theres a fork in the road Sup Forums,,what do i do?
Theres a fork in the road Sup Forums,,what do i do?
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take the road less traveled.
dubs speak wise words
Pick it back up since it's your fork.
put it in your ass
thats not how /thread works dipshit
bend the tines up. pretend you're a cop and deploy spike strip on cars driving past
not my fork
Stab it with your dick.
for you
get grabbed by the wrist by Time and be told where to go
make the best of that test and don't ask why
Do a 360 and walk away
If you come to a fork in the road... Take it.
you idiot,,its a 180...figure it out
that fork is on the road, not in the road
lern2 english mudslime
How the hell do you stab a fork with your dick?
Holy shit user you made me kek so hard I spilled my coffee
you are weak in mind and need to kill yourself in order to be a better person..a soon as possible
spoons are better than forks
rate my dog
spork master race
rate my horse
now beat this
that a goat u retard
goats dont have horns you twat
goats are the hornest thing in the world
hornets are hornier than the horniest horned goat