Bashing Islam thread

Bashing Islam thread.

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Yeah but what are the negatives of islam?





That would only make us fight harder

and i would welcome that fight, pigfucker.

This is actually a really good idea if you're trying for world peace.

The Christians, Jews, and Muslims would all be sooo pissed off, they'd probably unite and put their differences aside to modern day Crusade whoever did this.

Bring it Bitch funny how these Muslims only attack places there are no weapons.

what's the deal kuffar, one of us fucked your wife ?

Yeah allahu akbar isis rules!

Let's make it very clear you angry teenagers, your civilization is already crumbling down on its own, SJWs have never been strongers, your women refuse to have kids with you, when they have one it's with brown and black men most of the times.

In 50 years you'll be old and defenseless, you'll see the end of your race, religion and civlization.

You'll have the choice, like Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave to infidels back then. Either convert, pay the Jizyah or die

I don't like sand niggers. Or classic niggers

Most convincing mudslime i've seen yet.

Why should I give a shit? I'm just going to laugh at it happening on the Internet

>All of these triggered sand-niggers

This Colosseum in Rome :DDD

Roman Empire was the greatest Reich of all time, no Moruk can even lose a bad word about it

I WILL NEVER CONVERT ........ Fuck you sand nigger violent pig fuckers

Propaganda is easy.

Give the truth a try next time

>Beautiful, geometric buildings
Because adobe huts in the middle of a desert is so appealing to the eye

There are plenty of good points in this picture. Christianity provides the means to break away from degeneracy though, and without the jihad aspects.

You could even be an atheist, just recognize a lot of the traditions are meant to keep humanity from degeneracy, especially the stupidity of mass populations who only act on emotion.

Yes, yes you're right, it show highlight how the glory of europe is long gone and withered.

The Roman empire is just ruin now, that the Khalifa is blowing up as they see fit in syria .

The Khalifa isn't the only thing blowing up in Syria

What's the endgame for mudslimes? To have the whole world raising goats and praying all day?

Yes, refer to the IS, look how dumb kurds take back your hard fight land.

The Arabic Country are 500 years behind western Civilisation

Your teacher should have told you how to show evidence and not bullshit.

Cherry picking/10

islam is not stronger than American consumerism.

three generations from now you'll have afghani americans bitching about pronouns and playing anti islam punk beats faith fuckers..

*shots fired*

But not as loud as the real ones there ;)

yes yes we're a billions years backward, please massa help us, we're weak and hopeless


i love how the pictures of the cities are cherry picked as fuck; go get fucked you worthless piece of inferior shit

Oh I get it this is like a new take on the pissed off Navy Seals meme, yeah?

I want literally everything in that image. So does absolutely every other user on this site. Why would you start a religion-bashing thread by extolling its VIRTUES, you dumb fuck?

:D I give Dubai 50 years until its only lifeless desert again

Contrary to popular belief, not every wants these things.

Are you even trying?

STFU, you posted in a loli guro thread immediately before replying to me.

pretty sure that would make you dead

Look at all of those cringy rapist faces.

Islam ? Is that this funny swine and alc hater?


Where is the kickstarter?

Hello hilloery

dont talk about fighting if you cant take your asses of the chair

Yeah, the crusades were just a road trip

>Sup Forums. Sup Forums has changed

Uh huh and I find it convenient given your religion makes it morally applicable to lie in the name of Allah in to other people.

It's officially the worse religion and the only religion I can say there is literally nothing wrong with not tolerating.

Ottoman empire, Arab conquest, Moorish conquest.

That's a bold claim. I'm glad you made it, though, I wasn't expecting a laugh in this thread. Better luck next time, kiddo

You do know the Christian bible condones or supports most of those as well right?

Believing in a sky daddy and killing in his name is fucking retarded no matter the branding.

Literally using 0.031% of the territory in the hands of Muslims as an example for the arab world as a whole. Seriously, what the fuck. On a side note: The percentage of US Citizens who have been to space is 0.000387% and that's less difference than blacks and whites have in their genome...

>not you, not you, and not you.

Color me impressed

nice dude what size fedora do you wear?

kill yourself edgy faggot

Really? This is what you want to spend your time doing?

Yes, but most Christians aren't fucking stupid enough to take it seriously.

>sandnigger detected

Tell that to the muslims not me


Anyone that decides to live their lives according to nursery rhymes.

Most Muslimsdo t take it seriously either....using war zones and countries under control of US inserted dictators is a poor example.

And yet, one doesnt see many burqas in a church

oh shit muzzie gonna splode any second

The youth all want and\or wear western world clothing

fedora detected

Mid-East people statistically have some of the smallest dicks in the world. It's not as bad as India, but pretty fucking small.

i like what islam offers

What I would do to slice that sand nig up and watch the sand come pouring out

How much I'm debt is UAE? What is the rate of occupancy of all the buildings in Dubai and Abu Dahbi? How many of the buildings in UAE built in the past 5 years have serious structural defects?


aww shi now it gettin good

You're too stupid for theology. I don't care if you're atheist, but lose the arrogance. You don't deserve it.

>Most Muslimsdo t take it seriously either
Have you ever seen opinion polls of Muslims? Even most "moderated", "westernized" Muslims say being gay should be illegal, women should always obey their husbands, etc. Now ask the orthodox Muslims all over the middle east, the vast majority supports suicide bombings, killing those who insult Islam/Mohammad/Allah, etc. 95% of Muslims are fucking worthless garbage.

...are you seriously arguing that the Arab world ISN'T backward?

Fucking go there, sometime.

Better a fedora than a kufi

No, I am arguing that Dubai is basically the only thing arabs didn't completely fuck up and that only because the money has been THROWN IN THEIR FACES.

Yeah i know. But it turns out it's not that easy. You know why? Charlie Hebdo n shit.

That makes more sense.

Leave it to a muslim to combine semen and an exclamation. Probably on a boy's ass.

As an ex-muslim I have to agree that muslims do have better morals and muslimahs are more free than western women. People by nature are so flawed that they need religion and laws to keep their morals in check, especially poor uneducated people. Im not muslim anymore because i thought praying and fasting etc is all bs since i dont really feel afterlife and God is likely. However, of most cultures in america the muslim community has been the most open and friendliest and my muslim friends have way better morals than my non-muslim friends

>Middle East is better than the West


and still no Christians explode over cartoon

and yet no Christians run around showing off their new head they just took

and yet no Christians are throwing rocks and rape victims

it is weird

>muslimahs are more free than western women


>genital mutilation
>legally beaten by their husbands
>honor killings
>can't go out alone

You're a fucking liar.

Fuck your shit filled koran, your child raping Mohamhead and your filthy allah.

Uhh no that hook nosed bitch is way wrong.
Look at the countries that welcomed them in with open arms.

Christian extremists kill 10 people per attack and Islamic extremists only 2? How can they have they been practicing TEN TIMES MORE, but still kill only a fifths of the people per killing than the lazy-ass Christians? I really thought Islam perfected terrorism, but it seems they can't even get that right.

>muslim morals

All the aberhamic religions are just as bad. The problem with Islam is that it hasn't reformed unlike its cousins

Goddamn it unknown.... when will people learn!?

An obgyn

Busty cock teasing Lara Logan gladly sucked greasy penis after greasy penis that night in an effort to keep satisfying her attackers so they wouldn't stop fucking her ass long enough to ruin her good looks sluuuuuuuuuurp slurp slurp slurp imagine seeing the punked expression on her face as her throat expands and contracts around dick after dick of every imaginable shade of brown with a gross runny egg spooge and saliva mix slopping out the sides of her mouth and dripping down onto those juicey stripper tits. Try to convince anyone outside of her immediate family the ultimate end to this story wouldn't be the worlwide distribution of a viral video making her the most famous unintentional porn star in history. lol

4 outta 8 aint' bad.

Is this where ISIS lives?

>Muslim women are more free than western women

I can hear echoes from the past as we speak

"Most women don't even WANT to vote"

"A southern slave is shown to have as much freedom if not more than their northern freemen couterparts"

"If the earth was spinning than why aren't we being hurled around?"

That is, actually really smart.
Good on you user.
Was going to call you retarded until I thought it out.

Oh, yeah. History is FULL of Judaic massacres, rapes, child rapes, slavery, and extermination of the infidels.

Oh, wait. No, no that's complete bullshit.

And medieval Christianity on its worst day doesn't live up to the fucking horrors that are written into Shari'a. Raping little girls? Show me where THAT'S in Christian doctrine. Because it's sure as fuck in Muslim doctrine.

"All such and such are equally bad" is always bullshit, spewed by lazy jackasses who want people to think they're making a reasoned judgment, but aren't.

>As an ex-muslim I have to agree that muslims do have better morals and muslimahs are more free than western women.
What. The. Fuck.

>my muslim friends have way better morals than my non-muslim friends
I wouldn't argue against you liking their morals better than western morals, but it's quite safe to assume that given the context of equality of opportunity and discrimination western morals objectively beat them.