What's better than cheap beer and a juicy cheese hamburger?

What's better than cheap beer and a juicy cheese hamburger?

better beer and a double cheeseburger.

not calling it a cheese hamburger and calling it by its name, a cheeseburger


Good beer and a steak

that fuckers undercooked with 0 char
OP is a fag

..but it is a cheese hamburger. It's not a burger made of cheese.


thats a medium rare steak sandwich

You can't get better than cheap beer, it lets you buy more cheap beer and more cheese hamburgers until I'm a mess who can't walk home

So I'm hanging out with a group of friends and this girl is making eye contact consistently with me. Basically, she mentions her boyfriend to the group and then her friend mentions her boyfriend again. The fuck is that all about? Is there no chance or should I go for it, anons?

doesn't matter what kind of beer to me really it all does the same thing right

the hamburger would be good if you made it yourself. hamburger meat isn't my favorite but they are okay occasionally

Fine then, free beer and free cheeseburgers

Does he sound like a cool guy? I wouldn't fuck with her if he sounds cool. I know girls are sluts and are ready to cheat, but I don't think I could handle knowing I'd be the asshole in some cool guys life.
But? Then she's also eager and it's going to be somebody, why not you?

German beer and a Bratwurst
or German beer and a sandwich
or German beer and a cracker
or just German beer, hell even German beer and AIDS would still be bether than your cheesy barley piss.

>get good meat
>cover it with vinegary peppers and thick tomatoes and mustard and ketchup
humans why. you should only do that with the shit meat.

a better beer and a philly cheesesteak

Get some quinky sauce on that.

I like this response, thanks man

Pic related, do this to him. But, don't actually fuck her, just leave the note and get out.

The love of our Lord and Savior

That's not rare. It's fucking raw. Good luck with your e.coli and parasites.

Is that the guy from Game of Thrones?

cocaine and hookers


Cheap beer with trout and clams on the grill.

Which is just about every Saturday for me.

>eating water creatures
Do gay people actually do that?

>cheese hamburger

Dude what

A Greek gyro

Fags don't get quads

Wasted quads, but checked

Quads and dubs*