ITT: A sniper is bush over there somewhere. Post pics of Action heros capable of killing sniper

ITT: A sniper is bush over there somewhere. Post pics of Action heros capable of killing sniper.

>Dubs plus pic kills sniper.
>Singles is headshot
>Dubs without pic is gutshot

Rollem br

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Andy will save us. He will talk the sniper down, make him see straight, and then bring him home to Ma for a home cooked me

She has the flames and she doesn't afraid of anything

Cory Baxter

Dominic Torretto


ze zodiac killer


Joe Friday here, just the facts maam, now where and when did you see the sni

CIA Agent Decker.

Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (nobody knows when it stops, cuz you cant kill fon


He will wait til night time when sniperfag is taking piss then shoot through door

Drone pilots always win

Only the best 007 can sav

Erwin Rommel. What's a sniper rifle versus a tank?

Timothy Dalton saved us bros. Give thanks to the best Bond ever.


Look at that smug ass smile, he knows he saved /b

Drugs, saran wrap, selection of surgical amputation tools. Y'know, samo samo

His gun is so tiny tho

yet he killed the sniper with a Zippo that Felix gave him. Best Bond wins this round.