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Lost it





i keked



OC idk why I laughed at it so much


so you lost before you even entered the thread?



Edgy. Must be autistic.


stop it.


I fucking died.



I'm tying to remember the story behind this, have you got the greentext?

It's from a HowToBasic video.

Suck my dick.

there's a video just skip to the end


Prepare to lose cuz I've got the best joke ever...relgion!


Fucking performance artists

>stealth archers for life

Aw shit that everquest reference. This is gold.

You don't like it because it is too long to read it. You are one of the reasons why the world is what it is. Pure shit

Please elaborate bertoxxoulus

"Well, at least I tried"

Won't you have a sit here


