Are you hyped as I am?

After one great season and one meh season of anime, two live action movies we get a CGI movie with the biggest villain of the manga.

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Get that weeboo shit off my American image forum.

I knew this was the normie board.

Looks like a faithful adaptation of the source material, some shots are even exactly like the ones from the manga. Can't wait to see it, but i wonder how much are they going to change the story.

Heard the manga went to shit, hell even trying to read those early chapters was painful because the pacing was dogshit

Fuck yes, I love Gantz, both manga and anime. And I hate manga and anime.

Weebcucks are the most normalfag degen posters On the site you dumb cuck LMAO

with an azn owner.

it was mixed. had dogshit, but still had some great plot.

I was gonna say they need to do the kamis, turns out that's what they're doing, holy shit I'm hyped.

I forget, did notLara Croft die?


is this cyberpunk?

>fatty tissue for the tits

Man that dude's a good artist.

>a naked woman made of naked youkai women
>the fucking guns

I am so fucking in.

Explain the concept of Gantz.
I tried it ages ago but it was weird and I didnt get. Spoilers welcome.
Some kid dies (?) and then hes part of a videogame?

>>YOUKAI sex
lol yes!

here is the concept
though most of the truth is a mystery for a long time

why didnt they just climb up onto the train platform?

>get the fuck off Sup Forums weeb!

they thought the train will stop, and easyer to run to the end of the station

Bad writing. The story required them to get hit by the train so he made the characters act retarded.

Katou is the hero we need

I watched the anime of Gantz back in the day, but i never read the manga. Is this related to what happened in the anime? Is it a reboot?

anime s2 is total different, manga doesn't have those psychos. Until the Buddha mission it's mostly the same

idk if s2 had the temple fight but if s1 ends on the temple fight that is where you stop watching the anime and jump straight to the manga, or just fuck the anime since its only a few chapters of the manga so you dont break the immersion of reading it

You just can see it in their eyes...

>His blackface, /r9k/-style rampage will never be adapted

Osaka arc was the highpoint of the manga.

The author went full retard and broke the story after that.

Gantz is complete and utter shit.
Watched most of the series when it was on MTV. Watching anime in the old days was not that easy, otherwise I would have stopped wasting my time after the second episode.

And don't fucking tell me to read the manga because it's better. I'm sure it won't change be basic problems, that
a) it's shit
and b) I hated every single character.
Or was this the point of it, rooting for the aliens to kill those fucks?

Anime is 100% different from the Manga, literally nothing is the same. The erection stuff doesn't happen, those two psychos who kill hobo's doesnt happen. So fucking different.

Manga is good until Aliens show up, then it's a shitfest.


Isnt there 2 movies already? Is this a sequel?

Look pretty good
hopping for kishimoto nude cg scenes

it's the same as 99% of the other animu and mangu

an interesting, inspired premise, drawn and worn out because that was it - just a premise

>And don't fucking tell me to read the manga because it's better.
then just watch Gantz O when it's finished

>a) it's shit
No. And also yes, in the anime, after the temple mission.
>and b) I hated every single character.
but then this could be your favourite show. almost every single character is killed off eventually
>Or was this the point of it, rooting for the aliens to kill those fucks?
dunno. There are pretty awesome aliens, especially those who are in this Osaka arc

God the Osaka team were the fuckin best


Looks nice tbrh, Osaka team was pretty cool
It all went to shit after that arc

>nurarihyon battle lasts 7 hours

any youtube link for this

Yeah, it really did. What a fucking waste.

that arc would may be even bigger than the osakan, if they would include also the jurassic mission.
>streetfight with vampires
>Shinjuku massacre, introducing the telekinetik guys (included school bullying)
>gantz bike, sword

>it's a kei comes back as a vampire but then comes back as real kei who isn't real kei and then the vampires go away forever episode

Got you senpai

when did that happened?

You probably blocked it out entirely, and I don't blame you one bit.

didn't you mistaken him for his brother? that was the vampire

That was his brother, got me confused

The hype is strong. I literally wanted this part of the manga in the anime, videogame or in the live actions

From what the trailer looks like seems we are getting the best alternative possible.

No, it's simply 00s sci fi.

Looking back, this is pretty retarded.
Survival of the fittest I guess

I can tell you that the manga is a dozen times better. Everything after what happened at the shrine is different in the manga. It's worth a read.

The anime (Aside from dbz, pokemanz etc) was the first I ever watched. I tried it again a year or 2 back and while the concept is alright the actual show was terrible. I skim through a lot of the manga just to see how different it was and it was OK.

people will call it shit when they get to the god alien, also that they never explain the vampires

It's just the Osaka mission in the movie, I think. Yeah, it's really silly how anything atheist will immediately be labeled as edgy/fedora and offensive and gets in the way of objectively judging the quality of something.
Just like with Rick & Morty.

The vampires were partly explained with nanomachines at the time when they appeared. That could be just another alien tech/ organization against humanitym even by the giants. but thats just headcanon

>only osaka
boring, they should at least include battle of Rome

>say that there is not such thing as an afterlife
>literally explains that they pull souls from another plane of existence to revive those who had died

I generally dislike anime in 3D. They should have just made it 2D. After all the Osaka mission wasn't in the anime anyways and Gantz animated and designed up to the quality of 2016 would be cool enough to watch. imo.

They said there is no God. And just because according to the manga souls end up in another dimension temporarily, doesn't mean people walk around in a sunny green paradise.

have you even seen the recent decline in 2d quality?

>all anime is made by one studio

this isn't limited to just one studio

>Implying this will be shown in the movie

Nips always cut the most extreme elements from the mangos in movies

Osaka was one of the most bullshit moments
nurarihyon was op as fuck with infinite life and they still managed to kill him by just killing him over and over again

aren't there uncensored japan animes? i mean if the mangas could come out as it was, with big breasts everywhere, why couldn't the CG anime?

tough there were some censoring restrictions there since the manga ended, if i recall right.

with teamwork
>with friends everything will be alright

Osaka was the last good arc of the manga as well, i'm hyped nigga.

Semi-interested. This happened too:

I know it's way too obscure, but has anybody seen the Dragon Head movie?

So? That doesn't mean there aren't any studios out there that can live up to 2016.

oh shit I loved that manga

does that exist? dragon head movie?

What's the source or your webm? is there a new trailer?


That poor bird monster

Yeah. It's probably not as good.

fuck. Looks terrible. But then again there has never been a good manga to movie adaption ever

Edge of tomorrow?

I have to say that was a fun movie. Have never read the manga though so would not be able to compare

Prove me wrong

Light novel adaptation.

lost interest in Gantz so fucking hard when this thing popped up instead of hot waifus

i can't argue with that.
though even Tae-chan had great moments

>Light novel adaptation
that and no attempt to draw it out longer until infinity in other mediums

mangu and other shit just don't know when to stop and just deliver the original idea

is i am a hero good? the manga i mean, also dragon head

they're basically two different things, haven't read the novel yet, but in the manga the aliens are terraformers and they target the main character because he accidentally intercepted some tachyons that allowed the aliens to reverse time and with each reverse they get closer and closer to the military base he's stationed at until he's forced to kill the girl that he's in love with, because to stop time from reversing again one of them must die
