING...was DUCT TAPE! Duct Tape it fresh every single day, keep it covered in duct tape. I did that for a few weeks and that wart died and I was able to just basically dig out. Never came back and this was in 2008. Good luck. Nothing else works.

>inb4 other fag

That sounds like a bunch of bull. How did it work?

if it hurts, don;t do it... get a Dr.Scholls wart remvover kit.

Fucking dig it out. It will bleed, might even come back. But eventually you'll get it. Just keep digging.

Ye because I wanna fuck up my toe and not be able to walk on it for a good month

Sounds crazy and I swear I'm not a hick but I used to get these when I was a kid and my dad used to soldering iron on them it doesn't hurt at all and he gets them away quick

Not the dude that posted but it cuts off air to the wart and kills it. Doesn't work as well for planters because they are so deep. I have the same kind as op on my feet and gave up after getting them cut out twice and using skin cancer meds on them with no affect

It works. Can confirm.

Not sure what that is, but looking at the rest of your foot I can tell you have foot fungus. go to the doctor for some zinc oxide cream and a treatment for your wart.

Change your socks regularly, dry your feet properly.

If you let it get too bad it'll look like mine

Poor bastards. I had one on my foot and used the OTC wart remover salicylic acid to remove it.
Took literally months... thought it was gone, fucker came back, and I purged it again.
Scrape scrape scrape, application of wart remover, and duct tape or bandaid.

I cut a q-tip in half at angle and used that to scrap/clean.
My blessings go out to you I would never wish warts on anyone I fucking hate them

Go get it frozen off.., be warned tho. It hurts like a mother fuming fucker so take mess before. Stay ahead of the pain.

How does it hurt? Stinging pain? Burning?

I had one, no big deal. Scrape the skin off, put some antiseptic cream on and a plaster to keep it from getting too much oxygen. Repeat every few days until it's gone.

If you want to DIY, there's an easy way to do this.

Get a can of dust-off/similar, and a q-tip.

Flip the can upside down, and push the trigger very lightly, you'll get the liquid, which is very very cold (boiling point is -25[c], not sure what it's at in the can, but it's colder).

Anyway, put the q-tip under it, until the tip collects liquid, then press that onto the wart. You'll need to repeat a few times, it's going to hurt, and freeze the skin around it white.

This is the same as the doctor's, just marginally less precise.

i had a bunch of those on my feet a couple years ago. What you do is get this freezing stuff done to your feet, like this tiney lead-pencil-eraser-sized thing you dip in liquid nitrogen and stick on the wart (im in canada so free healthcare). i tried getting a store bought liquid nitrogen thing but it didnt work so i went to a walk-in clinic, and after 2 visits the warts scabbed and i was able to peel them off in the shower. They left reaally cool looking craters in my feet, sadly they went away (probly good for normal ppl)

freeze it or duct tape it for a week

or you can do the way i did and grind it with a nail file until it doesnt exist anymore (was painful and bloody, i don't recommend it but it works)