Tell it to me straight, Sup Forums
Is he "our" guy?
Tell it to me straight, Sup Forums
Is he "our" guy?
Yeezy for Secretary of State
Yeezy for Trumps speechwriter
We have enough niggers, thanks.
Like him, this whole thread is cancer
he'a a literal god, I need a harcore alt-right satire album by kanye filled with nationalist and racist lyrics
He would have? What a fucking stupid thing to say, if he would have why didn't he? I'm sure hes just saying that to be a controversial fuck.
wtf i love kanye now
About illegal immigration, I know illegal immigrants are usually associated with higher levels of violent crime, but isn't net illegal immigration to and from America basically zero anyway? And didn't a ton of illegals actually come here legally, but overstay their visas? I don't know a lot about this issue, but from these, it seems like curtailing illegal immigration, though a positive, isn't an urgent issue. Do you guys think it is?
i think more people were concerned with taking in muslim refugees and thats why they didnt vote for hillary
Is P4K gonna turn their backs on him now? He's been their darling for like a decade.
i've never known what the phrase "our guy" has referred to, so i guess not
no wtf, not cause of this
>tfw Sup Forums users that also post on Sup Forums shit all over kanye for his supposed vapid and attention grabbing behavior, and are adamant in their belief that kanye is a piece of shit retard
>suddenly he expresses support for trump
>hurr durr how based now he agrees with me
you fucking retards
The guy that represents us and our worldview
what's it from though, why is it a meme
This. I don't expect them to ever give Kanye anything over a 7 ever again.
anyone who thinks kanye won't immediately say something completely contradicting this in like two days doesn't get kanye at all.
this is the same guy who said that cudi would be nothing without him and within the same week called him his brother.
its just a fucking phrase why does everything have to be a meme? is saying thank you after someone does something for you a meme? fuck you faggot
people don't post threads saying "IS HE /THANK YOU/"
it's a fucking meme deal with it, i just want to know where it came from
probably facebook the same place you came from
nice meme you fucking memelord
it is a meme. dumbass.
I like Kanye now
wtf life of pablo is my fav album now
Maybe he was out of the country or his home state and couldn't vote
Kanye is going to run for president in 2020. He will be facing off against Trump and will begin the greatest meme war on Sup Forums
It will be Kanye vs Trump, Sup Forums and Sup Forums vs Sup Forums prepare your anus