Apparently the face-grabber in the Aliens movies was actually based off a real parasite that can infect people, it lives in the sea though.
Apparently the face-grabber in the Aliens movies was actually based off a real parasite that can infect people...
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Going to say 99.9% chance that's as fake as the Fiji Mermaid
It was based off a vagina, penis, and the human hand.
> it lives in the sea
> over millions of years of evolution it never encountered a human ever.
> evolved itself to hug faces and infect creatures it will never need to attack.
OPs story seems legit.
You're retarded.
That's not what the DVD extras told me.
What happens if I put it on my winky?
this is some real dumb shit guys
Well aren't you smart, can't pull anything over on you.
This guy didn't need a website to tell him it was fake.
Theres so many crazy fucking weird life forms on your planet, its insane you people live there.
its like a zoo planet
Deep sea gigantism is terrifying. Things scale so reliably at that depth, that stories of ship sized giant squids suddenly become scientifically plausible.
I know the Bloop was proven to have been shifting ice, but I wonder if there really are creatures capable of making such noise.
Man fuck the bloop, what about the wow signal?
I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that. Link please?
this shit is too fascinating and the fact that we've surveyed like a few percent of the known ocean depths makes me think what kind of things live there, they find new species from there all the time
Signal detected in space, in the middle of nowhere.
The myths of sea serpents and monsters came from somewhere. The Kraken was based off the giant squid, and the oarfish led to sea serpent myths. Monsters already exist, it's just the scale has been exaggerated.
>the scale has been exaggerated.
maybe not.
maybe bigger animals existed before
Great scene from a great movie, though I think revealing it to be a machine takes away some of the wow and scare factor.
We've literally discovered more of our galaxy then of Earth's ocean. This is why fuck going in any non-pool water that I can't see through.
>We've literally discovered more of our galaxy
We actually never went anywhere lol
it doesnt matter if there are giant creatures in the depths, in the end Jellyfish will conquer the oceans.
What about the Portuguese Man o' War? It's not technically a jellyfish.
I was told by a Druid that my spirit animal was a basking shark. As silly as that is, It felt right.
They're harmless and kind of cute. Not as cute as whale sharks, though.
Fuck off
he looks furious.
>In a 2016 paper,[22] Paris and Davies proposed that the diffuse head of a comet could produce HI emission like the WOW! signal, and identified a pair of comets that were in the right area of the sky by extrapolating the orbits back to the 1977 date. The paper acknowledges the hypothesis must be tested, including the detail that only one of the feed horns detected the signal which is an issue for any long-lived emission source.
I think what he was trying to say is that we discover more about the galaxy than we do in our own ocean. Apparently like 75% of the ocean has not been explored yet.
There might be sea jews and we will never know.
that was a shitty movie
Isn't this from The Bay?
I thought Jews were from Jewpiter, and even then were slaves of the Reptilians from Draco.
It looks pissed
Probably just wants to go home
>The Kraken was based off the giant squid
This is merely speculation and only applies to one form of the Kraken as it wasn't even originally a giant octopus. Ancient people imagined all sorts of giant animals and mythical beasts but very few have a real analog.
We know maybe 0,01% of what's in our galaxy
before animals were bigger because there were more oxygen
so animals started being smaller since oxygen became less present in the biosphere
Ayyyy, fuck you looking at?
My biggest nightmare is to be trapped on an silent calm dark ocean in the night and suddenly something starts to nibble my feet and as i look below i see only 2 glowing eyes in the dark below and i get eaten/dragged under
Which is why giant insects and arachnids will never be a thing again. They breathe through their shells, and would suffocate today is they got much bigger.
only true for insects and animals like that
You ruined a perfect horror fantasy with the second row
It's much scarier if you don't see anything at all
explain elephants.
check mate, anonymous.
God bless.
i don't know the details, i only know it as meme knowledge to impress bitches and dudebros
Just imagine the size of them like in the King Kong movie.
Fuck any part of nature that aren't humans, dogs, cats, or birds.
Seriously, just fuck them.
Partial credit.
Guys, don't worry about the deep sea.
Remember the Fukishima disaster?
Well currently there's a literal ton of radioactive shit flowing out of those reactors.
Those fuckers never had a chance.
guess we'll have to see you go user
Is Chick at least partially acknowledging evolution? I thought a lot of fundamentalists outright deny that dinosaurs existed.
>Those fuckers never had a chance
Yeah, because now an army of Godzillas will fucking murder everyone.
Thanks Japan.
I would rather deal with 100 godzillas than 1 deep sea abomination.
I think godzilla himself would agree with me.
Cordyceps will always be one of the most fascinating parasites.
big ass rolly poly
He seems to recognize the "survival of the fittest" thing, but no. The whole tract is here:
Very mild gradual (over millions of years) radiation promotes mutation and genetic diversity, but one big dose shatters your chromosomes and is a death sentence.
Hey other mammals are cute.
I-I cant stay? user please.
The fuck is a rolly poly
We require more minerals!
A pill bug.
Not according to science retard.
Watch more movies.
You mean a doodle bug?
technically Godzilla is a deep sea abomination
rabbits can stay.
because they're delicious
>when kong smashes the tree bridge and they fall into the bug pit
What an awesome creature. I wonder if they will ever evolve to be able to infect humans, we'd be completely fucked
hey man i think deer are pretty cool
No. You fuckers shit all over my lawn.
well not harmless they don't have very good vision and accidentally ram boats sometimes.
Best scene in the movie. I don't really care for the rest of it (I feel it drags and goes on too long), but that one scene is fantastic.
>that whole scene
>that lack of music
I still remember how uncomfortable the theater got when that scene happened.
They're really not.
They're assholes and shit everywhere.
Much less than that.
There's been a long ongoing theory that seems more and more plausible every day that there actually is another planet in our very own solar system that we simply haven't seen yet because it circles around the sun very differently than earth.
It was like 3 hrs long. I guess Peter Jackson really enjoyed making the movie and exploring the island.
>Jack Black out running a dinosaur stampede on green screen.
Why are you living in the middle of the woods?
Not him but I live in Calgary and there are hares and feral rabbits everywhere
exactly, we'd be completely fucked and the last hope for humanity would be an ellen page lookalike
You forgot bees, without bees there would beee nothing
Game did a really good job with the cordycep parts. Some real spoopy shit in that game.
true, but the ending pissed me off
left my 56k modem on sorry
Peter doesn't know when he needs a fucking editor. Not every goddamn movie you make needs to be 3+ hours long. You mention exploring the island but its an hour before we even see it! Movie could have been 2 hours easy but Jackson doesn't know when to stop