My best friend has gone full flat earth and won't listen to simple logic. How do I fix him?

My best friend has gone full flat earth and won't listen to simple logic. How do I fix him?
>Go to his place to buy weed
>Get full 2 hour talk about how the earth is flat
>videos of random cunts on youtube going on about bullshit
>Ask him questions like if the sun is directly above us than why can't we constantly see the sun or look at it with a telescope
>says he doesn't know
please Sup Forumsro's help me out here he's fucking cooked and is fully convinced that the earth is flat

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Stop kidding yourself and just believe in the flat earth, it is the ultimate redpill

Get a new friend

Please tell me how to fix him Sup Forums

maybe its you who needs to be fixed

smoke meth once and you cook it trust me man

tell me why you think the earth is flat? and give me your proof

Stop smoking weed with degenerates and snort coke with the upper middle/lower upper class

>which way is down
if the earth was a flat disc gravity would mean that as you approached the edge, "down" would be at an increasingly shallow angle to the surface. to stand youd have to lean over so you were almost parallel to the ground

thats why the goverment will never let us close to the edge!

If earth is flat what is on the other side of the flat earth? what happens to the atmosphere at the edge of the flat earth does it just flow off? does it have atmosphere around the edge onto the other side? if the sun floats in the sky in a circle above us why can we not see it 100% of the time then? why does gravity not get stronger and more on an incline at the outer edge of the planet?

>implying gravity is real


Face it OP, you've been cucked by the public school system into believing the lie, forcing you into financial slavery for the rest of your existence

nigga I've been to Antarctica

Then how does "gravity" work then how do we stay on the ground and what causes attraction to other mass? why are other planets we can physically see round?

>thinking the earth is round
>thinking there are other people on Sup Forums beside himself


This whole board is just microsoft word this whole time and I am just schizophrenic as fuck

than you are part of the lie!

The earth can't be flat because nothing exists outside my consciousness though

Flat earthers and anti flat earthers debate to the fullest extent that Sup Forums can

Maybe you should listen to your friend.

If those three don't get you curious, then you are the one refusing to listnen to "simple logic".

And if you find yourself interested check out the other vids on the playlist.

you dumb troll bitch

Tell him to gather proof to his theories - not from youtubers. There is an overwhelming amount of proof out there, but if you decide to listen to a chosen few people you might get to a wrong conclusion as with many unpopular / wrong ideas. If he's not incredibly lazy he will notice how wrong he is himself. Considering that you bought weed from him and he tells you about youtube videos promoting conspiracy theories he's probably lazy.
You're not a german - are you?

>youTube = proof
then you can clean your chakras with yoga too then, what a fucking loser

If that's an accurate map of the earth how are one way flights from South America to Australia possible in only 13 hours?

What is he wrong about and how is it wrong?

I know not everything on youtube is true, but the fact that it's on youtube does not make it false.

Claim it's another shape then flat or round. Like hollow, square, a giant turtle, etc. All have their own theories. Overload him.

Go even more mental then he does.

dont bite the bate nigga

Nah, I'm from New Zealand

/someone else
You don't get how conspiracy theorists think. It's all a lie, everything is connected and it's all a secret but thank god you woke up! Don't believe anything - everyone else might be an agent working for "insert evil powerhungry opponent". Can you prove that south america even exists? Maybe just your living place exists and nothing else and all maps arround the earth are fake.

Literally get a new friend. I can't be bothered with retards that believe this shit.
There's people that think that 9/11 was an inside job, I find that retarded but I can accept some people believing that, and then there's people believing that the earth is fucking flat.

Seriously, find a new friend.

You might be interested in the second video.

Why does a flight from LA to New York take the same time as the retrun flight?

On a flat motionless plane it makes perfect sense, but on a spinning globe this would be impossible.

He's a good mate and it's great fucking weed but jesus christ he's on a whole new level of fuckery with the flat earth bullshit. First is was 9/11 inside job for him then it was the rothschilds own us all and now it's fucking flat earth he's been on this bullshit for years now

thats not how you math faggot, stay stupid troll

The plane is not seperate to the earths rotation and no matter what direction it travels it will still be within earths gravity and atmosphere

this is the sign of obsessive behavior, fuxkers who watch 'youtube documentaries' get like this after watching them back to back for months. it's fucking weird, might as well cut the cancer while you can

flat earth was always satirical...

Yeah might be a good idea he's a good mate though and have been best mates since the start of high school and we're both 21 now

Weed or not, how do you even deal with him? It'd annoy the shit out of me. Having a conversation with him probably kills the neurons more than the weed he gives you.
He doesn't sound like a good mate to me.

The thing neither you nor your friend understand is that all models by their nature are fallacious. That is, they are not the thing they are modelling, and therefore they are not accurate. This means a model isn't and CAN'T be true. What we're really asking, then, isn't whether the model of the Earth as flat is true -- it isn't, and neither is the model of the either as an oblate sphere -- but whether it's *useful*.

What you need to do is ask him to describe the ways in which the model of the Earth as flat is more useful as a predictive tool than the model of the Earth as an oblate sphere.

I find it interesting how they think. How do they explain the magnetic poles?

Ignore him and move on. You listened and gave the idea consideration and found it to be false. There is nothing more you can do that isn't pointless pandering and encouragement of inane ideologies / pseudoscience.

It's not wrong because it's on youtube, but it's fishy.
Why is it fishy? Because videos allow you to quickly scroll past "information" without beeing able to verify or dissmiss it. Because videos allow you to emotionally drag the audience along with music and other emotional elements. Videos are the worst form of presentation of data and people still choose to use it - in many cases to appeal to lazy people and to hide certain aspects of something that you want to hide.
Think of teleshopping for instance: Why does a tool get bought more when it is presented by someone on tv? Because you can highlight the good sides and hide the bad sides.
If you on the other hand simply put the tool on a shelf and let people people figure themselves how to use it less people would buy it because they might just stumble upon bad sides of it.

Flat earthers believe the earth is constantly accelerating upwards..

This guy get's it

i don't believe 9/11 was an inside job. but i suspect that the government might have known about it and let it happen
just like the Coventry bombing

Then what about stars and other planets though? Are they constantly accelerating upwards aswell as outwards at the same time?

Coriolis force in northern and southern hemisphere. Flight routes. Takes half a brain to understand though.

go to college and meet less stupid individuals

they can't even into gravity let alone electromagnetism

If a friend of mine would tell me they believed in a flat earth, I would laugh histerically, ask why they even bring it up and can't take them seriously ever again. If they keep insisting, laugh even harder and tell them they need to stop so you can get your breath from all that laughter.

But that shit costs alot of money and I'm already working and have been since I was 16 and I'm almost finished my apprenticeship fuck starting uni now especially for the sole reason of meeting knowledgeable people that's some straight up bullshit

Why do you care? Is it really so important if you're friend is mentally retarded?

The flat earth theory about the sun is that it's actually much smaller and it moves around the sky so only a part of the earth is illuminated.

The problem with the people who believe this theory is that it limits what we're able to do and makes life pretty boring, also you have to assume that hundreds of thousands of people if not millions are lying to us since all pilots and the entire scientific community surrounding astrophysics and aeronautics every scientist that had something to do with Antarctica would have to be well aware that the Earth isn't round.

I like to point out to these people that if you think about how many people would be in on it and how unlikely it is that so many people could keep such a large lie going, their theories and explanations are highly unlikely to be accurate. Also what would be the purpose of lying about something like that? It achieves nothing.

get a full time job, go to full time college
it's one of the only ways you get a choice to leave you highschool ass-self behind. being g stuck in your hometown with them hometown boys will make you die an early death, friend

That's the problem.

Well I challenge you to not just scroll past information, and verify what he is saying for yourself.

In the thrid video for example he states distances at which several lighthouses are visible, even though on a globe this would be impossible.

Feel free to check the math, and verify the visibality distances for yourself.

I'm still waiting for you to point out where specifically he was wrong, and explain to us why it is he is wrong.

Flat earther here.
I do not believe that.
I personally believe that gravity is just density.

gravity ≠ density u troll bitch
good luck telling anyone out of your safe space that

your the densest of them all, why earth rotation around you fatty

You can literally make an atmospheric probe capable of visually confirming that the earth is round out of a weather balloon and a gopro and some other cheap crap.

if they can't afford to read, they can't afford helium

GoPro is 'one of them' in this conspiracy. So is NASA, aeronautics and the entire scientific community.


>checkmate atheists

I feel like flatearthers are just homeschoolers

>selling weed
Not surprised.

Well fuck me.
Your insults totally refute what I was saying.
I really feel stupid now.
Better go buy myself a globe.

>third video is banned in germany due to emotional licensed music in the background ;^)
So instead i'll tell you why the second video is bullshit:

I think i lost some braincells while watching this. Oh well.

Q: Why does a plane fly from one side of the globe to the other side take the same amount of time as backwards (if the earth spins)?
A: Relative speeds, not absolute speeds. If you walk in a train your relative speed might be a little faster then the train or a little slower then the train, but assuming that going to the next wagon in one direction is impossible because you can't walk faster then the train is ... wrong.
About the rest of the video: As mentioned above he scrolls past "information" pretending to know jackshit about planes and what pilots or engineers are doing.

>this is what Americans believe
I'll keep launching spacecraft, you stay ignorant troll


Got one of your meme vids explaining coriolis force?

Hey can you ask him, if I cum at the edge of the earth where would my sperm go, I'm standing here right now and can't hold it in any longer

the worst part about conspiracy theorists is that they are populists that compromise big data into simple sentences and (important!) connect it to the everyday life of the people.
Then he "asks" rhetorical questions that all lead to the big evil that they want to fight and the people are hooked.

ask him to join you to find the egde


Higgs-boson field.

There is no way these pepole are for real right? It's all bait, right? It's all an elaborate ruse, right? Haha funny trole guys. You can stop now.

Sup Forumsro, I wish

Some people spent so long learning to "question" they now doubt common sense.

I miss kindergarden. There were no flat-earthers in kindergarden. We all just took naps and ate snacks. No one was stupid enough for anyone to give a shit.


>We all just took naps

I've seen this in various american media, but 'murican babs actually sleep in kindergarden? How young do your parents drop you off?

where i live you can drop them off at age 1

In my german kindergarden we used to sleep aswell. Don't know when dropped off.
On a sidenote: A female friend of me who works at one told me the youngest they got is like 3 months old.

>people believe the earth is flat
Is this just an american thing?
Please tell me it's just an american thing.

Down at the end, round by the corner.
Close to the edge, just by a river.

kinder is 5 yrs old
when I was there I was like why the fuck we sleeping on towels? I thought we were here to learn? and then I would talk to nearby and get In shit for 'not slepin' poor ass american school system keeps everyone stupid and all the dumb bitches be like I loved sleeping in kinder

You sure he's not just trolling you? I force my friends to watch flat earth videos. They hate me for it. Flat earth is bullshit but dumbasses and normies can't disprove it. Which are you?

Has your friend not looked at the moon?

>5 yrs old

Yeah, I think now we know why america has creationists and flat earthers in these numbers. You have loons everywhere, but only in a society that's still dreaming they get these vocal communities going.

The problem with you 'red pillers' is that you've gotten addicted to taking those fucking pills and now you'll believe just about fucking anything as long as someone tells you it's a red pill.

psh, show him this...

America has creationist because of free speech being g taken so literally, we have daily shooter too for all of the same reasons
more Jamestowns will be available to die in if every spectrum fucker gets there way too, politicians are lizard people and they all seem to think drumf isn't more of the same bush/reagon

same goes with YouTube blog life science viewers
>earth is flat
>open your 3rd asshole

I'm sorry, but your friend has caught the stupid. It'll never go away.

Best way to deal with him now is a 9mm.

Too bad some people don't understand satire.

Please be trolling

Nope. Friend of my brother is into this shit and aperrently serious about it. May be related with him doing harder and harder drugs.

I find flat earth disgustingly stupid, but did you think of a flat earth not having a center of mass, but a plane?

take that dot and stretch it across the whole bottom of the flat earth user

Finnish here, talked to a kindergarten/preschool teacher last weekend at bar, said the youngest kids they occasionally have are 10 months.

It's been a while for me, but I believe there was a nap time.

it is, only brain fried bit he's believe the obvious satire, you have to dumb as fuck and hate yourself to try znd stay on coke and meth anyways

If earth is flat explain temp increases around the equator