I'm 34 years old..34 fucking years old and I'm still a fucking virgin

I'm 34 years old..34 fucking years old and I'm still a fucking virgin.

Girls are so fucking stuck up. They have completely unrealistic expectations for men. They want you to have lots of money, nice cars, but houses and a huge nigger dick before they even consider sleeping with you and bring your girlfriend. It's fucking unfair I can't stand it. And the guys they go for that have always treat them like shit, while the decent guys like me that always treat them with respect and compliment them get fucking ignored.

Why do they want to fuck muscle faggots and stupid niggers. Why can't they just give me a chance. Why it's not fucking fair in just going to fucking end it.


probably because you sound like a little angry troll and dont even talk to one

girls are attracted to alphas. its not their fault, its natural instinct. my guess is you had a chance with a girl before and passed it up because she didnt meet your standards. And now you cant get anyone because you arent alpha enough. should have taken the one you could have gotten

15 and lost my virginity a few months ago


Yeah it's all the girl's fault OP
Enjoy your loneliness

just ban my shit up

ahhahahaaha cool dude

Clearly didnt even try to pick up girls, they like to see confidence. I'v seen some ugly ass fucking dwarfs get bitches so dont cry on Sup Forums about this shit

this type of shit is so cringey and sad i dont know if its bait

Mods in heaven, deliver us from summer. Amen.

>be 23 years old
>been with QT GF going on five years
>no job, meh car, average dick, average looks, no money
>gonna wife her when I have a job and can contribute financially

Sucks to be you.

Yeah it really isn't hard to get laid. The problem is you, not the females.

You're welcome.

Lost mine at 16

OK Bye

Im 31 and still got mine. I fucked my sister in the ass at age 12 but that dosent count. Im hopeless and just fap everyday to hentai doujins.

Because you're ugly

You're right that females are unrealistic in what they say they want.
You're absolutely incorrect in what females will actually fuck.
While I'm sure this is bait, I will help you (or anyone else) anyhow:
>stop sucking their dick
Not literally, but girls don't like white knights, regardless of what they say, which leads to
>do not trust girls
Females lie. a LOT. About anything/everything. It's just how life works. It's not good or bad, it just is.
>girls want attention
Above all else they want attention. When you're complimenting them, being their buddy, etc, you're giving them attention and they have literally no reason to fuck you at that point. This is how friendzone happens. Knowing this leads to -
>be friendly but aloof
Act casual. Be as normal as you can. Be friendly towards girls but as stated above, don't cling and don't kiss their ass. Think more "mysterious stranger" and less "knight in shining armor".
>be busy and do cool things, and make sure they know you're doing cool shit
Girls want a guy who does cool shit. Even if you have to fake it, make it look like you're too fucking busy for their bullshit. Always have shit going on, cool activities you're busy with. Facebook is a fantastic way to make yourself look more attractive.
>go on dates, or LIE about going on dates
This will make girls think you're worth going after. And girls are horrible cunts who dream of stealing a dude away from some other horrible cunt.
>most important: BE CONFIDENT, or ACT confident
This is the key, no matter what. Even if you have to fake it, faking it long enough will fool even your own brain into thinking you have tons of balls. Girls like confidence. They respect the drunk douchebag who fails to get their digits at the bar far more than the beta who tells them how pretty they are on facebook.

Nice b8 m8, but Sup Forums is the very last place to go to complain.

80% of women fuck 20% of top men
whats new?

get an escort, youll likely have a better experience anyways

To add on to that I was a 270lb barely 6 ft NEET but I just played myself up with a girl with meh looks but she was a freak in bed

10/10 would take advantage of a low self esteemed girl again

you're fucking pathetic I lost my virginity at 15 and youre about twice as old as I am rn and you're still a virgin

OP confirmed for the following
>beta fag

34/2 = 17


>you must be 18 to use this board



OK. you are so fucking dumb, this is the third post you have done in 2 days. if your that concerned about women, get the fuck of of Sup Forums and go talk to one!. If as I mentioned before you dont have the stones to talk to a woman WITHOUT having an asthma attack then get the fuck out of here you pathetic asshole. There are so many people in the world to hook up with you just havent even tried. (or your 12 and you dont know any better yet) PEACE

Read yourself... THIS is why you are alone




Man I would hate to meet you

Because women are weak and they want someone who they perceive as strong.
Unfortunately a lot of the so-called "tough guys" they go for are actually selfish pussies that would leave them to burn when shit hits the fan.
Also don't buy into this feminism bullshit that women want a guy who will respect them and their boundaries. They don't want that. They want a man who grab them, tear off their clothes and forcefully impregnate them.
That's why they all love these fucking muslims so much.
If you're smart, don't give women anything. Don't give them your money, don't give them your time, don't even give them your attention.
They're worthless trash through and through.

>damage control

That's because American women suck. Go take a vacation out if the states.

I lost mine at 17 .....

Spoken like a true beta-faggot.

DYEL? It's not nearly as bad as you think it is, but its still bad. The silver lining is, that even though women are terrible, so are most men. Be the prize.

>33 years old
>dating girls
you need a woman son.

Dude, you're not missing much. I was a virgin until 24, got into a relationship with a chick. someone who I actually found attractive and liked me back. Long story short, she (and I'm figuring out every other woman) used me for a place to live, food, and an embarrassing amount of money. As the relationship went on, I was more and more miserable, and lost more and more money. I've been broken up for a year now, and my life is WAY better. Focus on bettering yourself FOR yourself. And enjoy having time, money, space, and happiness.

>tl;dr fuck women, get money

You know what it takes and you continue to be a fucking pussy? Lmao bitch some more faggot

this SO much


You have it backwards.

Get money, fuck women. Because women will fuck anyone with money.

your problem is the fact that you were 24 when you lost your viriginity. you didnt even try bro

34/2=17, ban worthy or okey dokey?

smart as a brick

lmao OP don't be so bitter

Just to see, at what age did most of the people here lose their virginity?
Me 15
(Yes im that asshole from a bit uptop who doesn't know how basic division work)


Shut the fuck up faggot.
Stop with this bullshit that kids can't consent to sex and then turn around and shit on people who didn't lose their virginity when they were 12.
It's one or the other, not both.


Not a virgin but might as well be, just say fuck it OP and fuck your hand its been probably like 5 years since I had anything with the opposite sex. Get your life straight and then ruin your life with some bitch that's what I'm gonna do TFW I'm never Gonna get ahead in life

this, a 100,000,000% this!

You're a virgin because you are a whiny piece of shit. I'm 38.. I'm not rich or a 10/10... Don't have a huge nigger dick but I can get laid. I get laid because I have confidence. Stop being a faggot and maybe you'll get some pussy.

No, not really. I grew up in MI. You see the women in MI? You wouldn't fuck them either. Any chick over 4/10 is a snotty cunt.

>virgins like you expecting girls to fuck you because you're nice to them


I just want to fuck a helpless little Asian guy with brown skin. Hear him moan and cry in pain as the sodomy happens. Then hold him in my arms and kiss him softly. Not every one is stuck up we just have our preferences bro.

do you think once vr gets good and cheap all these r9k shitposts will disappear cos all the betas will be living successful lives in vr?

How many spell slots do you have?

When I was 13, I made an empty net with a friend to see who could lose virginity first

Trashy ass freshman from my highschool who was 16 heard and started hitting on me, we had sex near railroad tracks, and her pussy smelled like dead frogs in the sun.

Moral of the story, fuck a slutty whore, your friend will give you $5 and you'll be the coolest 8th grader with herpes

I'm sorry, but I lost my virginity at 15 and I lost my mind on the same day, please excuse my shitty math shkills

ugh 24!?!?! you expect me to feel sorry that you played WOW while every college chick was at a bar waiting to find a decent guy to hook up with?!?!?!

>my sides

>fucking bar sluts

Enjoy those STDs queer.


just get a prostitute

>American Girls are so fucking stuck up. They have completely unrealistic expectations for men.

FTFY. Seriously. Go to Asia. Thailand, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan. Anywhere

18 is legal! 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, you missed all of them for starcraft!

Dude, if you fucking bathed regularly you should have scored by now. Seriously there is no excuse but your own autism.

>fucking sluts at all
Enjoy putting your penis where another penis was, everyone knows that's how you become gay

this is why feminism exists women revolting because men wouldnt give them attention this and red pill faggot shit is just feminism comeing from the other side no one wants to men or women anymore

If you werent such a sad sack of shit you might get somewhere

south-east asia is where its at
mail order brides errywhere

video games>>>>>>>worthless whores


tested an clean user ( its called a condom, ask your mom she'll buy you one)



Back to back gets!

>using rubbers

lol what the fuck is the point, you don't even feel anything.
fucking sluts for the sake of fucking sluts is stupid.
fucking nigger

Replying to bait but, what do bring to the equation? Why would a girl want you? What are you good at? What do you do? Stop eating shit. Lift some heavy shit a couple of times a week. Run. Learn a skill. Cook. Be handy. Fix cars. Think of how being with you helps her. "Being there" and "treating her well" any faggot can do.

Thank you user you have opened my eyes

This is a get thread now


jesus christ you idiot, its not just sluts at bars. jjust because you can meet people in public. not everyone is on your furry forum

I'm currently 21 and I sounded a lot like you until I realized that fat chicks are desperate and easy to fuck. Of course girls are gonna want guys that have attractive qualities and a big bank account. They're chicks. Not saying it isn't fucking retarded but it is how it is. Maybe try to work towards getting a job that pays a lot and you can bang a shallow bitch too.



It wasn't Starcraft or WOW. And now, it's not CoD 8 or whatever. Like I said, women in MI are gross. I have standards, and American women who are moderately attractive want to be treated like princesses. Also, I'm too passive.

there are other qualities than money, general hygenie, keeping yourself at a decent weight, being funny, being insightful, being kind, you only need like one of those


>people are just randomly getting together and fucking

Lol stop pretending life is a Brazzers video you faggot mong.

as a fellow land whale i I know just how desperate fat chicks are and strongly suggest going after girls 5/10 or lower

they want a man not a bitch.

dear lord, i know your only 16 so you wont understand this, but poeple go to bars to have a nice time and maybe have a nice coversation with someone new. THEN and only then will they possibly hookup with you, but you have to take your hand out of your pants, leave the mens restroom and talk to someone

Personality and education go a long way fag.

Nah bullshit faggot. I've had lots of interesting conversations with people and never ended in sex.
Must be nice being a Gen Z faggot who gets to reap the fruits that Boomers and Millennials had to fight their overbearing Christian parents to sow.
You fucks probably grew up pagans and shit.