Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.

Other urls found in this thread:



Just eat out a bit less often to make the meals better
I'm guessing a restaurant
Sucks man

Thanks for the bread

Akiko claimed

That's very hard for me yea
I don't use a hearing aid but I do have a special headset that plays sound louder in my left ear to compensate. So it's actually a bit worse than the guys in the discord think it is

>Best gremlin
Every team needs a support man

Thank you
I did just that
Literally haven't lost any solo games today. I think it's a good idea to call it quits now. Just hit level 140

Thank you Dio
I couldn't have said it better myself


I like drunk Mercy

... Is a fag

Miho claimed




Whoever was talkint about zed with me.
Pop music with edm iw very good for the open minded.

Fuck my headddddd

I claim her for shurima


am here




Kyoubro, is that you?

>blonde cookie


That would be weird

Anyway, night!

I feel so special now~
Goodnight Fran

Serious ama

Ask me aynrhthing waifu

dad is that you?

Hit level 140, got potg 7 times, ate pasta
Today was a good day, but to all things come an end
I'm gonna call it quits
Goodnight wonderful and intoxicated anons

Nigh Fran

What did you get smashed on?



No its mercy
Guiness, whisk3y, jack daniels
Fuuuu m

Why is Tracer best girl
I mean she does deserve it

Shes poster girl no doubt, but shes honestly 7/10 at best

how many times did you fap today?

The bored is real.

0 actualllyim at. A party getting shitfaved

Go sleep then. Or go run.

Hello people.

Clarity will forever remain as one of his top songs.

Wait a second you faggot. I had a question about that story you wanted.

>Best idol claimed

Any guy that really thinks about Mercy as his waifu is probably sad as fuck seeing all that rule 34 of her.

And the ugly people losers that smell like shit like beyonce is ugly and smell like dog crap like beyonce and get angry but is ugly and smell like dog poop like beyonce n try to hurt people like the ugly guys losers

Good shit mang
I prefer mead myself. I'm an incorrigeable sweet tooth


fine, ask away

Yes. My favoeit3lll is spectrum. Please give a listen for me


Akiko why are you so cute?


And the ugly people losers like ugly guys losers that smell like dog shit like beyonce is ugly and can't get girls and smell like dog poop like beyonce and is ugly n get angry and is ugly and try to hurt people

Im not gonna lie dio i want to tuck the cat eight now

quads can borrow my waifu

Its raining so its loud and i cant run in this.

Would you be interested in a tragedy or something a bit more mellow?

Haven't heard that one, will do.

I know I was really angry and sad when someone posted anything lewd with my waifu.

Deadmau5 is alright. But he falls into the daft punk reptition. So 6/10

Tuck her to sleep at eight? But that's pretty early for a bed time.

You can run in rain, and put cotton balls or something in your ears if it's too loud.

I like blair, her ava is cute. Too bad she doesnt like getting a lot it lewd.

Is nagato claimed?

claiming this waifu

Because she's just perfect. She's so adorable and I just love her to death. Perfection can't be achieved, but to me Akiko is the closest you'll get.
Just look at her

Desu a cute

If you can pull it off I prefer tragedy
Tragedy can be really fucking good if done well. Almost all of my stories are tragedies. There's a lot of interesting stuff you can do. The reason, the way it ends, the emotional attachment can hit really hard especially when it's with noble motives or against their will

No. We used to but he doesn't get on anymore.


I'm here, how's everyone?

Im talking about the. Poster, why you so cute?

Bored out of my mind.

Deadmau5 isn't for me, never liked him. Daft Punk is where it's at though.

Apparently I have heard Spectrum before, didn't know it was by Zedd though.

Never done a tragedy before but I'll keep what you said in mind. May take some time to get these ideas together though.

I have a bag of frozen shrimp. How should I eat it?

claiming this waifu


Where did your name go?

Sorry friend. I'm pretty tired, so I may go to bed soon. What are you doing?

Great, my mom is getting out of hospital tomorrow.

Kotori, Aqua, Amatsu, Prinz, Akiko, and Aizawa made it to kotaku's highlight reel

Ayyyy yo

Waddup fam?

What? Me, Peaches? How the fuck am I considered cute? I don't use a persona on here. I'm just being myself and I consider myself kind of a cocky asshole

The best way is to make some heavy emotional attachment to the character that dies. That way the loss hits harder. That's really all I have to say, I'm not a very good teacher

Rain is nice at times. But not now.

Well shit, that's pretty neat-o.

Literally nothing. I should find something to do for at least the next hour.
Long day I take it?

stealing this waifu

That's awesome! What was wrong if you don't mind me asking?

Yeah..had to wake up at five to get to work at six, so I've been awake literally all day lol. Fortunately I have tomorrow and Saturday off.

Do it.

ObligatRory claim

Lol, that's fantastic. I need to get in on the OW shenanigans with you guys.

Yea we have a good time in Overwatch
This wasn't even our craziest shenanigan

i got her locked down. Shes mine. Someone made this for me today

Oh sometimes my phone just deletes my name for no reason. I have to manually put it back. Thanks.

How do I cook it? What if its cooked already ?


>be me playing GTA
>on mission online
>kill 3 targets
>other guys are trying to sync sniper shots
>I pull out minigun and mow an entire collage campus down
Miniguns solve everything

Eh your input is better than nothing. I'll see what I can do.

If only my Genji played like that, fucking cool nevertheless.

Ah, sounds nice. Gt anything fun planned?

Will do. Gotta wait till next month to get a spare paycheck for it though.

This the the beginning of /waifu/


Shinoa claimed ',:)

Stella best girl.

claiming this waifu

Prinz Eugen Kai claim

> I need to get in on the OW shenanigans with you guys.
Yeaduh you should
We do crazy wacky shit all the fucking time, and our winrate is around 70-80% when we're 6
It's tons and tons of fun

>Someone made this for me today
That hurts man

> your input is better than nothing.
Well I am by no means a master writier myself
Just giving you what I got
>If only my Genji played like that
We just git gud and have fun at the same time
I'm the only on of level 140 but the other guys can keep up surprisingly well
Kotori is a god with Mcree and I can play a really mean Genji
>tfw got sextuple kill today with mah green cyborg ninja dude

>top tier claim
Thanks a lot for sharing Smugs. /waifu/ overwatch crew is internet famous now
You just found this by chance?


I love huffing me some sharpie fumes

Just hanging out with friends and relaxing I suppose. There's a festival going on tomorrow that my friends band is playing in, so I'll be going to that too. You?

The beginning of /waifu/'s rise to glory and taking over the competitive scene!

I'm pretty sure I added you, I'm just never around when you guys play I suppose. You play on EU right?

Drugs are bad!

Seras is awesome

My, my...

Im sorry. My bad it was super early.


Prinz told me he was laughing hard on Telegram. I asked him why and he showed me the clip. Told him it's great and he should show it to Kotaku's highlight reel. And now here it is


I know

Shit now my saliva is blue

sharpies are markers not drugs

The same thing as today. My days off aren't for another 4 days. Monday and Tuesday nights.
I haven't been to some kinda festival in years...

>Not superior gas fumes
Git gud

Wait, do you have OW?

Aile is my waifu! Hands off!

Sup maki. I just got a message from Verizon that i used 90 percent of my data. Fuck my life. no more overwatch. Im gonna lose it. This is no way to live.


srsly tho I live in an apartment thats owned by family Internet is included in rent and they fucked up and didnt pay the bill while they were out of town. first world problems i know but still.