I am tired of the newfags asking how you triforce so here you go niggers

i am tired of the newfags asking how you triforce so here you go niggers

I'll try it when I get on my laptop in a few hours.

r u sure its how to triforc>


oh shit it works



fuck you cody



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wtf you my laptop is acting all stupid. yo wtf op my shit isnt working, wtf did you make me do?

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i ain't no newfag

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it worked thx op u da best

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Come on Sup Forumsros.

▲▲ k

can we get pics? maybe if we see some pics we can see what is wrong.


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foreals someone plz my laptop isnt working i gotta use my phone for this. wtf how do i fix?

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▲▲ skrt

plz help

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Easy Peasy

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No way. Timestamp and I'll kek

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it worked :)


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timestamp or you are just trying to defame op


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▲▲ smeep

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did i did it?

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▲▲ i am the one true newfag

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It works!
Thanks OP

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You fucking stupid idiot
That code is to join anonymous !!!
I hope they didn't track you down
You should call the cyber police you goof

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Thx op


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am i winning op? can i prooovs im no summerfeg

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turn off your computer. take a really strong, like store-security-tag removal strong magnet and move it over your hard drive back and forth. about 20 to 30 times should be good. your Windows 10 update should have installed correctly at that point. good luck OP!

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op is a newfag cuz i use ios & this shit doesn't work yo nig

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