Haters gonna hate, but Justin created one of the most powerful albums' trilogies since the 70's

Haters gonna hate, but Justin created one of the most powerful albums' trilogies since the 70's

It's a band.

A one man band dummy

22, A Million is the only thing he's made that doesn't put me to sleep halfway through

Tried listening to his new album, but it literally sounds like radio pop/RnB/hip-hop.

Does anyone else find it pretentious that you're "supposed to" pronounce it as "Bohn Eever"?

nu male cuck shit

The difference is artists in the 70s churned out masterpieces every year, or even in the same year

name one

Well it's derived from "bon hiver" which is French for good winter. He made For Emma while cooped up in his cabin during one winter, hence the name


Whats the trilogy? How are these albums in anyway connected?


Get out

I used to like bon over but last album is awful

They're all 10s for me. How does he keep doing it?

His first two albums were run of the mill indie folk, just because he started experimenting with his sound and made an interesting album doesn't make it a great trilogy

I will say I am looking forward to Vernon's next project though, hopefully he keeps playing around with his sound

Are you serious?

How does winter, spring and fall connect?

>haters gonna hate


Not a single song which isn't beautiful, impactful and unique in its world-creation ability

I agree that one of the most impressive thing about their albums is the complete lack of fillers

Justin Vernon is the George Lucas of music.

He started off doing some interesting if flawed work that showed a lot of promise, but then surrounded himself with yes men who treat him as some kind of genius. This meant he just got more and more ambitious with his projects without addressing any of the fundamental problems with his music like the bad mixing or incomplete song structures. These problems present themselves more and more through his career as he focuses on atmosphere and texture over songwriting.

It's really frustrating because I know he still has the capacity to write great music, he just needs someone to tell him when he does something stupid.

More like Steven Spielberg

I watched him for 13 days and locked him in his

Justin himself has pronounced it "Bawn Eye-verr" in interviews. I think only the hardcore fans really care

It might be over soon

Only the middle one is great. The first one is pretty good and the last one was shit.

(Not him) Low and "Heroes" by David Bowie were both released in '77.

>Strafford 29
>33 GOD
>8 circle


The rest is literally fillers

no it doesn't

Not in the 70s but Dylan's electric trilogy was made in a time span of 18 months.

So did a few artists in the 2000s, soooo

>Rain Dogs
>Frank's Wild Years

>The Bends
>Ok Computer
>Kid A

>Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
>A Ghost is Born

>Clouds Taste Metallic
>The Soft Bulletin

You have seriously shit taste

Quote me where I said I liked those albums.

Bon Iver is a shit

You said that the Wilco albums are more powerful than Bon Iver's trilogy. This is shit taste


Didn't answer my question. Try again?

Bon Iver more like Boring Ver