Russian people are most peacefull in the world...

russian people are most peacefull in the world. when western people blame us in aggressiveness i really dont understand it. why?

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why do they love putin so much. media and its brainwashing, yes, but seems theres another reason which is likely very traditional

putin is just a "king" like you japaneese prime minister or obama or trump. he just rule and people just dont care. its not like we fans of putin. same like japaneese not a fans or japaneese prime minister but just live there

>russian people are most peacefull in the world
Tell this to Germans who enjoyed Russians flowing their cities in 90s.
Tell this to B*lts with their top-HIV regions with the highest percentage of a Russians
And the list go on. It's not like I hate my people but we really need to get rid of our barbarian collectivism and a crime-world culture of subhumans

we're jealous of your great achievements and this makes you rightfully upset

>and people just dont care
That's why so many russian people hate their country and nationality so much? And because of this Russia has the highest suicide rate in Europe?

your next president is our greatest achievement

>That's why so many russian people hate their country and nationality so much?
Nope, that's because of brainwashing mediavirus. Not infected Russians are totally apolitical.

we have the highest suicide rate in europe because we're jealous of your great country, Poland

>mfw jarislaw spends an hour of our conversation telling me poland is first world and civilized and nothing at all like russia

Really makes you think.

All the russian people I've met have always been kind and friendly, but I guess that's because the only russians that travel abroad are upper-middle/upper class and not all too nationalistic.

I guess the aggressive image comes from your government/Putin. And since he still enyos majority support it becomes hard to differentiate between your government and your people.

>not infected Russians are totally apolitical
true here


>And because of this Russia has the highest suicide rate in Europe?
Actually that's Latvia (or Lithuania, always confuse these countries)

you see Poland Belgium has the problems too

Glorious russian people try to forgot that they are great nation by heroin injection.

>I guess the aggressive image comes from your government/Putin
this image from underground photography public in which guys from my district do
i know all the guys on photo
just wanted to post it here, but didnt knew what to write so i went with "peacefull russia"

at lest we can afford heroin

I meant the international image of your country, how people see/imagine Russia when it comes up in conversation, not that specific picture.

Oн пpo image в знaчeнии oбpaз, a нe изoбpaжeниe

*Stole heroin from hospitals

>tfw never try some opiate (except codeine)

дa я пoнял yжe

>conversation on Sup Forums makes an inage of a country

okay now i imagine usa

hello i am the american of christmas past

i see poland is very good with maps

Cold War II when?
Even russian songs are all about heroin and suicide.
With songs too.


tell me more catholic (schismatic) slav

Yuo want more, my self-hating friend?

better than being schismatic

at least some Sup Forums russians are actually pretty meek and objective.

tho i am sure you guys are far away from the average russian.

Dream country.

What did Poland export, toilet janitors?

poor schismatics dont have hydrocarbons, what a pity poland. next time better luck

If you would fuck russian grill always use condom.

why are polan and russia fighting

can one just invade the other and finish it already jesus

patriotic pride and hatered toward russia Poland's number one export. oh, and i forgot janitors


Based Abe-sama is actually pretty popular

Poles are just attention whores, nobody gives a shit about their "country". They are crybabies, nevermind.

we don't need dirty schismatic's lands

Чeчня - дeйcтвитeльнo кpyтo

so balanced

you need to balance your export when you have poor land without hydrocarbons schismatics



what you laughing at usa. you are schismatics of schism.


A sch-schismatic damage control perhaps

i said what i wanted

Russia's come from behind Cold War victory wasn't even two months ago. I think they get immunity from being called on their shit for the next four years at least


>fighting about meaningless numbers
Wtf is wrong with you all, guys?
Economic is just shit that gives some useless things, isn't so important how it presents.

Poles are just very nationalistic, too much so, but since they don't really have many accomplishments to celebrate they just try to strike down countries that are worse off than themselves so they can feel better.

And when they try to insult the west they usually make stuff up about other countries and/or act like 'The fox and the grapes'.

Most of Eastern Europe is of course also fairly nationalistic and also pretty bad off since the fall of the USSR but they at least acknowledge most of their faults, and are trying hard to integrate with the west and clean up their act, sadly, the poles seem to have no desire to do the same.

yeah what's most important is the mystery of soul and Russian soul is the most mysterious of them all

i think finally we get normal relationships with usa. not
>USA is perfect all other is wrong
but just like everybody is equal

i tired like whole world from things when usa invade something its good. when others - its bad. you not better than anyone usa, you just most rich

so for next 4 years thing just became normal

my family hates russia


glad you like my attitude usa

>poles have no desire to intergrate gay marriage muslim atheistic community
that schismatics are better than you sweden

it better to have a soul, schismatic

but sasha, YOU are the schismatic

they wouldn't after trumps presidency

Russian government is very aggressive. It throws Russian to death for the sake of self-affirmation. Women give birth to the new Russian, the new cannon fodder.

>>poles have no desire to intergrate gay marriage muslim atheistic community
that schismatics are better than you sweden

>And when they try to insult the west they usually make stuff up about other countries and/or act like 'The fox and the grapes'.

Seems poles aren't the only ones have problems facing their faults.


why did u hack our election........

>i think finally we get normal relationships with usa. not
>>USA is perfect all other is wrong
>but just like everybody is equal
best not believe his "propaganda" either. power is power. nothing else. hes guaranteed nothing with russian plebs.

>facing their faults
okay sweden when your wife would be pregnant from abdullah i hope you will admit your faults

You can keep making stuff up friend, but we both know I'm right and you can't change the truth, and certainly not my opinion.

Yep, soul is more important. Or you think you live for production and consumption a useless shit?

we didnt. just your nation woke up

election hacking was real i believe but it didnt change the vote. it just showed that russians and normal (republicans) americans are friends, and we proved it by hacking, but we are not friends to democrats which want make whole world gay muslim atheistic dump

i hope abdullah will get many joy with your wife and daughter


>genocide the cricassians and probably more

>.t brainwashed Sup Forumstard

cruz much better than hillary

you genocide native americans didnt you?

>atheistic dump
>believe in a deity

>t. liberal russian gay atheist

so you admit yall aren't peaceful and bloodthirsty?

dont worry we will overtake power soon and all you liberal hipsters go to gulags


>russian "" Christian ""

so you admit native americans genocide?

you hipsters can imagine us whatever you want, liberal pig.

As I said, even some really conscientious russians are on our side. We should help them.

>Economic is just shit

Thankfully there are countries that don't share this believe. And everybody wants to be like them. Go figure why.

you liberals are cancer of the world

Peak-related concept of "Russian World"

this thread was not that bad until a dumb Sup Forums ruskie and an amerishirt pro russia trump shill came

dont worry we will send them to gulags

Russian national drink

smell yourself japan you smell like you dont have some islands in the north

better than gay dump which you liberals want to make.

Why are russians so hateful? Should we liberate them?

THIS. Also ITT we can see how much was the mediavirus.

like abdullah liberated sweden women? no thanks

>how much
I mean how strong


i started this thread and then you came here liberal. so this thread was nice before you appeared


kremlinshills referred to as ultra-right, or those who do not want to suck dick Putin