See that blet? it took me 3 years of blood and sweat to get...

see that blet? it took me 3 years of blood and sweat to get, this was the proudest day in my life yo get something that i EARNED? got one? what have u NERDS ever done, except level up to level 70 on WOW.. fucking nerds, do SOMETHING with youlife

kek come at me with your shitty meme karate i trained 3 years n krav maga and 4 in jujitsu ill pwn you hard kid

that black belts gon get you black dick

sorry annon i'll have u know its
>crab manga

Gun>Knife>Kick in the nuts>Black belt
But good job anyway.

as this thread is complete and utter tramp shit
can someone post a pic of rick harrison from pawn stars and one of any of his experts


i can disarm any firearm within seconds


a swift kick to the hand knocks out any blade

>kick in the nuts

lol try it see what happens

>Kicks a blade
You would lose a fight against an inanimate objet.

>a swift kick to the hand knocks out any blade

you've never been in knife fight did you?

Only 3 years for a blackbelt? You must go to a McDojo.

Can you dodge bullets ?

Try disarming an AK while its shooting at you.

Any faggot can buy a blackbelt on amazon. Post picture of certificate.

Getting kind of tired of this pasta.

i react faster than a person pulling a gun out or getting their hand on the trigger you underestimate my abilities

ive been in enough i know what i'm doing not to mention i practice all of this with some buddies


>see that blet? it took me 3 years
>see that blet?

How much pussy have you received since you got that black belt?

every martial art with belts is a joke mcdojo

koryu is for men

>ive been in enough i know what i'm doing not to mention i practice all of this with some buddies

well i practice historic swordplay and freestyle knife fight with some buddies and if you are not something like a flying steampunk ninja i dont think you would kick the knife out of my hand without direct hit to the edge or tip

also, cya, i dont have mood for kidz who think they can beat the shit out of averyone becouse they were punching each other in a fucking gym room

Here you go user. Let Chumlee bring value to this shit thread.

i am in a committed relationship

i never said the practice fights were all i did i said i been in knife fights before are you stupid and can't read?