Okay so this son of a bitch raped me, and sexually assaulted 3 of my friends. Do what you will with his phone number...

Okay so this son of a bitch raped me, and sexually assaulted 3 of my friends. Do what you will with his phone number. It's a UK number.

He lives around Mansfield, so if you see him, do what you will.

Right, here's the number folks!
(+44) 07701005495

If he raped you why are you putting it on Sup Forums and not going to the police?

We've been to the police. Nothing could be done as I left it til AFTER I'd stopped being petrified of telling anyone.

Why didn't you just brexit?

Hipkin Peyton, 00MDMZ Foxborough, Slough

Bloody hell. Sup Forumsumping for justice

NYPA faggot.

NYPA. Fuck you and your shitty bait.

are you in or out?
also tits or gtfo
if u r male

9/10 would bang

fuck of feminazi, no one cares about you here

Amerifag here

Phone number has too many numbers

Gr8 b8 m8 8/8

I hope this is bait

You do realise the phone number has 11 digits. You start with the 0, or replace the 0 with the +44.

It's not bait. Genuinely just want someone to fuck around with him a bit. Why not see if he has whatsapp? Or call him from skype?


Post pics/greentext your experience.

Underrated post.

This guy's name is Nathan Straw by the way.

>He was an online friend, known him for a few years
>Skyped him and a few other friends from his area regularly
>Grew to trust him, spoke to him about many personal things
>Eventually him and other friends invited me to travel to see them, each of us contributing to my train fare
>Spend 2 hours on the train
>Finally arrive, am greeted with a hug from him
>I'd arranged to stay at his place as other friends' parents wouldn't allow
>Watched movies for a few hours, he kept feeling me up and I asked him to stop
>He asked me flat out to have sex with him
>I said no
>He told me that was the wrong answer
>He pinned me down, he's twice my size
>Held me by the throat while he violently fucked me against my will
>The whole time I was saying no, partially frozen in fear but trying to ask him to stop
>eventually I got the strength to push him off
>Was stuck at his house the entire night, trying to find a way for somebody to come get me
>Didn't sleep
>Nobody came for me
>Went home the next day 2 days early
>Never been the same since

Why the fuck would Sup Forums care if he bad touched you? NYPA fucboi

what kinda fuckhead are you?? fucking wannabe "cool Sup Forums badass".. get u shit together nolifer! this shit comment is what actually ruins the whole Sup Forums community, Congrats to you...

maybe you should be charged with negligence. If he 'allegedly' rapes again its on you.

Blah insult blah

Ha :V

is that a EU number?

he's pretty hot, address?

thats pretty hot, got any more stories?

Not your personal army, faggot.

Just came

maybe if you showed us your bobs we could help maybe

>mfw i live near mansfield

jeez.. kinda gotta be kids for a reason


We can't have a proof, maybe try to make him talk about that by message, then post the pic and we'll have a proof.

No doubt you'll get help if he's a real raper.

Just get some local niggers to stomp him.

It's Just that I really can't be bothered right now. Try a therapist

I actually live in Mansfield, and can honestly say I have never seen him

Let him do it again (but make sure to leave your secret consent card at home) and get it on camera to get this guy justice. If you're a true hero of society one time of unwanted sex should be fine to endure to put this guy behind bars.

>not your personal army

Also, look at the house, this whole thread is probably bait, because noone here in Mansfield has a house like that exterior. That and noone uses that plant

>gets raped
>3 friends also raped
>all by alleged same dude
>police won't do anything

Lol found his FB page, check out his status haha


well tbh, those words dont even make sence.. u ever tryed one??

it's summer alright

this is almost worse than someone saying "I know the prime minister resigned but who is the president"

Bell end


It worries me how easy it is to ruin someones life just because someone posted fake story. OP is just some betafag who is jellaous. Fuck off op

Yeah and they suck but it's better than nothing.

that looks like that faggot that keeps posting his nudes here because he gets off on humiliation.
is that you?

Looks like someone whose life needs to be ruined.

Some dumbass is obviously going to tell the man that the victim posted it here.
You should not have done that, there are so much assholes here who can't even think about the consequences of wht they do.

yeah. he calls himself intergalactic milkman. even if he didnt do it, still probably a douche bag

oh nice. then maybe she will get raped again...... ive got the greatest boner right now

Good job doing what OP wants.

Who the fuck cares. A dumb bitch decided to make shit decisions and got raped. "Hello person on the Internet, I want to meet you in real life. Also I want to go over to your house implying I want to commit to the act of sex, but I'm going to just watch movies because I'm an ignorant slut". Fuck you, you deserve it you cunt.


Kill yourself. I mean this seriously. The world would be better off without a piece of trash like you.

Something tells me you have a story that needs to be shared. Go on user tell us your rape story.

Just STFU. I think you just don't have any social life to say that.

> oh omg i'm so safe behind my computer, i never meet anyone but i'm safe

He WAS my friend and I didn't realise he was like this. As time went on he did it more and more. I didn't wanna believe he was like it, but once he tried it with me I realised what kind of person he really is. It upsets me because we were friends for a good 4 years or so... I genuinely don't understand what he gains from it...

Show your tits, bitch.

do guys really think thin and long pube beards are attractive to anyone?

She's clearly stupid if she thinks a guy she met online doesnt want to fuck her brains out.

not your personal army

Already tried 14 times. Didn't work.

I introduced them, so I can't help but feel responsible. I just don't understand what went through his sick, sick mind.

He was balls deep in your sugar walls you dopey cunt, what's not to understand?

moooooar what about your friends.

>eventually I got the strength to push him off

jesus christ this could not be more obviously made up

true, but still doesnt make it ok to be an 13 yr old kid that want a internet forum to greet him whit shit.. the sad part is that he mosty is a 45 yr old fagget posting shlt.. which is one of MANY that is ruining the whole community

sillie willie is about to get raped again by the intergalactic milkman.
We should hear his side of the story.

Yeah how did THREE of your friends walk into the same trap? Did you not mention he was a rapist?

I live in mansfield too and I have never seen this guy but this place is full of dicks 80 percent voted out for fuck sake.

NYPA faggot

If she goes inside the home is an automatic fuck me hard in the ass sign.
Every girl I know knows the wanna come to my home to watch some movies trick.
I sometimes even used it on friends as code to fuck, some just type lol no :(

Look OP you know the rule.. tits... or gtfo..

isn't the uk in europe?

Wow I didn't realise Sup Forums has turned this gay. You faggots don't even wanna troll anyone anymore let alone pube beard over here.

You're a dumb fuck.

All I know is someone gave us someone to troll. Wether the story is legit or not this fucker looks like he deserves it.

Stfu OP.

Lurk around CeX he works there

nouf said.. im off.. prolly forever,, kids/50 yeas old pigs, get a life!

get dick cancer faggot, no one cares about you

Nope just your average user lookin for some keks. Btw I'm the one that found his FB.

some light trolling seeing as im not wasting numbers on some Sup Forums fags victim


You haven't yet proven you are a girl
seriusly do you think people here are just gonna take your word for it?

call him up and ask him to rape my bio pussy

Following your footsteps user

not saying it's not true or not, but do people think they can come here, make up a story about a person they don't like, give us their number and thats it? we need proof, we're not your personal army

What were you wearing?

Here you go. The day you leave Europe, english start raping. Savages.

I hope you voted remain.

So now sage this thread until she provides tits.

Shut the fuck up you refugee loving cunt

I'm sorry I can't hear you over the sound of your hooligans we're packing in our prisons, faggot


Such bait. Men dont rape, girls just make it harder to sleep with but we all know girls secretly want it and love it. Stop accusing this guy of rape because you regret sleeping with him.

Yo OP is his name Thomas or Tom?

Looked him up on fb and apparently he's from Sutton in Ashfield.

can everyone report? profile should be taken down if enough people do it

(not a raid, a genuine report of a person who we are concerned is either using a fake identity or has raped someone)