Congrats, faglords!

Congrats, faglords!
We reached our goal!

Any new thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:

What was the goal?

200,000 dislikes

How about I doxxed spooks mcdoot?

Birth name was "Jen" but she changed it.

Anyone want?

oh nothing important.. you just missed one of the biggest raids in recent internet history

and it was fucking glorious

Yeaaaah you want it.

OP here.

Dunno about everything else. Caught the crying fag, but missed this

The likes stay acouple thousand behind. are people rallying from somewhere to like the vid as well?

Funny how YouTube deleted all the comments and disable them also

Dumping rare spookies .

>former heroin addict

So that's a female?

Hot Spooks

What am I looking at?

Fusion did a "news article" on the event. Laughed my ass off.
>mfw a newfag can finally have some fun.

clicking dislikes =/= raid

so fucking summer in here.

This shit was probably the stupidest lamest shit i've ever seen on Sup Forums

Yup. Had me fooled.
Here's a p.o. Box but we never got her home address or number.

Eh just usual shitposting 2. Honestly the reactions on the whole thing were priceless


>triggered just about any sjw and lgbjpdstqrstw fag that has access to the internet


We're still working on it

Whatever, faggot. I saw dozens of videos of SJW's in literal tears over it. I had fun. We made YouTube censor their own video for fucks suck.

we already found it. its 20 fir ln in manchester

I had to step outside and came back to a 404'd thread.

Any progress?

>pic related is father I believe

Goes to show how sensitive people are to shallow "criticism".

20 Fir Rd, Swinton, Manchester M27 5DL, UK

Here, take this.

Stupid cunt just had to make that video calling out Sup Forums.

I can't into non American addresses. Can you give me a version I can copy paste into mapquest?

What was the video? Link?

I'm literally a transgender communist and didn't even hear of this, and now that I have I couldn't give less of a shit

She deleted it. It was 30 minutes of her calling us retards with small dicks that couldn't do shot basically.

I never understood why it was so special to be gay. Someone enlighten me

If user here wants to be productive how about giving thumbs down to all the BLACKED porn videos on pornhub?

That shitty jew driven porn is way too boring and shitty to be as popular as it is.

Get it to 460,000 or more. Then it'll be on Wikipedia's list of most disliked youtube videos of all time


no clue man im american also

Dislike the video then based faggot. Every one counts

Baby mcspooks

Well has it been confirmed? What was the source?



dorian bidges + street view was the same windows in the vids

And you accomplished what great gets in that time? You glorious oldfag, you.


Nice try doot that's not it. Its in Birmingham

this is it's p.o. box

another user found this and confirmed by matching features from her rant vid with google maps

20 Fir Rd, Swinton, Manchester

The old Facebook accounts said Birmingham.

Her P.O. Box was Manchester though so that checks out.

ah fuck.. ok i don't have the adress anymore i fucked up.. thought it was still in my clipboard

see fuck face

Is that missing an area code or something?

Mapquest is giving me like 20 options.

I'll check em all if I have to, fuckit.

She's sensative about her age BTW (mid 30's) use that.

Dont dox me or Ill pull the trigger, I swear

Sauce of the image?

Oh, and a former heroin junky. I dug up some of her old blog/diary things.

How is that thing alive seriously..

says on her vampirefreaks profile she is 31

she has a whole vid on her heroin story

First of all Sup Forums wouldn't care that much.



Idk man, her parents called her "Jen" on FB.



Watch out they're triggered

she goes by jen and dorian. jen is girl mode, dorian boy mode.

Fuck off Sup Forums, you will never find me

Might as well go by Marilyn Manson

Good thing we both cross board

> #ProudToBe compain

We did it reddit!


Someone make a new spook mc doot thread

>Implying the chaos hasn't transformed that thing into filthy xenos scum already

We will follow you, we will never leave, until HIV positive eats you a live!

thoughs gets prove to me u need start a new bread with this being the message


These people are fucking pathetic

Spooks doge has seen better days

>Any new thoughts?


You know we will New-Jessi...

Sup Forumsros are on the prowl. Sooner or later you will leave to do something and you will be seen and followed. You've made sure you're too fun of a toy to let go.

The hunt is so much fun!

Poor little fucker is already deaf or it probably would have clawed his own eyes out.

It's amazing how much info we got in a day or 2


The always classy Edward Scissorshands look

>Spooks doge

poor thing.... all that peanut butter probably clogged it's arteries


Link to article?

Ehhhhhhhh baiting sjdubs to raid /po/ was pretty fuckin hilarious tbqhfam

god damn how the fuck does one do that, must take hours

We should buy a bunch of these

And send them to LGBT groups


It's actually really talented at that.

Those contact lenses are creepy as fuck.

Congrats Sup Forums you contributed to them getting more sympathy, fame and and attention now. Keep it up and we'll get Ghostbusters 4 soon enough.




Don't alert people to the true motive of this.


Go back to redddddit, cuck.

The world was set down this path long before we fucked with a YouTube video.

Worst case scenario we scared a few back into the closet and had a blast doing it.

why does she make herself so much uglier than she already is?

Go away spooky skeltal

Now let's go for 500k... Then 1 million...

How long have you been around? Like a week?

Oh god yes!

The dox have to be done guys

Why are you not using the external communication resources?? Shes watching every move we make....stop planning here she is watching