Other urls found in this thread:



not today budo

Sicker than your average nigger killer. Twist niggers' heads off. Niggers fucking stink niggers and gayers. Chicken wing eating players. Triple K hooligans like Moon Man. Dead right - if they head right. Fucking your mom every night. Moon Man's been smooth since days of killing Jews. Never lose. Never choose to lynch Jews who do something to us. Talk go through us your mom walked to us. Get on the rape bus. Screw us. Yeah, KKK. Nigger babies I don't give a fuck. Stick it up the butt. Dare not see your ripe cherry pussy. Bang every porch monkey easily - busily. Recently, niggers ain't saying nothing. My cock nigga. Suck it; Triple K mafia. We're on it. Moon Man, Moon Man, can't you see? Spics and niggers need to hang from trees. And I just love your racist ways. I guess that's why their mom's black and you're so great. I put niggers underground without a sound. You minorities can't step to me. All spics need to go back to Mexico. Never to be stealing money from you and me. Now, who's the real Doogie?. All niggers smell like shit
You niggers can ride my dick. Spear chuckers pushing up sticks. Ooga booga go back to Africa. I don't know why I hate blacks. Oh yeah, it's because they look and smell like ass. Quit throwing your chicken bones on the sidewalk. Spics need to learn some English talk. I don't give a fuck about your mama. Jizzing on her face ain't no drama. It's probably different from the nigger cock she's used to. Kill a nigger and skullfuck a Jew. Moon Man, Moon Man, can't you see?. Spics and niggers need to hang from trees. And I just love your racist ways. I guess that's why their mom's black and you're so great. Everything you been saying is offensive to me. As a proud African American I will use my right to free speech. Moon Man, you need to stop the hate. After all, we are one universal race. Fuck off nigger. I don't give a fuck about people of other colors. Get the fuck out you ate my brother. How about you go and fuck a hyena?

Reply to this post or immunity cat is useless. Plus, I'll split your dick if you don't.

I just reported you for that, have fun in the pokey, faggot

I already split my dick, better luck next time, niggerito

no u

Well then, if you don't reply to this post I'll split your balls, and then jangle weights of ya dangles.

I already cut my balls off, better luck next time, cuntfuck #trans

Hmmm. Reply to this post or I'll add your fogine to my collection of real vageens.


Too late, i'm killing myself rn, better luck next time, nig nog

Not replying to this post you have to live stream it.
Replying to this post will get you convicted of necrophilia with photographic proof.

Late again, i'm already going to prison for life without parole, better luck next time, porch monkey

Reply to this post or you drop the soap.

It's always been my dream to get butt fucked, maybe next time, CoD Ghosts

Reply to this post or your RDR will drop below .60






haha jokes on you it's .59 rn, better luck next time, dat boi

Ack Ack!









Wow that's the strangest thing I've seen on this site all week

>I just got here this week.

i do want to die... Lol better luck next time, rare peepee

Snacks is gone.


haha jokes on you, I already ate so I don't need any snacks

o lordy


Seizure the day

Bye, for now!

It seems we have come to an impasse.
If you knew what was good for you you'd stop replying.
However not replying is an admission of defeat.
But replying acknowledges you are going to your local police station and giving then a free calendar featuring a sexually abused underage girl for every month of the year.

You are a retard. In fact, your parents are retards. Even their parents are retards. In fact, you entire family dating back to the time of the dinosaurs are fucking retards. Let me elaborate. Your parents are definitely down syndrome mongoloid pieces of shit that never should have bred. Because, Y'know, Down Syndrome plus Down Syndrome, it doesn't equal two down syndromes, it's Down syndrome squared. So now, you are your parent's retardation multiplied. But the thing is, their parents were retards, and so on. So you're up to the eighth power of fucking down syndrome already! I'm surprised your heart even remembers to beat, you fucking idiot. I bet you have a walnut-shaped brain in your hip that's like: "GOT TO MOVE THE LEGS WHEN WE WALK! UGH UGH UGH! GOING TO DA REFRIGERATOR FOR DA APPLESAUCE! I LOVE DA APPLESAUCE". I bet your family tree is just sixteen stacked up exponentially increasing mongoloid fucking ape-men fucking each other, and one day accidentally sticking it into a women and then exploding. I bet that in the hospital when you were born, you came out gagging on your mother's juices, crying like a retard. The doctor was crying as well, just because he had to touch your disgusting, shit covered body. You wanna know why it was shit covered? Partly because your mom shit on you, and partly because your foot was made of shit. Do you have one foot? It's probably because your shit-made leg fucking fell off at the age of six months or something, and your doctor told your retarded parents that it was normal. Go fuck yourself, you fucking piece of shit. If you died, not even your parents would care, because they would be too retarded to notice.

Tumblr ad on Sup Forums


This isn't a feels thread fgt

>tumblr ad on Sup Forums
>google play.
>Sup Forums
You downloaded an Sup Forums app didn't you.


Yes I do do that, I actually take the little girl that i kidnapped with me when i take it, better luck next time, pussy faggot fuckboi retard

muck m8

literally only came here because i was looking for this pic and i find it instantly, thanks user

get a better app then. overchan's fine



why are image.jpgs so often cancer?

i luv my mommy

G Bill, I wonder why.



Zooming in on a .jpg past its natural res doesn't count, just further proves how fucking dumb mobile users are.
Often I see what were .jpg's screenshoted from a mobile into a .png of 2.? MB! of 2kres
All because you dumb asses cant figure out how to save a picture to your fucking phone.

And Sup Forums wonders why desu happens.
I bet if I gave a lengthy description as to why mobile users are the cancer killing Sup Forums you'd just reply with one to several words to the effect of "newfag" because you are incapable of having any real in-depth discussion on the matter.
If you cannot read within the time it takes you to scroll over it then it's no concern of yours.
Any form of discussion that we could of had on the matter is immediately nullified by the amount of effort and concentration required to type a suitable response back.
I'm willing to bet you don't even understand why the image being added was critical to the joke?
I'm also sure you are the type to reply kek in ylyl threads as well, and call other that use anything else a "newfag"for not following a social construct only enforced by other 14 year olds like yourself using phone to access Sup Forums because mummy and daddy would not approve.
Theirs no way in hell you'd be allowed on this site.
I also assume you un-ironically use edgey on posts that are clearly intended to be humorousness?
Another majoure downfall mobile users have to bring, is that they rarely contribute an image to the discussion, and when they do it's one the saved from here.
Just another reposting le-meme loveing sheep.
I challenge you sir, to reply adequately defending your right to access Sup Forums via a mobile device.



Ooo another 14 year old edgelord angry because some nignog is banging his mum.

>cancer killing Sup Forums
This is my favorite thing to be tho


What's wrong with hating niggers?
>pro tip.
Fucking nothing.



I wasn't reposting that picture zoomed in, i was showing your filename was image.png, but you probably made that the filename to add to the humor. I'm actually using my phone because I was trying to sleep but couldn't and I didn't feel like getting my laptop out.



Stop yo fukin lying!


I'm sorry you feel that way, Mr. Almighty Oldfag, but no one asked you to look at this thread


Hey it geg

Lost. Best reaction all night ~desu.



Yes you sure do know i'm lying because you know exactly who I am. stfu faggot, no one asked for your input, sorry Sup Forums isn't what it used to be but shitposting in a random ylyl thread isn't going to change anything lol


gyuobhklkvyuvyhjlbjkvtyturyerwryzexcvtiblkjn.hvm,bn nxdhteusrdyiuflyigukvh,cgjhfjgdhxtrysidtuoylfichjghfjdgs


You see my disbelieving brethren, desu is all around you, the children of suiseisekis wrath are constantly restocking their folders and constantly lurking, ready to strike with the force of an 3 yo with arthritis in both hands, but even if we are weak as one alone, together, we can overthrow even the biggest, tumor filled threads, Heil desu!

We the people, the people of desu have sworn by the holy sword of suiseisekI to step aside and give ourselves to the will of faith, and it is the will of faith to let everything becone desu, to let everything become spiderman, to let EVERYTHING become potassium.
For THIS is the way of desu

At the end of the path of purging lies a beautiful world of ceramic tatas, made only with the purpose to satisfy the needs of the weary desu warriors. Will you be one of those warrior's or will you be one of the poor souls decaying in the path of the inevitable glory of desu?

With delight I see a future, a future where all shitposters; banana, Judy, desu, and spiderman shall fusion together, to be a great entity of cancer, to destroy all the other cancer until it devours itself

And when the deed is done. And the hollow corpses of ylyl are nothing but feast's of maggots, the holy mistress suiseiseki herself will descent from the realm of desu, for this beautiful future is her new home



I usually do just lurk, I just wanted to make a "popular" thread type so I could get some better maymays bc I usually don't use mobile, that's why I only had a few cancer pics but tbh this isn't even a good ylyl thread. I just want to find a nice gore thread to lurk in and not talk to "le 4channers of old" like you. I'll admit I am new, i've only been here for about a year and I dont constantly spend my time here so I don't know every single thing about Sup Forums like you do, so if you could just fuck off. I try to not be as cancer as all the summerfags but nothing will ever be good enough to the old Sup Forums users who knew the great chan4.

>Newfags can't blankpost



My inspiration is that of one that has heard, seen and felt nothing else than suiseiseki herself, for her sweet tonic of praise is what awaits us in the world after the cancer. Her smooth ceramic arms will embrace each one of her loyal servants and she will lead us to ultimate desu

This is the day, the day when desu triumphs over the filthy plebism that is ylyl, the ever an ever repeating cycle of ylyl is a cancer and the throbbing tumor that is desu is the cure, so let's stand together in the reflection of light in suiseisekis ceramic arms and know that only the purging flames of shit posts will secure the future.
And this future will be a glorious one, plastered by the corpses of the unbelievers so we may walk on them to our destiny
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu
This is the way of the desu, witness the everlasting power of spamming and tremble.
Tremble in fear.
Tremble in awe.
Tremble in the reflection of justice.
For this is what desu is: justice
Justice for the true people of Sup Forums that have enough of all the porn and ylyl threads. So they make their way on a dangerous journey to aquire all the holy images of desu and all the sacred ASCII copypasta and become ultimate desu warriors to protect what is important.

"What is important?", you ask.
Well let me tell you my brethren.
What is important is the truth, and the trith is that Sup Forums is the last bastion, the last church, the last line for those who can't take the pain of normal life, you don't want to keep their deepest thoughts to themselves, so they land here in the first man-made garden of Eden but what do they find? Nothing more than normie excretion and nudity, no oc, no raids, no hope.
SO WE THE TROOPS OF SUISEISEKIS WRATH have awoken once more, to safe the chan, to safe the autists, to safe the world on the only way we know
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu

Fuck it why not.

Why not.

would you drink wine if you knew it was his hands who had pressed it?




I adore Eric so of course I happily would

How old are you?
Stop wasting your life.
Just ignore the things you don't like and deal with your self-loathing in a more productive manner.

OC, just capped this shit


I actually lost, lel.

I'm paranoid