You are in a crowded bus, she is standing in front off you.Would you touch it?

You are in a crowded bus, she is standing in front off you.Would you touch it?

rub my hard cock against that ass.

no, not a fucking creep

no because that's literally illegal

Not on purpose


I'd only touch this if she were 15 or younger

I'd "accidentally" fall into her when the bus stops xD

If she was my gf yeah. Totally

That's funny cuz I actually know her in real life. It's crazy how much her pictures have spread


Yeah, he has a good ass

Proof or fake and gay

i would sniff

Her real names rays erickson, use to live in my hometown of thompson. Haven't spoke to her in a while since she moved to Winnipeg and then calgary. Look up demi b, she's hot as fuck but has some crazy big meat curtains. Her sister is hot as fuck as well

Now, were I off to the side, yes. And make sure I was positioned away from her so she blames the faggot of an OP.


pics or it didnt happen. im not looking up shit

Meh phones about to die and I just got off work. I don't really care

No. But I would stare at it the whole bus ride and fantasize about eating it.

obvious liar is obvious