/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread

Fellow Pitchfork patricians, it is once again the time for our nightly countdown for Pitchfork's new reviews to be updated on the site at 1am eastern time.
Best New Music?
Best New Reissue?
8.0+ with no BNM?
A shitty set of 7's and below?
Weird Al’s eternal BNM incoming hypetrain!
Noctourniquetcourtsney Barnett Review?
Ian FUCKIN' Cohen?
Jayson "8.7" Greene?
Lindsay "qt feminist" Zoladz? [retired patrician, memory lives on forever]
Brandon “Meme Metal” Stosuy? [retired]
Grayson "Grizzly" Currin?
Brian "Backup" Howe?
Mark "the elder statesman" Richardson?
Andy "secretly alpha" Beta?
Zoe "¡DALE!" Camp?
Philip "Electronic Wizard” Sherburne?
Stephen "M." Deusner?
Laura "Sun Kil Buffoon" Snapes?
Jenn "Best New Tastemaker" Pelly
Marc "Not Mark" Hogan
KRIS "Meme Rap" EX
Jillian "they don't love you like I love you" Mapes
Kevin "who needs TMT anyways" Lozano

Will someone dethrone Radiohead/Chance the Rapper’s 9.1 for AOTY?

OFFICIAL and accurate 2016 BNM Tally: 47
Nights since last BNM: 20

The most wonderful time of the night, every night, right now. Here it is, the nightly P4K thread. Time to get comfy.

>P4K Collection Rar (Over 300 deleted reviews, pics of every staff member)

>Tonight's Top Stories
-This thread stands with Kesha eternally
-Rest in peace Leonard Cohen, Leon Russell, David Mancuso, Billy Miller, and Mose Allison
-This thread hypes and supports DIIV, A Tribe Called Quest, Japandroids, The xx, John Cale, Foxygen, and each & every poster here
-/p4k/ forever and for always.

Other urls found in this thread:



what a great year it'/s been for me

haven't even come to this thread since january

This thread rejects the rape culture hysteria of Amber Coffman, Jessica Hopper, Ke$ha, Larkin Grimm, Meagan Garvey, MTV News, Pitchfork, et al.

A Tribe Called Quest 9.1

welcome back

yep. and these dubs confirm, baby.

A Tribe Called Quest 9.4


What's everybody listening to?


oh shit, I almost missed the thread. Gotta pump out these memes quick.



This thread rejects the rape culture hysteria of Amber Coffman, Jessica Hopper, Ke$ha, Larkin Grimm, Meagan Garvey, MTV News, Pitchfork, et al.

Dead Sara - Pleasure To Meet You 8.3 BNM

9.0 BNM A Tribe Called Quest




A Tribe Called Quest 9.0 BNM by Krix Ex
Sad13 7.4 by Quinn Moreland
J.G. Biberkopf 6.3 by Louis Pattison
Animals as Leaders 6.4 by Sam Sodomsky

9.0 is a lowkey boring score for ATCQ

Triggered at that meme rating



please fuck off

You guys STILL follow and suck p4k's big black cock?

Wow lmao, it's like you losers never left 2009. Fucking philistines.

what's wrong?

How about you fuck off, you bully.

No you fuck off

It's been 6 years for me, boys. P4K is just a website full of people with personal, non-musical opinions. The scores stopped being exciting years ago, P4K is just another vessel to try and push what the writers feel is positive change in the world.

maybe you should stop putting so much faith in completely arbitrary numbers that mean nothing.

i don't. i'm trying to say that even for meme kek points, p4k is useless now when it used to be fun years ago.

atcq review

>ctrl + f
>1 of 77

>ctrl + f
>kris ex
>1 of 1


>black lives matters
>black voices
>black art
>black men
>black women
>black america
>black bodies

>best new music
>black lives matter

i haven't been this triggered by a meme score since the solange review. don't bother with a new thread for tomorrow, shill. i'm bumping this one all night.

black bodies get up

black women loving theyselves

amplify black voices

i am the 90% of black america who voted against trump
i am descended from slaves
i am america

i love my blackness and yours

Wow, some of you are legit disturbing.

literally only used the word "black twice" and one of those is a lyric from the album.

they way the white music press writes about black art is peak whitesplaining. thank you to p4k for getting a black voice in kris ex to write about atcq.

don't speak for us.

>how to b8 an autismo
>quote wrong numbers
(You's) 101

we got it from here... is a necessary love letter to black america and hip-hop.

dear white america, you are not pro black if you are not pro black music

rap = retards attempting poetry

who gonna say that i can say nigga
nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga bitch hoe
some girls are bitches
some girls are hoes


pitchfork hasn't had accurate ratings since good kid maad city. something about kendrick just flipped on the white guilt switch

black art dismissed
black voices discounted
black bodies devalued

tickle us pink like white girl clitoris

why are there so many rappers featured on p4k's over/under? for what purpose? to what end?
ask yourselves who benefits.

sad13 btfo. trans lives don't matter.

why does p4k announce their bnm's like it's news?