How can ck survive this?

how can ck survive this?

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damn, women are not funny

not sure i've ever laughed at anything a woman said

But they sure laughed at your small penis

>tfw you will never get to witness Patrice O'Neal confronting her on a radio segment with Anthony Cumia cracking racist Asian jokes in the background

Why live?

Christina Pazsitzky did stand up pregnant. She didn't intentionally time a special so she would have material for half an hour. Her jokes weren't pregnancy themed. She simply was pregnant.

Even her and her husband's podcast, which I feared would become the Doting Parents Hour, maintained its original intellectual content of fart porn and racist impersonations.

It just gets to me when peoples explanation of their clearly intentional behavior is supposedly excused by the fact that nobody else is NOT doing it, so they are allowed to.

I like her

Patrice was so based.

The whole Independence Day/Heebie Kikeberger thing had me in tears.



Indian accents are shit tier, but Chinese are a close second.

listen to them talking about face off its even better

>talks about how men do that
>does literally the same thing

Pretty funny, desu. I laughed a couple times.

She's not wrong, btw.

I don't understand how in memenist mind a woman is always a victim.

>try to think of a pregnant female comic
>think of amy schumer
>"no wait she is just fat"

god why are glasses so fucking stupid

king who? and that wasn't funny at all.

>She's not wrong, btw.
is she taking a dig at men though? cause if she is, what do men have to do with it?

hey guys, its hard being a woman.
isn't it fun to see the under dogs fight back

imagine being paid 40 cents a thread to spam shitty Netflix comedians.

then if you will, imagine doing it on Sup Forums

almost seems kinda not worth it tbqh

Ha cool I saw her doing standup in a shitty bar here in LA. She was funny.

>another 40 cents

Where did this number of money you get by shilling come from? I've seen people say 20 cents and 40 cents all the time in relation to it, where are people getting this from? Is there an actual site that lists that shit?

quit your bitchin' chink

where there is smoke, there is fire.

You go girl!

>she's not wrong

Well obviously not. It clearly says in the title she's Wong, you fucking idiot.

This bit actually isn't too bad.

Can a female comedian go 1 fucking minute without mentioning her VAGINA? Also congrats, bitch, someone came inside you, round of applause guys.

>jokes are only funny when they are relatable to me!!!

This is why you're not funny, your idea of comedy is flawed beyond belief.

What's her fucking problem?

Pretty sure bonnie was pregnant during her comedy central presents special, or had just had the baby very recently.

it's a meme you dip

It probably has something to do with Christina and Tom actually being funny decent people.

she just seems really asshurt that her gook ass is less funny and popular than literally every male comedian that ever existed

>"yo dick"
Indicates a woman's confusion at the fact that although she has a microphone in her hand, people aren't laughing.

underrated post

on netflix almost every female comedian stand up special has 1-2 stars