Now that the dust has settled, what do we really think?

Now that the dust has settled, what do we really think?

bad, forgotten

4/10 one of the biggest disappointments of my entire life.

Really good, it became trendy to hate it on Sup Forums when they decided to release the worst song on the album as their comeback single

Saturday Night Inside Out, Livin' Underwater and Stepkids are some of the best songs The Avalanches have ever made imo. That being said there are 3 songs on the album I really don't care for. After multiple listens they haven't grown on me at all; Colors, Kaleidescopic Lovers, and Frankie Sinatra

I like those ones. Fucking Noisy Eater though, jesus christ

totally insipid and forgettable release.


Anyways it's my AOTD. Never has an album been so misunderstood by the music media. It's an emotional masterpiece and the pinnacle of Plunderphonics thus far

>Never has an album been so misunderstood by the music media
u wot? the "music media" generally loved wildflower - it has an 83 on metacritic.

Album of the year, definitely surpassed any expectations from me.

Better than Since I Left You. Also, Noisy Eater is one of my top five tracks.

Fucking really?

Yes, not even baiting or anything. My genuine opinion.

Top five tracks would be If I Was a Folkstar, Harmony, Wozard of Iz, Noisy Eater and Because I'm Me (in that order from best to worst)

this. noisy eater is great and so is the album. some songs are just fucking fun.

also biz markie is something of an in joke with me and my friends, "just a friend" specifically, so i really got a kick out of it

it's good, but it gets real old real quick

Yeah but it's 10/10 for me for many reasons that the music media did not mention, nor do I see mentioned here on Sup Forums

THIS! Than you based user, just know you are not alone in this opinion

I agree, masterpiece

Great summer album but haven't listened to it in a while

Kaleidoscopic Lovers is a top 5 Avalanches song imo.
I like how nostalgic the middle of the album and onward is, it sounds so childish and mature.

Also Noisy Eater if fantastic in its context, it's so cartoonish.

I absolutely love it. I listened to it constantly while on summer vacation and it was extremely satisfying.


Holy fuck we have the same in joke