YLYL thread

YLYL thread

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US did it first (large scale), and it was very effective. If you think something harmless that saves lives is "edgy" you should look into killing yourself.

>very effective




Audible chuckle

> saves lives
Do Muslims that go into heaven get reborn as suicide bombers?


After the face, and the shirt, and the--
Just, fuck.
Weirdest group of mixed emotions right now. He looks like fucking feels guy.


10/10 please tell me you have more civ memes

He means it keeps some from attacking. Thinking they'll get barred from heaven is usually enough to keep those savages at bay.


not the original guy. This is my only civ









wtf dude...nobody's laughing...

Aww dang, I love these civ memes









I am now gay



Apparently I heard the alligator didn't even get the kid. They killed innocent alligators and the kid didn't even get offed by one


Not calling it a niglet.... Missed chance


that's some master level trolling

ha drill bit darrel


That's a pretty good facebook page, they've stopped posting content recently which is disheartening.



Why? I've fucked a girl on the rag before, you throw down a towel and don't use lube. Just don't nut in her or she'll hate you. (I guess it stings or some shit but idk)




Mashed potatoes tonight?

Only the dead can know true peace,








Sicc grind, pupper

then what offed the kid?


Niggers flip out in real news story about Popeyes running out of chicken

"How we's gonna feed our kids"

The shit posting is getting out of hand


I remember when I used to be a peasant working at tacobell and I forgot to prepare any meat.
We ran out of meat for like 15 minutes, glad it wasn't on the news.

Look at her leg, homo.




idky lost to this



This. How was that not obvious?

Fucking drill bit Darrell...

Topest kek. For some reason, lost my shit and laughed for 5 minutes nonstop.

Thanks user.





They just closed the whole Popeyes restaurant, they know shit is going to get violent.


That moment when you realized you signed up for the shit show



sicc grind, pupper

this should be illegal

>military grade autisms




Those are fun little creatures. They make my wife increasingly upset and agitated though. She can't stare at one for more than a few seconds without losing her shit and hitting me.

That doesnt even make any sense...The gun is out already and there's obviously no need to swap characters...fucking dipshit

oh my kek




>the nigga laughing

oh shit, lost.thegame.png
