Hey Sup Forums, let's tryout something new

Hey Sup Forums, let's tryout something new.
It's a game where we build a constitution and decide rules.

A proposed law that gets accepted by 10 posts gets in the constitution, 69 roll decides the name for the nation.
Dubs law post gets accepted immediately.
Trips become an amendment.
Quads become the constitution itself.

It is illegal to fuck a watermelon.

You do realize anyone can make a law by just samefagging, right?
Fucking czeched

Believe no one that bored and twisted to actually repost 10 times, bitch.

But why?

I think we are on a good start to a great nation.

All cutfags must receive skin grafts to re-circumcise, or be banished.


>uncut master race

Niggers or only allowed as pets, and a strict policy on breeding

Women most be fully nude and all women below 32c are executed

Everyone must smoke weed every day

I can see the potential in this thread, go ahead, and somebody write this down

No dune coons
Name: Hardcore Interracial Footjob



Turkey. Sammich. It's illegal to concealed carry any sammich.

If someone asks you kindly on a train or a bus or etc. to strip, you have to.

No more fucking trap/rate/excessive porn threads. The quadnited states of moot demands it.

We implement machines to hardware intelligence directly into our brains in an instant.

Op is a faggot
Name: Faggotland

kids are pets until they turn 10

you are allowed to euthanize pets, since they are not viewed as intelligent beings

Agreed, would be a multibillion dollar project but we could get working on removing child labor lwas


Winrar, dub dubs. What do if proposition is agreed on by dubs or higher



Vote for this

Summerfag why don't you instead we arent your personal army

He has dub dubs so law is immediate

It is illegal to wear a watermelon as a helmet

Trips and I become king of this faggotland.

Summerfags, niggers, and the deformed and retarted (unless the defect creates a superhuman) shall be immediately killed upon sight

Is OP still here tracking the laws

Muslims must be killed slowly in front of their families, or reform

I agree

I think thread is dying

Fucking a banana is illegal.

Jews run the economy and there's no exception

I become Elder Councilman in this new land. Only 4 shall come beside me who request it and roll dubs

Winrar, Not more watermelon fucking

I vote for this!

Acid can be find in any chemist but there is a control of it ( no more thang 5g per months/person) an "acid control card" has yo be purchased : everytime you want to buy some, you'll get an official stamp on your card telling how much you bought this month. It is foebidden to take acid and drive.

We advance military, technology, and education. I become leader of military and technology my creating a factory of automatonic soldiers and workers who have a core personality derived out of my own

belly pats and doggos for all


Every tenth girl born is sacrificed to the gods.

Every seventh girl becomes a sex slave.

If there's an instance that a girl gets both they're gangbanged and then sacrificed.

How would that work? Would they be randomly chosen a number from a group of 10? And if so, how would a girl get both


Every third fortnight, each citizen should lie with a male animal of the farm as sacrificial rite. those citizens unable to bring the beast to orgasm must slaughter the beast on the following sunrise and collect its blood in a basin to be used to bath the children of the community.

we will have an annual "feminazi witchhunt day" that will be 1 day a month until all of those tumblrfags are dead.

God bless you son

Multiples of the number is chosen.

For example, the fourteenth and twenty-first are sex slaves.

The seventieth girl is gangbanged and sacrificed.

once every week, we will have a huge orgy from 1:AM to 1:am of the next day.


Whoever is posting this in every thread should be shot and killed. Vote for me.


OP needs to track all laws or i will become new OP



*and as free labor



Does not mean that i am leader of whatever this shitty land is

Those who dont fit the fine tuned mold of our society must be given a daily shot of thorazine if they wish to live

Dips on leader.

You can call me Shadow


Holy shit i was almost president. Off by 1


One off. Woudl have been a good constitution too

Quads and higher becomes leader

Lol off by 1 faggot

Ignore them if you don't like em. Not my fault you can't control your penis

Sorry, dubs = immediate law

The autism army

Whenever someone reaches puberty, they must go through a trial where they are gangbanged for four days. If they survive, they may become an actual part of our community. All those that have not reached puberty are legal slaves for whatever you wish.

You need more than one type of person to have a society faggot

It is legal to kill a non-white.


daily injection of a psychedelic compound in every1

the language will exist of 100 words only

Niggers, feminists and wanna be special snowflakes who create their own genders are to be brainwashed alomg with their families. If they are to refuse, they will be eradicated

all winners of hungry hungry hippos must be immediately executed
>if 69, country name kekistan

Kim Jong-un and Hitler are to be worshiped and are the gods. Worship them every Monday in place of school. We can work out a detailed religion if this gets accepted.


I agree


Somebody has a brain here

When thread dies shall we continue? Or start a new constitution? Kinda feeling like the new one should be unique

No Niggers within 5 light years of A white person

I second this


Refer to

please come to my Sammy thread. He's about to turn 18! What should we give him for his birthday?

Some tits and ass