Brits are fucking idiots /thread
Brits are fucking idiots /thread
As a Brit, I can confirm this.
The Brits are fucking smart. Fuck the EU
What effect were you expecting it to have on the pound, you retard? Of course it was going to drop, and the bankers, and the economy will benefit when it bounces back in the not too distant future. It's only dropped because of short-term uncertainty.
For King & Country!
>not understanding the markets
You fucking fools, underestimating us was your first mistake. Roll on Trump!
ITT: Butthurt muslim cucked europoors jealous we have left and now their economy is going collpase
nationalism will not save you
> because the Brits definitely have a plan B nobody knows about
You're not britfag are you
I'm born britfag and even I can say that yes we are indeed idiotic
Which is why I'm not there anymore
i second this
UK next year
pic related
so uncertainty caused the market to recede
You don't say.
I'm a proud U.S. citizen
It only took me 12 years
The rest of Europe didn't want to see us leave because of what it would do to their respective economies.
>5th largest economy
>worlds leading financial centre
I think we'll be fine.
Talking to Sup Forums is like talking to a brick,
but I got news for you, if you think its smart to make political decisions based on who's a 'cuck' and who isn't, you are doing it wrong.
who are you
& why not?
Cool so you don't watch the news either?
If you are fine with becoming the next Greeks, then go on
nah man ur fucked cause ur all land connected and shit
This was to be expected, the pound started dropping well before anyone could ever guess who was going to win.
Any time there is a big shit stir a market is expected to do this.
It is a non point, and it is the only point your side seems to have.
thats not an answer and i think ur autistic
ugh.......... this argument is atrocious. Ive said it like 20 times and i think i might have to keep educating idiots. ill probably just copy and paste it for now on. Btw im american so i dont have a horse in this race but know simple economics. UK deciding to leave the EU is a near unprecedented event. 90% of people did not believe it could happen. With any big change a drop like this is very expected. There is no way to avoid it. But with that being said it will rebound fairly quickly. and you cant /thread youself. Id almost bet my left nut you are german
>ITT: Butthurt muslims & jews trying to turn things around when they realize great britain is no longer disneyland for suicide bombers, murderers, child rapist & other types criminals.
Hey at least David Cameron's leaving
it's temporary. it will bounce back.
insults from somebody who just voted for the ruin of his country xD
you mean greece and spain this year?
That's hilarious. The whole of Eurpoe has been propping up countries like Greece who did everything they could just to meet the minimum requirements to join the EU, (fudging figures and revaluing their gold reserves.)
exactly my point
Its really dosent matter what you brit fags do and who the fuck cares about you eu peices of shit. America will have a new president buy the end of the year and yall are all fuckd. Starting with the sand niggers and finishing with the eruo trash. Not only are we going to make america great again, we're going to make the world great again
Well, how come if they so dumb a british pound can buy me two dollars and like a million mexican moneys
Kek boi then go get a UK citizenship fg
As a rational thinking America-Mexican it seems like the British people made a mistake leaving the EU.
Bet most biritsh people would vote in a person like Donald Trump into power.
oh, sorry, I misspelled that.
>buy the end of the year
Make America Great Again.
i would love to move to england. If i wasnt in a 7 year relationship and have a big family i would move to england. My ancestors made a poor decision to leave
Is the UK land connected to Europe? Man I need a new map asap
oh shit subtle burn
ignore the trolls. when the EU collapses (and it will) they will truely be EUropoor.
just set up trigger charges in the tunnel jsut in case
You clearly have no idea how nationalism works.
shut up germany
Why is everyone so butthurt that the UK left? I doubt it'll have any real long term effect. Sure the pound is down but that'll stabilize and the UK will probably keep most of the economic policies that already had in order to keep things running smoothly. It was a political decision more than a economic choice. That's just my objective view.
I heard rumors that France is talking about doing the same though. It'd be funny to see the eu fall apart but that'll never happen
thanks, I am german
This almost makes me want to visit Sup Forums again, or is that why this is spilling over into Sup Forums?
eh, you found out really fast
my respect
just the usual hysteria. the markets will return to normal soon.
Brit here
whole thing was a bit of a shock but kind of predictable. Voting was decided on three things.
Age - Older you are more likely you want to leave.
Wealth - Poorer you are more likely you want to leave.
Education - less educated you are more likely you are to leave.
This just shows that BritLand is a land full of poor, stupid old people.
staying in the EU would have ruined his country. now they have a choice in who and what is allowed in their country. They dont have to put up with dumb regulations set by a government nobody respects. Their country wont be overrun by immigrants and refugees that will only strain resources meant for citizens. Only 6% of british exports go to EU countries, so that wont ruin the country. Please tell me......... exactly whats bad about this? You liberals are fucking retarded. "But if we dont accept all these miuslims then we are ruining our country"
Be Young
Be Stable economically
Be educated with three degree, currently working as a Registered Nurse
>6th largest
Scotland is a whole 5 IQ points behind the UK average, and they voted overwhelmingly Remain, are all remain voters stupid?
the rich intelligent young people are just out travelling the world atm dont worry do not fear.
now did you get your info from that shitty poll taken a week ago with 1600 participants? that is hardly a test group
What are your degrees? (not having a dig just wondering) also why a nurse, with that much education you could do alot more with yourself (and probably better paid my 1 degree got me a 40k entry level job right out of uni).
Buy the way, you're a fucking retard
not british but i dont have a degree and i make $140K a year. So fuck college
judging by his responses, swedish or german.
it's still falling m8. we're at a 60-year low now.
expected to be at a 100-year low by Monday.
real estate and hard asset values have also plummeted. and will continue to plummet for some time.
Share some knowledge with us, then. What is the secret plan ?
The wealth side of your argument doesn't seem correct: Greece,; Protugal and Spain don't want to leave. They were economicaly destroyed less than a year ago because they wanted to stay in EU.
I'm eagerly waiting on the next elections in Scotland and North Ireland.
Can anyone explain what's going on? Preferably in 2 sentences or less?
All I hear about this is
>Grrr old people
>Grrr racist bigots
>Britain is doomed
I live in based Texas, so I haven't read too much into it, but I'm sure it'll affect us somehow.
Fair point. Don’t have an answer to that one.
Scotland will definitely go, not sure about Ireland.
UK decided they dont want unregulated muslims in their country. Rest of EU is pissed because they have to support greece themselves
English Literature
English Language
Became a teacher for a few years. Decided to go into healthcare, so decided on nursing, as my bro is also a nurse.
I know I could probably make more money, but being a nurse is hardcore and badass, makes you a proper alpha helping people. Fuck the money
nice bullshit headlines
ugh that US economy makes me hard......... "Muh goods"
10 nasheeds have been deposited to your bank account. aloha snackbar.
All EU countries that have had political leaders state THEY now want referendums.
We bailed out of a sinking ship, and now half the crew are gonna join us.
I feel bad for Germans stuck with Mein Fuhrer Merkel. She wanted to be captain, so she'll take your whole country down with the S.S. EU.
I can respect that. Nurses do alot of good and are not always fully reconsigned.
Thank you for being there for us all I guess?
EU is mostly based on economic cooperation between countries (some politics too, but nevermind that).
One of the original members decided to leave. That member was the one responsible for banks and exchange, and about a half of its population decided to leave the union, leaving all the banks located within its borders asking themselves "should we leave?".
Now we, the rest of europe, are all waiting for the hammer to fall.
>not even upset
Not France, except the far right wing party that doesn't understand how global economy works.
... Ok, I know there's more to it than that, but that sounds like a solid plan so far.
No more dunecoons raping/killing everything with a pulse and they've stopped babysitting a fucking country.
Alright now it sounds bad. Who decided this? Obviously there was some want for this from some people. Who does this benefit?
> Who decided this?
The prime minister of the UK decided that the people have a right. So he offered a Referendum: "Should we leave or stay?" to its people to get elected.
Appreciate that Sup Forumsro
>5th largest economy
See, this is why I stay out of politics. Shit is shady.
Protip: if you're looking to relocate, the states are nowhere near as bad as people make is out to be.
You're dumb
No thanks, I lived there for a few years (CA & NJ). Australia is more attractive.
The EU is first and foremost an economic union. The Brits leaving was a really fucking stupid move on that part. The US has stated that the EU is its foremost trading partner, and the of all UK exports, some 60% go to the eurozone. They basically just opened new trade negotiations that will give them a worse deal than the one they had before.
Major factor in that London was the world's trade capital was because it was situated in an important EU city. That will probably now be either Paris or Frankfurt.
>That will probably now be either Paris or Frankfurt.
or Bucarest
I (as a French) don't see Paris becoming a London bis. Way too much rules and politicos trying to regulate things.
I don't know about the situation in Germany, so maybe Frankfurt
Ummm no, sorry romania-ball.
53% of polled French wanted a referendum held.
Marine La Pen is currently a front-runner to win next years general election.
London was on the road to becoming the worlds trade capital before the EU was officially formed, this won't change.
a SMART choice lads...