Would you or too fat, Sup Forums ?

Would you or too fat, Sup Forums ?

quite fatty, but a couple beers should be enough, your face is fine
hope you are a horny hoe


i would she isnt gross fat

Easy would

if you can use that lips well sure


If she wasnt trying to look 'cool' and 'hip' with her blue fking hair i might go there

Would, despite the blue tumblrina hair

post more. fat tumblrina-looking types is my fetish.

the unimaginable desperation to hate fuck them is real. feed me Sup Forums

Definitely would, in the ass. Wouldn't stay in contact with someone like her though.

I would just to see if the carpet matches the curtains.

As the saying goes; I'd knock the dust off that pussy.


That's the gayest shit I've read today

Yeah that's good shit.

Most definitely would

hot asf would bang until it hurts

Ass please....but 1000% would.

So would

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She is great.

I was hoping this was Jessi Slaughter

nah that bleach diet is keeping her stick thin

I might be in the minority but I actually like a certain amount of meat. It's nice to have.
Whales on the other hand...

I would so hard she wouldn't be able to walk

I would she looks ok, would prefer to see how big ass is, bigger being better to outweigh the belly problem, but her face is pretty