Why are (East) Asians so superior?

Why are (East) Asians so superior?

smaller penis = higher intelligence

Hard-working culture but then you look at how they live only work so not so much win in my book.

Why are b*lkanniggers such disgusting subhumans?

>australians are legally retarded
this makes a lot of sense

is that botswana?


That's why first civilization in Europe was located there?

>[citation needed]




did she died?

Greece is part of Balkans

they weren't the first civilization in europe you big doofus

Nah, completely fine

lol, at the least I have the cognitive capacity to be self-deprecating

Yeah? What wuz it then?
>inb4 you're a varg shitter

fuck you innout

That's how we know you're not from Chad!

>a chunk of south africa is technically retarded according to scientific standards
I'm not sure I believe this map. Low IQ? Sure. Literal retard tier? Hmm.

Jesus, even the NPCs

in GTA V are more useful when a character dies

Noice, why are the Aussies so cool today

I think that's botswana m8.

also, this is just for indigenous people.

really makes you think....

Which African school is this? Their disciplinary techniques seem a bit off

The problem is to trust in the communist gov't of China. The same way Cuba claims to have the best education.

is that lighter skinned one a chinese, also where the hell is that came from

Wotju jess cAul mie pommy cunt

This literally looks like a map someone filled in on Paint one day according to stereotypes

It was probably made by someone in a red/orange zone

>implying intelligence is more important than physical strength


>oh yes Brazil totally reports trustworthy statistics!

These tests are done by a private education group by the way.


Heyyyyyyyy u

i hav brane 2

Do Jews have small penis?

tbqh, yes, we report honestly our results. have you seen the PISA scores? we are dumb as a monkey, literally.

Most people that I know and had an IQ test (a real one, not that internet shit) are between 110~125 desu


It refers to Abos you fucking idiot.

They are from the continent of Subhumania, just below the Río Grande until Tierra del Fuego.

Great education system

That makes no sense. Why are San only used for Botswana but nowhere else.

Nice achievement stunting.

too bad I can't post the one of the retard beating that kid up in front of the store or the one with the kid being run over

I can post this, at least

>China is only represented by tier 1 cities
What the fuck. They should do studies from multiple tiers instead of this shit. It doesn't represent all of China.

>t. 62
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