Are you poor?

Are you poor?

If you're poor, get in here and tell me why you're still poor.

Nope. I went to a good school so me
no poor.

Nice tits on that one, though.


Because I'm currently in University


Oh that's cool. What are you studying?

Studying Computer Science.

All hail Satanic Tripz


me is poor :(
im earning like 300€ this month, i dont know what to do the next monthes


That's boring, but reasonably profitable. As long as you don't go to a shit school you wont be poor for long. Do you go to a shit school?

I'm also a poor unifag. I have a good job, but my car keeps breaking down and it drains me extra funds so I'm still struggling.

Jesus. Where do you live and what do you do?

I don't no. But I am in my first year and I'm going for a masters degree. So I've got a long poor road ahead.

Poor people getting welfare gets confirmed.

Sorry about your car man, at least you are going to school to better yourself. What do you study?

i'm a richfag not a chicanos be sure to check my dubs

Some masters programs are funded at good schools so maybe it won't be too bad.

I thought CS people din't bother with masters degrees though?

I get my bills paid but I can never save any money and always get by on bare minimum...I'm a lowkey Herion addict. Have been for about 3 years. 5 years on oxycodone before that. But I have a professional job and people just think I'm really bad about wasting money..

in germany and worked for a retail, i quickly have to find a new job but where to begin?

Porn. Which reminds me- anyone got any of that premium porn accounts they'd like to share?

Isn't university free in Germany? Why don't you go do that?


i live in a motel and i eat nothing but ramen noodles

Yea sure they do. I'm in a UK university, so maybe it's different across the Atlantic. My bank ATM. Hold me.

Earn 90 kpa per year working 4 months, still poor,
> feels bad

I'm at a UK University too, but I'm not from the UK. I'm doing my masters here.

It'll get better soon.

>90,000 per annum per year

Somehow your story seems fishy.

I'm poor from a shitter third world country. My father or grandpa never went to college. I dropped out of third grade due to being handicapped. Now I'm 22 and have to stay home to take care of my mentally I'll mother. I'm thinking of working from home.

My dad just had a few back surgery's (he broke his back 2 times) so I gotta work 2 jobs for him. Had to quit football. Its whatever though

He can't get disability anymore or something. I don't know the whole story why but I think its something to due with him not taking painkillers (doesn't want to get addicted)

I got 4$ in my bank right now lmao. Gonna use that for some pizza later or something

Mining, in Australia, 7days on 7days off, 6 weeks holiday,
>would you like to know more

Not OP, but boring? I studied CS because I love it and am passionate abput it. I had been studying and using programming for years before the formal studies began. Sure, I was a bit of a loner, now I'm 26, make €6K/month with flexible hours, take short holidays abroad every 3 months and am fit (gym at work )


I don't have a job

And no I'm not a scum truck driver,
Sous chef,privately employed

Also, I spend all my money every week and then if I need gas, food or cigs, I charge it to the company credit card and take it out of my check the next week. I only get away with it because I also write my own paychecks.

mining in australia gets you paid pretty well for a trade dont lie!

Not the user you're replying to, but I'm going back for my masters in CS right now.

I'm finding that there are a lot of jobs that prefer a CS Masters over a BS. While I have a job now, I want a leg up over my peers when I finally leave it.

Gimme ur paypal and I wont give u any money

There are lots of ways to define poor... Im fresh 18 and i dont know if i have less $$$ than the average 18yo.

But i live with my mother who doesnt make hardly any money and we live in the ghetto.

Yeh, though I have champagne taste and beer pockets, am 33, don't have a house, live in indonesia, just come to Australia for work, new baby, hotty wife,
Guess I'm not poverty poor, just feel poor

Thanks Buddy.

Not poor not rich. My parents provide the basics.
No wifi or cable. It's whatever
Have an iPhone. 3 bedroom 2 bath house. Decent neighborhood. Gonna spend my last 200 on a dog.
>work at lil Baesars

New baby does that to you, though.

Once the baby is eating real food and is out of diapers, it'll feel like you got a huge raise.

Yeah, poor is relative. I make ~$100k ($85k base with some incentives, so I can't be certain year to year), but my parents made shit loads of money, so I kinda feel poor.

My dad doesn't know how to run his own business

Thanks man, hope so,, good to read these threads to see what you young guys are doing, would love to get into com science or programming, am pretty technology savvy, but not sure if there's any cash in it,,

you are lower middle class which by definition is still considered poor.

Transferred out of state and my job got cut after that.

I'm a literal old fag (40).
However, I was able to support my (now ex) wife and baby on just my income with a CS degree. (Admittedly, things were tight at times.)

There is cash in it, but the industry is just not what it was 20 years ago. Experience goes a long way now - more than ti ever did before. A CS degree without experience looks no different than someone who's good at math and knows how to google their scripting problems, I'm sorry to say.

But, if you can get your foot in the door somewhere, even shit pay at first, that'll go a long way.

>you are lower middle class which by definition is still considered poor.

Kek. $100k is lower middle class? Only if you live in San Francisco or NYC.

The US median income is just under $52k.

in autum begins university so i have to bridge the time. also you have to be medically insured in germany so either you get some work or talk with the job center

German richfag here I can't complain 8-)

fick dich

maybe lower middle middle class, you're definitely not upper middle class, my parents make around 250k and they are not even considered upper. I make around 80k and still live in lower middle class lifestyle. Unless you live in hicksville texas then I guess that might make you a rich redneck american lmao.

im poor all i do is fuck girls and drink need ways to get rich what u got OP

whut are ur pickup lines

Well, various factors

>can't find job
>new president, everything went to shit, even more than before
>prices are going the hell up
>taxes are going the hell up
>country is at crisis
>had to drop off uni
>country currency is worth shit

so that's pretty much it, any help from a Eurofag or amerifat would be very apreciated.

[email protected]

How you doin?

Cybersecurity. I already have a job, but I need two classes to finish my degree

I know that life :(

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

If you're in the US, then I imagine you're in or around one of the top ten major cities.

That, or you and your parents are shitty with your finances and are deep in debt.

ITT: cuz black

underaged faggot leave

are you from Africa or some part of Asia?

>Yeah, poor is relative
>so I kinda feel poor.

You said it yourself, you are not rich by any means. You sound like an idiot who is trying to backtrack what he said about his own wealth.

South America, Argentina.

>>Yeah, poor is relative
>>so I kinda feel poor.

That wasn't me that said that.

I just pointed out that saying that 100k is lower middle class shows that you have no idea what you're talking about. (And even pointed out that that would be true if you lived in or around one of the bigger cities.)

looks like my country shit
South America, Brazil

>have a friend who studies
>claims he is poor all the time, literally "I'm a student, I don't have money"
>literally asks me after an evening in the pub "I'm a student, don't you want to invite me(pay his tab)?"
>lives in his own flat with a buddy, even though it's just as common in our country to live in your parents house until you can afford to move out
>parents give him money every month, not sure but I think about 200€
>probably more, because:
>he works some part time job
>has the newest consoles, all of them. Also buys new games at release.
>finds every few months a new hobby and buys expensive shit
>good camera, small mixing desk, table top games, etc. etc.
>"Hearthstone packs? I'll buy them in fucking bulk!"
>goes out to party pretty often
>travelled cheap the last two years in a row, but the flights were still a few hundred bucks
>"user, I have no money"

He's a good guy otherwise, but holy crap. I tried to talk about it once and he got really bitchy.
Now I just don't adress the topic and don't pay for him unless he does it too.

Nice dubs poorfam

Are you going to have money to take care of and feed your dog?

Dude, we're both fucked, but Argentina's even worse, everyone getting hyped about this futbol shit and not even realizing the country's drowning in a non-bottom pool of shit and corruption.
Seriously, people are dumb as fuck here.

Get clean before or all comes crashing down cause it will.

2013. graduated high school, went off to college.

became horribly depressed, hated my intern desk job as well as my major, dropped out.

moved in with a roommate. roommate never got a job, i believed in him though so i continued to support him, clothe him, feed him for NINE FUCKIN' MONTHS. he now owes me over $4000 and i'll never hear from him again.

august-november 2014, im getting evicted.

end up moving in with my mom "temporarily" while my bf and i wait to move in with my bf's copfriend. copfriend never pulls through. all my stuff is there. i'm working at a shitty 24hr restaurant as a waitress.
december, i leave my job in december 2014 because i was being hella mistreated. couple months later, dad gets diagnosed with cancer so i can't really work so i stay home taking care of him. july 2015 i find a new job, which i keep. dad dies in december 2015 which fucks up the money situation for my mom and i. as well as contributing some emotional problems.
lost my job in may; the restaurant i was working at closed without giving any of us firsthand warning.

my car payments (plates/stickers/new license since i'm turning 21 next week) are about to be due and i literally dont even have that

which means i'll be screwed to find a job because i live in a small town with no public transportation.

also, my car's shit keeps breaking. so yeah.
that's why i'm still poor.

Anxiety issues render me basically autistic in any situation where I need to deal with other people. Can't even do a job interview without stuttering and saying stupid shit.

Can't get anything except the most basic-bitch level jobs at minimum wage.

Shouldn't have dropped out.

That sucks, man. I'm sure you can get help with that.

Yeah, I find CS incredibly boring. I'm glad you like it, because it's useful, but it's just really uninteresting to me.

Ah, good to know. I had heard from a few CS friends that it wasn't really necessary as most jobs care more about your skills / portfolio then any degree after undergrad.

Because not everyone can be wealthy or middle class

I think he was pointing out that "per annum per year" is redundant because "per annum" just means per year.

In other words, stupid people usually don't make a lot of money.

>Ah, good to know. I had heard from a few CS friends that it wasn't really necessary as most jobs care more about your skills / portfolio then any degree after undergrad.

This is true.
Like I said, I'm doing it just to have an edge over others who have the BS and experience like me.

Nobody said everyone could or should be wealthy. We're asking about /you/ not everyone else.

Fair. I'm sure it'll give you some kind of advantage, depending on the school.

>tell me why you're still poor.
Why don't you just buy more money?
>Once, when my dad was between jobs, my family had to survive off his severance package and my mom's investment income.

What the fuck are you going on about?

because noone wants to give me money for doing nothing. please help.

Used to be. Then got offerred $250k to cover four years at my current university. I'm through one year, working a job this summer making pleasure money. I'm in CS; average salary straight out of my school for CS is $80k; poorfag no more!

Sounds great. Congrats on the scholarship!

What school?

>Be me
>Get into good state college
>Do okay
>Get internship paying 35 an hour.
>Experience Traumatic event.
>Breakup with gf
>Parents Divorce
>Have Depression
>Pay for hospital visit for diagnosis
>Go to school
>Drop all classes after visit to hospital
>pay school, pay hospital
>repeat next semester
>no internship
>new school year
>no more meds
>pass 1 class in semester
> pass 2 class in semester
>no more financial aid for withdrawing too much
>no income
>just 9 hours left after this summer.
>hopefully job at end of next semester.

because i only work about 6-8 months a year and then quit and blow all of my savings.

i like the chaos. i couldnt imagine working the same boring shitty job for decades.

I'm poor but slowly making it, I'm a waiter so everyday kind of a gamble. Trying to save enough money, my friend and I plan on moving to Colorado Springs sometime next year.

sold everything and mortgaged my home to funnel my money into my late mom's medical bills from cancer

Yep. Because I took 120k in student loans and refuse to finance for more than 15 years.

Bexause I dropped out of school and love in frenchieland where I cannot get a job without speaking a la francais oh ho ho.

Sounds like you fucked up.

What school / major?

Oh I did majorly. Being born in frenchieland had a lot to do with it, though.

Major depression from being treated like a second class citizen and because English. Just all around my life would have been better in any other paet of Canada.

Only good thing is lots of social programs.

Oh I thought it was clear I meant high school. I had lots if problems, fell into drugs, overall shitty experince.

Not saying it's not my fault. It was. Should have been less beta as fuck.

i want that job

beta`s don`t do drugs, unless it`s weed or opiates