What was the highlight of your day /b?
What was the highlight of your day /b?
Edited my BIOS so Kali and Tails works.
the 15 minutes of pain free time I had in the shower. I have hip bursitis
I fucked my gf after we had dinner at tucanos. Pretty okay day
Got free dinner, was pretty good.
Had a great workout and helped some old couple rebuild a desk, made 50 bucks
the 30mg oxy i just ate :p
tfw mario gets the power flower and starts shooting fire causing ptsd in the mudslime.
Since its 6.22 am it was drinking a coffee
my ex gf texted me and i feel 1% less alone
Got a new pair of shoes that don't fit but look like spaghetti.
Girl I've been subtly flirting with said something I do is sexy and invited me to get beers and hang out.
For me it was right after work. I clocked out, and as my manager was letting me out (doors are locked since it's after closing) she asked "you here tomorrow?" The reason why it was so nice is because only -friends- ask each other that. Lately we've been getting closer and I love to spend time with her. I no longer have to see her as a boss, but a friend. (and she's super cute)
those shoes are fuckng ugly
weeeeew lad i hope you didn't stutter and work up a sweat
Those better be comfy as fuck
seeing obama get his greaser/wetback loving actions bitch slapped down by the supreme court.
I finally torrented gta 4 and now it's time to play that shit, something I said I would be doing for over 4 years
I cam so hard it went in to the air a good 3 feet and then landed in my mouth
It's like van gogh puked
I didn't kill myself today.
The gf got paid today and she treated me out to a nice dinner where I got beer and an old fashioned. Today was pretty dope
BIOS?? Jeez, how old is your shit?
New Vegas became backwards compatible on Xboner so I've been replaying the fuck out if it
Puked mom's spaghetti?
My wizardmon evolved
Graduated highschool!!
are you a fucking retard or a troll?
too good
Beta cuck
I woke up
There was folgers
In my cup
What nigger?
probably a virgin
damn I had to take subs today
poked myself 6 times last night cause after I registered the first time I got unsure of myself. blood coagulated and I had to switch rigs
..and that was the last of my dope...
I didn't have a highlight, today was a bad day for me I guess.
Too bad so sad
Like a fruit roll-up jammed up a dirty asshole
Made a shitload of sales but have to deal with personal shit from years ago, problems come looking for me at work and that just ends up ruining my whole day even though it went fine mostly Im trying to keep it together and just ignore it because it's all just booshie, I just want to not be here some days though
I ALMOST went to my friends house to play overwatch (I'm too poor to buy it).
Shit copped me some redsetters that just came in the mail myself, can you return yours ?
Little salty huh? Have you even been in a relationship?
All my coworkers are fake as fuck
damn son. I stopped for a while (about 8 months) and took a 30mg. feelin good
Took my last test of medical school today
This little feller.
congrats. big accomplishment brah
you used H?
Fuck if I were to quit for 8 months I'd just immediately shoot up. fuck oxy lol
lol no H, haven't tried it. just oxy. not judgin tho
Got nba 2k16 for free on ps4. Shits cash. Right now I'm at a country bar, not because I want to, but I told people from work I'd go and don't want to let them down. Lots of slutty girls, so the eye candy's there, but it's not my scene.
got mine half retail price on ebay, going to return them and buy some 12.5.s on jet for 33 $ so the shipping back shouldn't hurt me too much.
btw the shoes feel comfortable as fuck
Takes me back to the good old days I always took a shot in the eye though
haha yeah. I made my way up the ladder.
we need the webm of that porn cameraman getting blated in the face with jizz
Beat my dick to clop
As I was leaving the office, my gf (who works with me) ran out to the parking lot to give me a hug. She thought I looked down or something. First time I smiled today. Its the little things you dont expect that keep you going
Nice user. I keep telling myself I'm happier single, it works. But goddamn if I don't miss those moments.
walked like fifteen minutes to go get cat food this morning at 6 am
That's so nice man, I need to find someone. Im just getting into adulthood and told myself I'll just get a girl then, but what they don't tell you is that the pool of dating goes from thousands of girls you're forced to be around to a couple of 45 year old co workers. I don't drink, so I don't go to bars, it's hard man. I guess I need to join some clubs or something
voting for leave
Im about to jerk off
dude if you're actively trying to find a girlfriend than it's not worth it. you need to be fulfilled with yourself before you can fill someone else.
if you're scared of being single than your relationship will be a codependent mess and it'll leave both of you scarred and unhappy.
separate yourself from the rest of the beta losers on this website.
Today, I didn't even have to use my AK...
Today was a good day