A question for any christianfags out there

A question for any christianfags out there

The bible says if you're a "Good person" or some shit you'll live in heaven forever. Why the fuck do you want to live forever? Surely the only solace in life is that death is permanent?

Assuming this is a serious question, heaven is not like earth. There is no evil/suffering/unhappiness/etc there. As such, it is not analogous to life here on earth.

it is a serious question.
When I die I want to stay dead, I don't wanna be some zombie resurrected for an old white guys pity party for all eternity

Actually heaven is a place where people are supposedly forced to praise god forever. Like literally praying in church... forever.

Thats my point exactly, what makes that worth existing through?

nobodys a good person.. real christians know all have sined and fall short of the glory of god.. any christian who thinks there sinless isent one..and life is far beter than death, its funny all these people saying death is cool ask anyone if the want to die.. nobody does.. its a nightmare.. god never intended for us to die.. its not normal

If god is omnipotent why does 'sin' exist

and heaven is not like what you said at all.. read your bible.. see whats up.. dont take sombodys word for it.. they probly never read it..God will give out importaint roles for us.. and make some kings over many cities.. those who love god and dont .. and sees through the bullshit lies of this world that the devil has prepared for you all..your traped.. wake up..God is good.. he even has grace on u non believers.. u eat u breath.. u feel joy..

You're an idiot if you think christians are gonna spend their friday morning looking for an assburned atheist on Sup Forums


>God never intended for us to die
Do you realize how absolutely retarded that sounds?
I grew up a Jehovah's witness being told the same thing and realized at the ripe age of 10 that if humans kept breeding and never dying the earth would be overflowing with us, where would you stick that many humans? Assuming the Bible is correct and mankind has only existed for like 6000 years (top fucking kek) we would all be buts to nuts 24/7 like that episode of OG star trek. Also fuck heaven, I'm tired, I don't want to spend eternity doing anything, knowing you'd never die would take all the urgency out and is put shit off forever because fuck it there would always be tomorrow.

God lets satan aka lucifer..who was the most high rank cheribum.. not an angel..do what he wants.. to make a test for all hummanity..

>Will make some kings over cities
If God's running the show and is omnipotent then what the fuck would we need kings for? It literally says in the Bible that there should be no ruling class besides god because man cannot govern man
Fucking religious sheeple man, blind ass unable to reason fucks.

i am a christian.. on four chan.. came for some funny ha has.. saw thread.. commented

God dosent need you for anything.. but he will give you your due reward.. you cats or dogs dont do anything.. but give u love.. thats all gods looking for...So if god died to.. clean my sin.. and so i can get off this shitty planet..hes pretty worth it

jahovaness wittness is a cult... not christians.. iasked a couple to leave my porch last month.. they dont believe jesus was God.. sorry not christians.. sorry you got exsposed to lies

Ya dipshit, they believe Jesus is God's son. Not that holy Trinity ultra retard shit that the Bible makes no mention of. why would Jesus pray to God if he was god? That's like jerking off in the mirror. All religions are retarded, when you die you become worm food and your consciousness ceases to exist and that's a fact you can take to the bank. Also idk what your definition of Christians is but it's definitely wrong.

wow ..ur insides are full of malice... you need to chill and sort through the lies of all the shit u been fed..your in gods matrix.. just electrons floating around.. and you dont have any.. power or truth.. ur lost.. God created all this awsome biology just to become wormfood.. thats a sad death for you.. i wont call u names.. i feel sad for you..and pray god will start to show you truths.. take care

Without death there can't be life. Contrasting forces are ALWAYS necessary.
The more a thing tends to be permanent the more it tends to be lifeless.

Do you look at a rock and see everlasting life? I sure don't. But when I look at a human that will only live a mere 80 years or so, I see change and transformation.

How could you possibly possess the ineptness to imply that death is unnecessary?

Depends on how you define death. Is leaving forever better than nothingness ? I am not sure. I do believe that their is nothing after death and it scares the shit out of me, I wish there was something, I just can't bring myself to actually believe it

Everybody can't get an important role. Its as if I run a 7/11 and I tell my employees, you will be given a very important role, handling the cash register

Truth is purely subjective. What you perceive in your reality is your individualized truth and what I perceive in mine is my individualized truth. None are "right" or "wrong".

The purpose of existence is expansion of the collective experience, which everyone can achieve on an individual basis by simply living. Suffering is not evil, it allows pleasure. Pleasure is not good, it allows suffering.
Good and evil are simply buzzwords that allow us to infuse our own subjective experience into objective happenings.

If you kill someone because they are continually raping your daughter, you will be benefiting yourself based off of your own desires. You will be achieving something that you would value as being "good". However, on the opposite end of that, someone will be losing a family member or revered friend. Even if not that, someone will still be losing the pleasure that was raping your daughter.
The point is, there are two sides to every coin and everything is a coin. From the same happening, someone will ALWAYS achieve what is valued as "good" at the same time someone or something else will achieve what is valued as "bad". Good and evil cannot be intrinsic principles of the universe. Good and evil and absurd principles of our subjective reality, just like everything else within our perception.

*****Good and evil are absurd principles of our subjective reality, just like everything else within our perception.******

Needed to fix that line. I never proof read :(

I believe that the Hell would be the most perfect place to go after death occurs.

Who said that Hell would be bad and nasty place?
My fun is anothers hell.

Pain and suffering cannot exist without its opposite, which would be serenity. Someone can get to a point of suffering that is so deep that they can no longer avoid it with alcohol or internet, they can no longer side step it. When one reaches this level of suffering they have no choice but to go up and out of it. This phenomenon is referred to in numerous eastern philosophies as enlightenment.

religions pretty cool
Elysium, Valhalla, the "otherworld", Heaven/Hell etc
Olympian gods, Nordic gods, the Tuatha, Archangels, etc
should learn about them and their badass tales rather than wonder about the afterlife

thing i believe is that you can just die, permanently existing in a state like before you were born,mi believe in heaven but i think god would allow a state of nothingness if you wanted, also believe in reincarnation because the energy used to form your consciousness needs to go somewhere in the universe after you die.

Alan Watts has some very good insight about the "afterlife".
This is a direct quote from him:
The hereafter is of course now, because if you will examine is closely there is no "when else" than now. And if you want to make hell of it, you can make hell of it. If you want to make heaven of it, you can make heaven of it.

Everything that we have as our disposal right now is everything that we need to experience anything we want. Religions such as Christianity exist as a product of peoples' dissatisfaction with reality. They say, "This life sucks. Maybe there is something better to come afterwards that we can look forward to".
If you want to understand the nature and purpose of existence, focus on the present moment. You will realize that the answer to the seemingly massive question of purpose in existence may simply be to just exist.

Death of consciousness always seems to scare people. They think of it as being "boring" or "lonely". You have experienced death of consciousness before, actually, you experience it every time you go to bed at night (minus the dreaming). We cannot perceive unconsciousness because perception is a direct result of consciousness. Coming to this conclusion and fully understanding it, you may come to the same conclusion that I did. I came to to the conclusion that we cannot die.
We are already immortal beings of the present moment.

God was extremely stupid in the first place.
Garden of Eden, the Tree of knowledge.
If God truly wanted that NOONE eats from that tree, He shouldn't make that tree in the first place, or at least had that tree moved to someplace higher, out of reach perhaps. But no. Because God was a dimwit from the start, we suffer. There's your "omnipotent and all-knowing God"

Damn it. I made more typos because I'm not proof reading until after I post it. I've learned my lesson now.

Why is this thread not getting more traction? Are people too afraid to think abstractly?

I wish I could see the look on your dumbass face when you die and enter the void realizing you wasted every Sunday sitting around listening to bullshit fairy tales and based your values on a non-existant God's ideas of right and wrong. You've been tricked by the oldest troll on earth. Kys, get to "heaven faster".

Your post annoys me

why the fuck do you read the bible

Did you not read anything that I've written? I spend time trying to explain this stuff to people.

Death is the absence of consciousness. He/she will not be experiencing anything.

Which is why if I were god, I would use reincarnation

I know, hence why I said "I wish" as in "there's no fucking way but it'd be sweet if". that faggot thinks he's going to see/experience something so I figured I'd put it in terms his underdeveloped brain could grasp.

Dont waste your time. No matter how much sense you talk, the fear of leaving the party permanently will scare these people right into eternal praising. And when you try to explain how dreary and torturous heaven sounds, and that existing forever would be a form of hell, they'll tell you you dont understand and that we cant imagine heaven. Because thats what religion is. "you cant prove it wrong because its on such a higher level of understanding." its an infinite cop out that forces you to attempt to prove a negative.

10/10 explanation. I salute you sir.

>nobody's a good person
Keep living your sado-masochistic dream dude. Why does every christian blow a load at the idea of a sort of celestial north korea that listens to you every second of every day and can convict you of thought-crime. Do you enjoy feeling inadequate In the eyes of your tyrannical leader?

>Surely the only solace in life is that death is permanent?

You think this way because YOUR life is horrible, not life inherently.

What's wrong? Daddy didn't fuck you the way you wanted it when you were an infant?

>the fear of leaving the party permanently will scare these people right into eternal praising.

This was exactly the state that I was stuck in for a while. I never felt goodness from the religion that is Christianity. I only felt fear of the "what if?" scenarios.
I freed myself from the mental trap of belief systems by thinking and use of the internet. Specifically, looking into other belief systems and realizing the connectness of them all.


I'm gay


You only need one period to end a sentence.

I believe in you faggot jesus

Top kek

Literally Jesus fucking Christ

>YOUR life
think bigger user
the US/EU arent the only people in the world you know

There is no "what if" we're sure there is nothing after death, and the best part is, even if you're right (and you certainly aren't) when I die I'll still experience nothing because I never believed to begin with. Hell is living on a planet with retards like you who believe a magic sky man created, sees and influences all things. But what's even worse is what you Fools will do in the name of your god.

A test for all humanity? Like a spelling test?

You're calling me retarded? You couldn't even understand what I was trying to say.
I was saying that I used to be stuck in the mental trap that was religion. Now, I don't fear any kind of "hell" possibly happening after death.
I understand that we cannot be conscious of the unconscious. Please learn reading comprehension.

I was a kid when I saw some random scene from some star trek-like movie or series or something like that and even that was enough to change my view of the world. The scene was like two people looking at a house with two people in it in the middle of fucking nowhere and the two people who looked at them narrated it. The conversation was like "They are stuck in this place forever. They have been here since a pretty long time." "Why aren't they talking? Or doing anything really?" "They have been here since a few tens of thousands of years. They did everything. They talked about everything they possibly could. There's nothing new to the anymore."
And that's why I think heaven isn't worth it. I mean, must be fun for a while but when you are there for literally a mole of years or Graham's number to the Graham's number of years, it must get pretty boring.

immortality seems pretty neat though, just not cooped up in 'heaven'

Woops, my bad I got triggered halfway though and spazzed


I'm the same guy who wrote all of these posts.

Check out the twilight zone episode "A Nice Place to Visit".

It's about a career criminal who dies and goes into the afterlife. He is given a guardian angel who makes all his dreams come true. Beautiful women, fine food and all the gambling he could want. Every poker hand is a royal flush and every slot machine pull is a jackpot. He enjoys it for a bit, but eventually he becomes bored with the monotony of always winning. What fun is success when there is no chance of failure.

In the end he loses it and starts flipping out and asking to be sent to the 'other place' (hell). His guardian angel comes in and says THIS IS THE OTHER PLACE FAGET.

Even your best idea of heaven will blow dicks after a while. There is nothing so interesting as to keep you interested for eternity. Dr. Manhattan wishes he could die.