How often do you think about suicide?

How often do you think about suicide?

Why think of doing a futile gesture in a life of meaningless acts?

Kill yourself now? When the world is changing so fast?

Never, because death is the exact opposite thing I desire.I never want to die but I know I will, and that frustrates me.

Because it would be the last.

Tried that a few months ago, my mom caught me and saved me. It's been sort of upwards for me ever since. So I don't think about it that often. I was out for about 5-10 minutes max. Tried hanging myself.

Trying to kill yourself with other people around you is really fucking stupid.

she was not supposed to come but she did, she was on a different floor. And the whole thing was impulsive, we had a fight etc. If I wasn't a pussy I'd have slit my throat from ear to ear, no going back

Every day, lately. Probably means I need a change of pace or something. When I was living on the other side of my province, I was happy pretty often, but here in the city, with my shitty minimum-wage job where I can do everything they ask and more and not get a shred of respect, and where all my ex-friends are SJW shit stains who can't understand how fucked up they are and how all their lives will end in suicide, I just feel empty again. Worse still, I've finally figured out how to overcome my fear of oblivion, so now I have to make a conscious effort not to kill myself because it seems so desirable, but I don't want to make my boyfriend hurt like that.

What are you currently doing with yer life?

Since started taking meds, once a week. Before: everyday.

Nothing. In short being a live in maid and building up gear to go innawoods. I've got some neat shit.

I want to die every day.

Not nearly enough, but if I dont get killed by a fast moving anything or cancer, eventually my body will just stop working so I've pretty much death covered. Don't need to think about it and I can go merrily on my way while everybody else gets fucked up on existential spiral.

why user

Ayyyyyyy LMAO welcome to my life. Have some complementary feels.
Yeah, nightly for me. I have the most awesome gf, though. she's the main reason I'm still alive rn. Although I'm being forced to go on this trip and on the way we're going to the Grand Canyon, and I have huge acrophobia because I want to jump. And lately, I've noticed that fear turn into an urge to just jump and end it all. Which would suck, because it'd hurt my gf, and she'd probably try to off herself, and that would lead to a whole bunch of bullshit. Which is why I'm even here typing this, I guess. I'm too weak to sever the bonds holding me back, and I don't want to tear everyone down with me... Great, I need a hug now...


I used to be a depressed suicidal...funny how all it takes is finding a purpose where you just want to keep doing that for the rest of your life and see where it takes you.

But yeah...even had a plan...until a friend of mine committed suicide...until I saw how it affects people...even those you don't's a ripple of shock that just doesn't end...

I've been getting bouts of my mortality...fearing what happens when death comes. I'll have a feeling of mild anxiety on some days...find a complete calm on others...getting high really helps.

What exactly do you guys find so depressing about life?


oh man, it's a mess right now. first love break up, then move 10000 km away from home for studies, college is shit and uninteresting, it all feels like a huge waste of my mommy's money. sometimes I dont even register for semesters and just spend months doing nothing.

at least I stopped being a shut-in and go out and do something, like go to tea places, cafes and stuff. always alone ofcourse, cause i GGOT NO FRIENDS XD HAHA NICE PRANK PRANKED MYSELF REAL NICE.


also, im not afraid of death, and i am sure there were AT LEAST two times, where if I had a gun, I would commit suicide. im a bit afraid of pain that usually comes with death, but some ways to suicide are instant or painless, so it doesnt really matter.

You know, that is honestly a good question. I don't know why I look at my life and want to end it so badly. I have, as I said before, an amazing gf, albeit long distance, decent friends and decent parents who didn't get beat me or anything as a kid. Yet, whenever I look at my life, I just see emptiness. Whenever I look ahead to the future, I just see this black void because I have no fucking clue what I'm going to do in 5 years, or 10, or even 20. I'm completely unprepared for my future, and I hate that.

My depression stems from a lack of ecstasy. A lack of feeling good. A lack of challenge. Every damn time I think i find something worth my time. I beat it without much trying. I feel a moment of pride. Only one single moment. Its such a shit thing to complain about being good at things. But what point is in life if you gain almost no satisfaction from it. I want to go after something bigger than myself I want to climb up and really change the world. But im just one guy and the reality is that is probably out of reach. instead of not trying to go after and living a mediocre life i jumped the gun and tried. Still trying and for all my work im finding i might for once feel the pain of defeat. The only thing i think will cure that desire for completion or, victory is try help others do something big. And im just not able to branch off. Im not able to win this one thing and every time i think maybe i can substitute that desire i find it only satisfies me for a moment.

Along with this my personal life is crazy. I dont have real friends i guess. Despite knowing them for years. I dont feel close to anyone and im always helping them out with anything i can everyone thinks i'm the model to follow but really i feel shit on the inside.

I was abused by my brother for most of my childhood, mentally and physically, my teen years were spent in 'Murrica being abused by my ex-girlfriend, mentally and physically, and now that I'm back in Canada, it seems that I can't make friends who don't either turn out to be weirdo SJW's or genuinely nice people for whom I can't seem to make proper time because of a growing work schedule. I mean, really, there isn't really very much about life that is good.

You know I busted my arse at uni to get a degree, it took me a year of applying for jobs before I got one, and when I did get it, I was on $50 an hour and that was for 1st year. I thought I was set, everything was sorted now. All I had to do was go to work and come home and everything would be ok. A year later I checked myself into a mental health facility. Now I'm on benefits, I spend my days playing guitar, painting Warhammer miniatures, reading, basically whatever the fuck I want to do. I don't have nearly as much disposable income and my future has never been more uncertain, but I don't really give a fuck. I don't want to die, but I do want to live and working 9 hours a day and having your future mapped out ahead of you is not living. The most fucked up people I've met have had the nicest things. The new IPhone will make them happy, a flash car will make them happy, they are sold a lie that they keep buying over and over again on the promise that they will finally feel content while the rest of us who are left to wonder 'what's wrong with me?' I just refuse to play and the further you distance yourself from the machine and its cogs, the smaller it becomes and you realize that there's a whole natural world out there where true contentment lives.