Sup Forums what is your favourite final fantasy game?

Sup Forums what is your favourite final fantasy game?

Pic related its mine.

>inb4 that VIII is shit, fuck you its my opinion and im entitled to it.

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Anyone who says VII is a retard we all know VI is the GOAT.

7 the best

Chrono Cross



Yep, much feelings about this game, better FF in Ps at that time.

I actually liked 13 alot...

>Shitty game
>Massively media overrated
>Ps most favorite FF, not mine so fuck off niggers

Yeah you have a solid opinion there user.

Hahahahahahha funny.

my god user i genuinly love you. Thank you for speaking the truth.

7> 9 = 11 = 8 > others /thread


Whatever you say champ.

this one

i have played every single ff and hardly had to make this definitive list in my opinion

7 > 9 = 11 = 8 >10 > 6 > ...etc

6>8>7>10>9>all the other
XV looks great though

the magic of 7, 8, 9 ,11 and also 10 and 6 is perfect, this magic is not in any other game or other ff previosly to 6 or at least i have not experimented it

Eh its your opinion but i gotta disagree Sup Forumsro...

Seriously? 9 is your second favourite?...damn man...

Suikoden 2>8>6>Type 0>12>7>9>OP's Mum (There are no other final fantasy games)

8 was good, i dont think anybody can say otherwise o.0
my favorite was 1 and 3

Are all of you faggots forgetting the complete epicness of 6? It was incredible every character was crazy fleshed out, amazing music, great art and one of the best villains of all time

Alot of people hate 8 because it went super fucking surreal after the first disc

Yep, as you can see, he likes 7 best then 9 how's that?

6 was my favorite while the 2d animation sprites were a thing, then came the ps with it the good game, besides the 7, that shit was for testing porpoises nothing more, then came the 8 and love was floating on the air.

i like both 7 and 9 for equal, maybe 7 a bit more but 9 absolutly great nothing to envy to 9


OP here...i must say im extremely enjoying this thread and im glad nobody is being a asshole to anyone. Thanks Sup Forumsro's for a actual conversation. What are your guys thoughts on XV?

>but 9 absolutly great nothing to envy to 9

>What are your guys thoughts on XV?
I'll have to play it so I can give an honest answer.


XV looks promising. I really had a hard time enjoying XIII but XIII-2 was awesome to me so I choose to remain cautiously optimistic about new FF's

despite this game is carved into my heart of 29 y I personally love this more. Pic so much related. This made my rainy afternoons when I was 12 and life was easy.

Pretty excited but I'm more excited for the HD release of 12



Indeed. Lightning returns was felt like a fucking barbie game to me because it felt like it was just nothing but "dress up lightning..."

every FF after 9 is poor. X is decent but only Auron is decent as a character.

have high hopes,,, i hope it to not disappoint me


Thread's over some just remembered the best jrpg!

XI was great

que rica

This is an opinion that not enough people share, thank you user.

I liked eight, but none was my favorite. Loved the world and stuff.

Twelve was a close second though. I'm aware that's not a very popular game, but whatever.


Final Fantasy X
always have to go with the first FF game i played

i had to decide if pirate this or ff when i was 11-12 yo, i went for ff

[spoiler] never ragrets [/spoiler]

i wanted to play it few months ago but lost motivation at start, will try again

>none was my favourite

Kek. I know what you meant but still funny.

MFW what a thick yuna we have here!


Gotta go with five, genuine feels and characters with interesting stories. Plus exdeath makes my dick hard as a villain.

Open world
linear as shit!

Do I have to say more?

Blast, well, thanks for not being a dick about it. Wasn't paying attention.

Nine, obviously.

I didn't really like it...I don't hate it, but it's definitely one of my least favorite FF's better than 13 and all of its shitty sequels

>underrated post

You must have played the game wrong. VII is a lot better, and on the same console. That materia system makes the game worth playing.
I like Tactics A2 on DS the most. X-2 is the best traditional final fantasy I think, because battles are actually fun and not a chore.

Judging by the tone of the thread I'm going to get lynched for liking X the most.


My favourite is 3.

>it's better than 13 and all of its shitty sequels
Please anything is better than that shitty transformer game.

Meh, god game, not my favorite but a good one.

Nope you wont this is a chilled thread, i must ask though why do you like X?

If 7 is your favourite you have never played the others.

I've started III several times and can't get into it. I think the furthest I got was where you get to control the guy where you input buttons. I think it's on a mountain top.
Played it for 45~ minutes and quit it.

I can agree, it peaked at 9, fell hard for me on 10, picked up a little with 11, then just took a complete nose dive....13 almost made me want to stop playing FF games forever

But I did. I played 5 (emulated) on SNES, 7, 8 and 9. I'm guessing you're not going to count Tactis, Advance, A2 or X-2.

The best is 13 hands down.


>hasnt played 6

Your opinion is invalid.

Your fucking joking, right?

Dubs of truth.

V, GBA edition
They weren't trying to be dark and edgy. It felt like actual final fantasy. There were some really funny moments, and I loved having so much classes, even though mystic knight and summoner were fucking OP.

Also, Faris is best girl.

wtf r u all retarded? ff12 was the best ever made

Thank you for letting me keep my scalp. Anyways:
Best waifus
Best combat
Best ability learning system
Actually interesting bosses
Best music, namely Seymour's theme and Otherworld

I don't ignore the flaws, I just think its good enough for them to not matter.

>VII is a lot better

....this is true

My nigga. I'm right there with you. Probably one of the most underrated ff games and it shows since they've remastered everything except this one.

Cant argue with the music and waifus

Pff all the VII deniers got nuthing but rage, rage on boys VII rules ya all

I've played them all (except 12, but that doesn't really count)...7 is still my favorite

>played 5 but still preferred 7

the dub dubs of truth...i love you user. They do need to remaster it i would love to play it on my PS4...

Bartz is a pimp m8

i own ff 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10-2/10hd/12,13,13-2
and a few spin offs
best cant decide between 8 and 12
worst 13
most played 12
best story is none jrpgs story is always shit
best music 7
best combat 10
best world 12
best characters 6
best summons 10
best main character cecil
best chick quisty
best main villain vain

purely opinion but the series is dying anyway

Gr8 b8.

ff8 best ff

The illiterate likes VII so it must be good

>Implying I didn't beat the shit of that whore just by getting in his place
Worst final boss ever, deal with it.

I would even be ok with it being remastered for mobile platforms. Just something. Jesus fuck Square Enix needs to take its mouth off the cock long enough to push this one through.

Best main character cecil? Really? Explain?


Moar FF porn.

I actually liked 8 aswell. the system of absorbing magic from enemies was neat.

I like 12 aswell

He's alpha af

mah nigga
8 is the shit. I hate when people trash it because of the draw system. I think most nerds are mildy OCD and that's why they didn't like it. The idea of not being at 100 of something because they had to use the spell a few times causes their anxiety to act up.

This. People should start a petition to remaster FF8 in HD.

I'd let him steal my girl

>muh gaming dick
it is good, very good, the best still

Meh is just ps stupid COs decided to make VII their diva, making propaganda convincing people that it's a great game, where it still a shitty game, they have admitted it various times see the recently E3 and you'll see that I don't lie.

I'm pretty sure people have. Obviously not enough though.