ITT: Post your love/sex/relationship issues and we give each other advice on how to fix them

ITT: Post your love/sex/relationship issues and we give each other advice on how to fix them.

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I'm turning 69 next March and I'm having an online affair with someone I used to take photos of as a child. I hope my wife doesn't find out. I could loose my job too. I'm worried about the data still being on the websites servers

Bump for jesus

Well, here's what happened
>Be me
>Gf is 16 at the time
>I'm 15
>She tells me to grow up
>I yell at her "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo."
>She dumps me

My boyfriend has emotional detatchment disorder and it makes me super paranoid that he never wikl really love me


I've been married for 5 years. I'm pretty conservative and traditionalist with sex, I like it simple and straightforward. But I've been thinking about roleplaying. Maybe pretending to deliver punishment. What do?

My girlfriend has severe anxiety. She's incredibly unstable and I need to be with her almost all day. I love her to death but I need some alone time. Wat do.

Dump her it's not your problem. In the long run it'll only drag you down with her.

im fucking this girl who has a boyfriend.
i've been doing it for a year now.
i don't think she's very attractive but she gives me attention and i crave that.
i want a real girlfriend but i don't go outside i just stay in my room and watch youtube, play video games, and go to the gym every so often.

I can't dump her. She would literally end her life. I can't be responsible for that. And I love her to death, I could never live with that grief...

Didn't you read his post? He loves her a lot. It's hard to just discard someone you love like throwing away an accessory.

i had a girlfriend like that.
what i did was just be increasingly mean to her and she eventually just stopped putting up with my shit and left me.
it still fucked her up though. i talked to her recently at a bar. she ended up crying and telling me how i destroyed her.
i don't think there is a good way out.

I don't have one

Just broke it off with my girl after a year
>conflicting personalities the only thing we both liked was bobs burgers
>she was unaffectionate and I was affectionate and I need physical and verbal affection or I dont feel loved
>never got to celebrate our anniversary

Our relationship was good we rarely fought she was stable and loyal and nice she just wasnt affectionate and too dull. Why am I so fucking sad? I hurt like fucking hell and I absolutely destroyed her by leaving and I dont even know if she's alive. I still love her and always did and it hurts so much we dont talk anymore..

There's a girl that I've liked off and on for about a year now, and every time I get pulled in because she seems to show interest, and then right when I give in to it, she pulls away. I know she leads me on each time but it doesn't stop me. The worst/best thing about it is that I love the feeling of being sad, so I feel pretty content just feeling shitty about it all

Im really interested in bdsm. I wanna have a non sexual scene at a party with a male, and that makes my fiancé uncomfortable. what do, Sup Forums?

Call her up. Meet up. And tell her how you feel. Say "listen FemAnon, I don't think we made the right choice breaking up. I love you so much." Give it a shot. Hope it works out man

You might just enjoy that act of her taking advantage of you. find a way to do it that doesn't make you feel compromised in unwanted ways.

yeah there is. just try to be a good person, and seek contentedness. hope for the best. occasional it works out....

The problem is I value not only her needs but also my own and she just doesnt satisfy my hearts needs. I need a partner in life not just someone to talk to and I never felt like she was my partner just 2 friends who have sex. I dont want to have what we had again I just want to stop hurting.

No it sucks actually, I would love to be in an actual caring relationship with her
One of worse parts is that we were super close all through high school, so we do love each other on that level, so I'm confused on why she's ok with leading me on, but who knows, fuck me amirite

try not to take it personally. if you cant do that, clearly bring up your dissatisfactions with your significant other. come up with compromise that meets everyones needs. or break up.

you wont be in one mate. you can keep her as a friend but she knows what she's doing. she's just playing the game, and you fucking aren't.

Well if you decide you don't want that sort of thing then maybve you need to take some sort of decisive action. claim her? alpha style. but not too alpha. like, you alpha. sweep her off her feet. carry her out into the nearby woods, and then fuck her like the animal she is.

she might be playing a game. or she might just be being shitty and non comital because she can

Wait till you're married, then you can order her to be okay with it.

somebody fucking help me with mine.

I have social anxiety disorder which has left me severely depressed. I've been in my relationship for 8 years. I love my GF but I think I no longer want to be with her or spend the rest of my life with her. She is the only girl I've been with. But me leaving will utterly destroy her. I tried to break up with her before and seeing how devastated she was and how bad I felt I chickened out. Was the most intense and emotionally devastating thing I have ever been though. I was reeling from that for weeks.

She has been suicidal in the past and outside me she really has very few family or friends. I don't know if I could take it if she did anything if I left. The guilt would drive me over the edge.

It's so hard to leave someone you have seen almost everyday for nearly a decade. Especially when you do love them but it's more of a plutonic love now I guess. I know the longer I stay the more I'm wasting her and my time but it is such a massive emotional burden. Seriously a breakup is like a death. Knowing I will never see her again not her me makes more so upset. I need the courage for both or sakes to end this relationship but I don't know how many more years I wait for my next attempt or if I do it all.

i want hobbies. help me go outside.
what the fuck do normal people do all day.

Been fuckbuddies with a guy for almost 2 years, I like him a lot but I still see other guys, he's going into his second year of college and I still have to finish another year of high school, it's been hard not seeing him as much as I used to

no, im her. femanon here. recently had my first kid with much older man, been together 3 years (since 18), and I wanna get my ass beat by a stranger while blind folded and bound. I want him to make me cry. and my man isn't into it, even if its not sexual

Which is yours. Ill help

get a gigilo.

I used to act like a responsible normal people and like it. I think we are all just depressed or otherwise flawed in some mood relevant way.

Also I never want children and do not like or care much about marriage. These are deals breakers for her and lots of women but I do t care. Even if I managed it I wouldn't even want another relationship again just lots of casual partners and friends with benefits situations if possible.

look up polyamory. seriously. every person should know what that is

bdsm one

I have a great girlfriend, who I have great sex with, and shares many of my interests. She listens to me when I get stern but always speaks her mind. Family is great, no background issues, my family loves her.

It hasn't always been like this so I need to appreciate what I have. Who knows when it could all go down the shitter.

Ok so what would you advise to be more alpha? Cause I'm pretty sure I'm a little bitch about stuff and I wouldn't be more outgoing even if I knew that I had to be

Bruh I've been there. Dump her anyway

Love it man. I've been married for 3 years now and everyday i hope to god it doesn't go to shit

Treat her right and give her the attention she needs and it should never go down the shitter

I don't know you user. How could I possibly describe a good way for you to be anything? That needs to come from you. If you want to make a stand, do it. Think about it...make a plan, and go. because the alternatives are never knowing, or just continuing as are. You know her well? Show her that you are the man she wants. don't be afraid. be confident.

That may be easy for you. Not for me, if I saw someone kill them selves at my hands I would go mad. I'd lose my mind and be sent to a psychiatric ward. I love her and she loves me. I can't ruin her life. I'm going to a therapist with her tomorrow.

I would never be interested in something like that, I just pity fuck guys sometimes, I figure what's the harm in making a guy happy for a few minutes? But I only have love for the one guy

I just broke up with my gf. She doesn't want me to go but I've very narrowly decided to leave, and the two of us have debated as to the repercussions of our separation. My gf thinks that my absence will put both of us in financial trouble and harm our aquantience moving forward, while my supportive friends believe that separating will help me regain my sovereignty and better control who I sleep with.

What does Sup Forums think?

you really cant let yourself be slave to another persons projected guilt trip though. its a false projection of responsibility, I guess. if you are truly concerned, build her a support system before you do it. try to build her up in life and leave her as sturdy as possible and you have done all you can.

Fair enough, although I'm pretty sure she's done at this point, keep trying to set shit up and she bails, constantly ignores me. Pretty sure the thing to do is stop showing her attention to show I'm not gonna always be available to her, but tbh her ignoring me just makes me want to get a response out of her more, so pretty sure I got caught in the shit I should be doin to her

Been with gf for 2 years, we strongly love each other but what our relationship lacks is sex, she is extremely religious and doesn't plans to have sex until marriage, I'm not religious whatsoever and don't plan to marry through church, also she's sad all the time she's so negative despite all I have tried but she doesn't do anything about it and it has started to drag me down too. Our relationship has slowly died, there's still some love but not enough to be in a relationship, I have started to have feelings for this other girl at college but gf doesn't knows anything neither does thevother girl, idk what to do anons I want to leave but I don't want to break my gf's heart but I don't want to cheat on her either. I sometimes just wanna disappear and forget about all this bullshit.

the idea behind true polyamory, is that you are allowed to have relationships of varying degrees of severity to serve your many needs in life. as long as everyone is happy, its all good. have a boyfriend. or just a primary fuck buddy. whatever. but have it be cool for you to have safe sex whern you cant see echother.

Leave her, it's the best option. Hearts heal over time, but it's better to break it off now cleanly if you can. Sex is part of a relationship, and if the relationship isn't working for you, why stay in it?

I guess you're right. Before I try that I'm gonna get her a therapist and leave a little at a time and get longer and longer until she can control her breakdowns her self.

If I'm dating someone I want him to be faithful and I would be as well, but until he wants to date me I am going to bang whoever I want cause I'm young and sex is fun haha

well always remember to be bold. that matters, a lot in life. people recognize that shit. but also be confident, because bold without confident doesn't come off well.

Love my boyfriend of 2 years. We have had good and bad times together. However I feel he is a very selfish and a manipulative man at times. I always look at my friend's significant others and see how caring their man is to them and how they have an "even" relationship. I'll bring up my concerns to my boyfriend but he always manages to turn it back on him. I'm starting to have second thoughts seeing as how this hasn't changed and it makes me sad knowing the end of our relationship may be near.

something you should keep in mind is, sex never stops being fun. but people do lose the sexual spark of their relationship. or they forget to try. and that sets up society for infidelity. instead of married, or not married, or single or taken, there should just be individualized relationship contracts, that were ever changing, and whatever ceremony you wanted. monogamy is glamorized by our fidelity cult influenced society.

reading your whole thing is basically the same as me. I'll green text the whole thing
>Freshman in highschool
>First day see this girl and feel crazy instantly
>Beta as fuck and never do anything
>Senior year, wasn't planning on going to the same school
>fuck it, do ballsy shit and end up dating her by winter break
>it's great but I lost confidence because I have low confidence to begin with and never kiss her
>relationship slowly deteriorates for about a month, then rapidly just falls apart

Idk user, a few weeks ago we were breaking up but I felt so bad and guilty I decided to stay. I would feel bad if she gets even more sad if I leave

Yeah I agree, unfortunately the sex is not good at all, but I don't suppose anything can really help that

You really cant not act first, as a male a lot of the time in society, can you. that's fucked up. I feel for you user.

I just entered a new relationship with a guy I've known for a couple months now. So far he's been really fantastic to me and he's a nice change of pace from my previous three relationships. Everything seems really healthy and I want to keep things that way.

My problem? My ex won't leave me alone. He texts me constantly even though we broke up months ago and I can't tell him to leave me alone or else he threatens that without me as at least a friend in his life, that he'll kill himself. Right now he's thankfully in another state, living with his parents (getting treatment for BPD) and so it's been easy enough to just put him on "Do not Disturb" so he doesn't bother me when I'm out on dates or just generally can't deal with him.

The other day though he told me he plans to come back on my birthday and come into my work place. We both go to the same college as well so unfortunately if he's coming back that means he's going to also be able to find me on campus and I know he's going to become obsessed with me all over again because I can't talk to him for more than a few days without him starting to talk about us as if we're in a relationship (with hearts and future plans and everything) even when I tell him we're not and I'm seeing somebody else. He's also not happy that I'm in another relationship and just sees it as me "taking a break" and that "when we see each other again I'll fall back in love and we can move on". Obviously not going to happen.

What do I do? How do I nip this now and make sure he stays away from me and my new relationship?

>she started ignoring me about a month before prom
>was gonna take her, totally lose confidence bc she ignores me
>other guy asks her, go with just best friends since middle school
>still fun
>pretty much got over her by summer
>towards end of summer she texts me this long message about how she misses me blah blah
>i agree to hang out
>basically date, again too beta to do anything
>when we were dating i decided to go to the same school as her bc it had a good engineering program
>stuck going to same school now
>had one more chance early this year at college but drunk and fucked it up
>still talk

You know what I think you're right, I'm gonna carry that with me for future relationships. This has helped me realize that this chicks just being a bitch to me, and I honestly don't need that

don't compare you boyfriend to other boyfriends. but if you feel that there is a negative source in the relationship that will not cease, exit promptly

Report him to the police or something, it's a crime what your ex is doing because he's threatening you to do something you don't want

i know, it was just my first semi serious relationship and i shit the bed. i've tried talking to other girls and they're cool but i dont really feel anything. when i'm with the girl i greentexted about nothing else matters, its insane. also with more detail me not acting upon it makes a little more sense, but i did a very general story

Learn to be more prideful, and get out of the house more. If you dont think shes attractive, learn to hold yourself to your standards as a proud man and stop fucking her because who fucks ugly women? Ugly men.

no no no no....
honey, tru fem user here. never settle with the sex. never. not if you are going to be monogamous. society tells women (and men, but less severely) not to care about the sex, that you will grow together you need to know the sex before you commit. because while people can learn, and you would eventually probably figure ouyt somne sort of rythym, you cant change anyone. you cant teach them if they don't care to be taught, you need to be satisfied that he will satisfy you if you are going for monogamous. don't sabatoge yourself. im so sorry for misspelling . drinking

good for you. mamas real proud of you. you do you boo boo. all you CAN do...goodnight folks.

I'm not really trying to settle, I've had amazing sex and I really wish the one guy I actually have feelings for was able to satisfy me, I've been trying to come up with ways to make it better but I don't want to make him think he's bad at sex

You have to either block him or tell him NO more. Say you need distance and peace. You need some months with zero contact.

The only way he will grow up is if you are tough and really break up.

As long as you guys are still communicating - in his mind he will still have a shot, a chance.

You have weak boundaries. Work on your boundaries. Become more mature.

He wont kill himself, its just a way to manipulate you, because you have weak boundaries in this area.

How do i get a fob or first generation Asian guy?

but what the fuck do i fucking do?
i'm bored but i don't know what to do all day.
i don't want to get a job because scholarships pay for everything.
everyday feels like purgatory.

Ex gf and i broke up a while ago, but recently she almost cheated on her bf when she and i planned to meet up to fuck. She chickened out last minute. Right now, we dont talk after she refused to let me start up friendly conversation again, because if I'm being honest i still love her. Idk how to proceed. Right now, i think she misses me and thats why she refuses to allow us to have even casual interaction; maybe shes scared of letting me in closer?

Am i wrong? What do i do...

I've been dating this girl for about months now. She's super cute but I don't know if I really love her. I've told her I love her and I really feel a connection with her but she also annoys the fuck out of me sometimes. I'm still young so obviously there are plenty of other fish in the sea but I'm not sure if I'm making the right choice by staying with here

I can't stand the voice of my online bf/friend/submissive (its not clear what we are) can stand his voice seriously. I can watch his vids but can listen to them. Didn't find out until 6 months in to relationship .

You get sexual pleasure out of it, so it's a sexual thing.

Your fiance has a right to be uncomfortable with that situation. Now figure out if it's something you can give up FOREVER, otherwise break off the engagement. lying does no one any favors.

Get a job you can enjoy, its surprising how many social situations jobs pit you in. if not that a hobby, preferably one that gets you into groups. Hang out with friends, see family, draw, write, go to a coffee shop you like frequently. Life is full of things to do and it only looks empty from inside. Take a walk and spontaneously pursue something you think you might like in an advertisement. Literally anything.

Underrated post

He's actually climbed onto the side of a building before and acted like he was going to jump when we were dating so I'm afraid he really will try and do it.


Keep it up you limey teasucker

You're one of those openrelationship cucks always trying to push your enlightened bullshit on the rest of us to validate your shit choices and abnormal degenerate sexual gratification addiction.

Fuck. Off.

Go to a professional and ask them for advice, or if you want I can give you some advice as I made it past all of that. Which yes someone else must show the world outside the cage.

this, when i get this feeling really overwhelmingly i go for a long ass drive to literally absolutely nowhere, but you can do other things besides drive, but just get out

its just like... i know i'm the only one that can change my situation, but i'm not sure if i even want to.
its like i'm drowning, but i don't let anyone else know so nobody offers to help me.
things aren't particularly bad, i'm not struggling financially, my health is good, i have friends that i can call upon.
i just feel so fucking empty almost always. i get short bursts of energy and some days i get a lot of shit done, but more often than not i just stagnate and waste time.
i could have gone out to the bars tonight, friends invited me out to get drunk. i haven't even taken a shower today. i've had like one meal.
i know what i need to do to change all this. i'm just not doing it for some reason. its like what i want to do and what i actually do are not aligned. it's easy for me to say "just get some fucking willpower and do what you need to" but just like yesterday, today has been wasted.

>3 year relationship
>Break up suddenly
>Been a couple of months
>Long Distance
>No idea what the fuck to do about this
>No contact
>Doing Physically/Mentally/Overall better

So, yeah, I'm fucked. No idea how to approach my ex from my side and get a positive response. I do want to kindle some type of friendship, and if that happens to do anything again, so be it. I'm just shitty at that first step.

Self-love and just go for it, confidence goes a long way. To the point I tell the person when I apply that you want me I'm the only one. I'm so fucking awesome you don't want to choose anyone else. Which is put in a very intelligent way then I get calls asking to hire me. Now to put that to getting a women I'll figure that out.

I'll agree with this. You're not alone, user.

Women disgust me so much that I don't want to be near one. I'm not gay. Wat do?

>but just like yesterday, today has been wasted
That shit hit a bit too close to home.
You can always improve, user. Today may not be that day, but the day only stagnates if you allow it to. It's not about manning up, but realizing you can do better for yourself. If you look in the mirror, are you happy with what you see? If not, then you know you can do better.

Been there dude, I slowly became more of an arsehole until she dumped me thinking it was her idea. Worked a charm haha

So generally reserved user here, I can socialize pretty well though when the need arises, but the problem is that when I attempt to socialize with a girl I rather like, I go mute and I struggle to strike up a conversation. Sometimes I get lucky and I can bounce off some friends who are present, but if I'm alone with her I just can't start a casual conversation for the life of me. I don't think I want to start a serious relationship, but I just want to be able to get her to be comfortable around me. I've known her for a while, but when we first met I never really talked to her and now I just think that makes talking to her all the more difficult. She's a rather preppy, outdoors type of girl; shopping, jogging, recreational sports, and I'm a decent looking indoors geeky type guy. We share some interests, and I've held decent conversations with her over basic topics like movies and shows, but those moments are few and far in between. Advice?

in general, talk about FORD

in general, avoid talking about RAPE

Focusing so hard on holding a conversation shouldn't be too much of a worry. It's one of those "don't stress it or you'll just make it worse" type scenarios. It's okay to allow others to lead the conversation, but when it becomes only them, it's an issue. If she seems comfortable around you, holding a super deep conversation shouldn't be a worry.

That can be fun but don't overdue it.

This is fucking brilliant

No help?

how do i get my gf to suck me of? url related, its my gf

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