This little cunt sent me a PM called me a faggot (yeah I use plebbit that's beside the point)...

This little cunt sent me a PM called me a faggot (yeah I use plebbit that's beside the point). Do what you will with this information
>inb4 b is not my personal army

hes right OP your also a cuck by the sounds of you that would be once you find a fat ass gf

>implying I'd find a gf at all
It's nice that you have hope for me user

i do its just at some stage you will work so a girl will see you with money and let you pay for motels so you can watch her fuck black guys..
>this is now a cuck thread
>this is now a cuck thread
>this is now a cuck thread

Ops user name is boommicfucker


speaking of reddit i got some feminazi creepypms mods nudes nd her gonewild account if anyones interested.

What the fuck? How the fuck did you find that?

"Why does my dick bleed" kek