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\posting in a grimes thread

What is her most iconic picture?

the one where shes goofy looking

you all know it

Cute music for cute people

one of my favorites too



>cute people
oh gosh :3 thank you

Will we ever find out why she needed that much mayo?


She's just a big fan of mayo. Btw, some Grimemes for y'all:

grimes brings me courage

What is her most emotional song?


david or oblivion

kill v main

>feeling no emotion
>step into the ocean
>now my mind is everywhere
>drowning is the only thought I have
i hope she'll be ok

grimes is an evil witch
dont listen to her guys! dont do it!!

it's too late, user...

Why does Sup Forums seems to hate her? Is it because of her being more "mainstream"?
Also, have any of you ever met her before? Sundayfag here

>Grimes Was Asked "Kanye West or God?" and Replied "Same Thing"
grimes must denounce kanye west. she has a responsibility to use her platform to fight against injustice. we can't allow bigotry and hatred to win.

A witch, you say?
I'm not sure I believe that. I listen to Grimes's music continuously all day every day and I feel perfectly fine.

Nice meme I just stole from Million of Dead Possers
It's satire but it's true :^)

>>Grimes Was Asked "Kanye West or God?" and Replied "Same Thing"

Protest album when

most of Sup Forums loves grimes

>tfw you're not cute enough to listen to Grimes
I'm a fucking fraud ladpais.

That seems a bit too draw actually
I don't know, "hate" is a big word. Maybe they should've added a "Don't care" option

Its for the best. Let the magick take over and you shall escape this mortal coil. True happiness awaits you in the realm of Halfaxa.

They hate her because they know that:

>Grimes>all your faves

Is ultimately true

Is Grimes actually a big fan of Kanye? She could've just taken this picture with him because he's famous.

She likes Taylor Swift so I wouldn't doubt it too much
But probably not Sup Forums levels of idolization

what's the new kanye meme? what did I miss?

Nurture that inner cuteness that dwells within and in time, it will grow to encompass your outer self.

grimes is probably a fucking transvestite

Kanye came out as a Trumpkin in the middle of a concert.

Yes, she likes at least some of his songs

Grimesfags: Name one bad thing about her.

Grimeshaters: Name one good thing about her.

She is not married to me. Works for both sides.

She hasn't released a single good video after Oblivion.

bad thing: she's taking a break from music

Sometimes I think she doesn't appreciate the how good her early music like geidi primes or halfaxa is. She seems dismissive of them in some interviews.

Bad=She sure do knows about making bad life choices
Good=She makes music
What the fuck
Pls be joking ;_;

>she's taking a break from music
if she isn't releasing anything then it doesn't mean she isn't producing anything


she'll never be my dream girl ;_;

At least do you have a kind soul? Are you a decent human being?

radical dvorkinism

Probably not.

False. Just the usual break between albums. Grimes already planned her next move:
>As she closes the door on this album, Boucher has a calmer project in mind for the next: “I’m really vibing on making something really slow and gorgeous that just breathes, and has room to breathe. I feel like my work has always been fast paced, kinetic, and almost just manic and I feel like for me the hardest thing I can do is make something that’s slow and heavy. I’m so ADD in my work; I really want to push myself into something that would be slower and more reflective.”

At least do you aspire to be like that? Do you even try? Take an example from her kindness.

Grimesfan here. Hedra seems to go nowhere. It's not bad, but it's my least favorite of her. She's incredibly consistent.

No, I am too far gone, I must consume her, we will become one average person.

This. She doesn't really acknowledge these 2 early albums in the same way Kraftwerk did with their first 3. Probably because she can hear the mistakes from her new perspective as singer/songwriter/producer.

W2c that sweater

Grimes + Nicki Minaj collab when?

she's taking as break from music to train for the ufc.

I fucking hate giant boots and she wears them in almost every shoot

they are called platform shoes and you aren't alone in hating them.

Maybe that was a false alarm. She always says some ridiculous things from time to time. Let's wait and see. I think she's aware about "striking the iron while it's hot" and not letting too much time passing between the successful AA and her next album.

you never know with grimes, she's very unpredictable.

She is sooooo perfect!
I even wish I could drink her pussy juice instead of water for the rest of my life.



Grimes is not for sexual

What is that?

b-but you posted..

I don't like Hedra either.

thats kinda hot my guy

what the fuck is wrong with you

do you find her sexually attractive?

Never. Nicki is nowhere on Grimes's level.

Very much


weird fantasies may come to your mind if you love someone way too much

She is the sexiest girl on the planet, but I feel myself very embarassed if I think about sex with her.
It's just wrong. I shouldn't be doing this.
I just want to keep her pure.

list Claire's skills, plz

- singer
- songwriter
- producer
- sound engineer
- lyricist
- live performer
- visual artist
- music video director
- dancer
- model
- virtuoso

she is also good tomato-catcher as well

>not posting the unabridged full list

She's impressive tbch. By the way, did anyone notice that violins are everywhere on Art Angels? She's ambitious and wants to improve her instruments playing.

Dworkin's radfem

she also promised some songs with a harp

Is there anything she can't do?

wow she can take selfies in a helicopter

what a skill...

That would fit her next supposedly slow album.

Where's your sense of humor?

she better have a good reason for riding in a helicopter with how much she goes on about global warming on twitter.

Nicki is better at rapping than Grimes is at whatever she does.

>good at anything

She's just famous because of her ass.

Like for real senpai?
Lol what the fuck
That is simultaneously an extremely stupid thing and a fucking awesome turn of events

this is 100% unironically more grand and showcases more talent than any Grimes song

>this is 100% unironically more grand and showcases more talent than any Grimes song

not an argument

Explain how this music is """better""" than Grimes's.

Jeebus she cant direct. Why is she still trying?

same reason you are still trying to post.

ugh, I think I just melted..