Cinemassacre discussion

Cinemassacre discussion

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Mike has a 10 inch penis

>1 hour long video about how he changed his basement to look a video rental store from his youth
>meanwhile his 1-armed daughter cries upstairs and his fat wife eats her dissatisfaction away while considering inviting the brown UPS man upstairs

Monster Madness alone makes it worth it.

Bootsy and Mike are legit.

>Meanwhile Mike plows her with his 10 inch dick

I see the guy in the middle in their videos a lot these days. Who the hell is he exactly?

Prime AVGN will never be topped

>doesn't know about bootsy.

Get it together, grouch.

>that anecdote about james rolfe at a strip club

If I won the lottery where would be the best place to move to for best living conditions + closest proximity to Internet celebrities possible?

I'm thinking Illinois, you've got based Brad Jones in Springfield then a three hour drive north you've got Spoony. On the other hand you could move to Philadelphia to be with the bro-est of bros, James Rolfe. That way you get Mike and Bootsy. Tough call. Tough call. Why can they all just live in the same state so it would be easier?

Although it might be worth living in Seattle just so I can hassle DSP daily.

>Lick my cats pussy piss slit

Why did he cut this? WHY


>1-armed daughter

How did he break her again?

How based is Bootsy?

is he a manlet


I wouldn't be surprised if James was a virgin when he got married. Probably married his first grilfriend.

But then again, he was semi attractive when he first started AVGN.

mike obviously gets pussy he's tall and has a big dick

funny meme youtube community. Keep it up!

James: Sup Forums
Mike: reddit


also monster madness and the turtle retrospective were awesome

>balding cuckold
>big dicked alpha male

You have those reversed

James Sup Forums
Mike: /vr/
Ryan: Sup Forums
Bootsy: Sup Forums

>tfw Mike literally has a 26cm dick

My wife's son loves the AVGN.

I wish Kyle would permanently replace Mike

too bad Kyle knows NOTHING about video games or movies.

>... up his faggot ass

That would probably make it more interesting

Dude wtf. It's like you've never watched a video with kyle in it.

He's brain dead on camera.
Says dumb stuff and generally has no idea what is happening.

Somehow james directed him into a funny performance on spiderman episode luckily.

Also: hating mike is old. He's the best thing about cinemassacre now, and no I don't subscribe to the big dick memery

I've met them before, they're alright. Mike is pretty self aware, James is really shy.

I am the master of the C.U.C.K. Remember this fucking face. Whenever you see C.U.C.K., you'll see this fucking face. I make that shit work. The bull does whatever the fuck I tell it to. No one rules the C.U.C.K. like me. Not this little fuck

[Pointing to Mike Matei]

and none of you little fucks out there.
Remember that, commander of all C.U.C.K.s! When it comes down to sex, this is what I do. I position the bulls dong like this. OOOOOOH you big fuck. Then I rub my wifes pussy with it.

I really like them. They come off genuine and seem to really enjoy the things they do.

he's still doing monster madness.

> he was semi attractive when he first started AVGN.
He legitimately looked like a caricature. If it weren't for his disappearing hairline he'd be way more attractive now.

The last monster madness was shit.
They Did all 31 episodes in 1 day (as shown by the shit quality and them never wearing different clothing and hair staying exact same)

>Mike: /vr/
pfft, he keeps streaming new games all the time.

>Sup Forums
>isn't Kyle

>Mike is pretty self aware, James is really shy.

elaborate pls.

Ryan mostly puts him up to that.
His real love is streaming old atari games and playing arcade games with bootsy

Ryan is cancer to cinemassacre, I mean he's trying to usher them into the $$$$ lets play era with modern games, but he picks the most flavor of the month, reddit tier games.

>Also: hating mike is old
No, pretty much everything he does is still as cringy as it always was, especially his solo videos, which incidentally are most of cinemassacre's uploads now.

Though nothing will ever be as bad as mineycrafta.

Here's your (you)

Bootsy is the better musician.
Nigga rights jingles like noones business.

>Dream phone
>Tornado rex

Pretty sure james wrote some of the AVGN song if not all of it, since the lyrics come from his reviews.

I take it you only watched the videos with Mike in them and skipped the 4-5 min ones with only James talking on a mic while movie footage played, much like the first MM? Which incidentally is a lot worse than most people remember since each video is like 1 min long, barely even talking about the movie.


There was only like 5 episodes that were old school style.

>Ryan mostly puts him up to that.
But most of the time it's Mike alone. The fact that he's also a fan of old games doesn't change the fact that he chooses to stream new games most of the time. Most of the time he doesn't it's because he's with James who acts like your dad in front of new games.
>oh hey look at the detail on Mario's mustache! wow!

Favourite nerd episode go

>its not Godzilla

All the character ones.

Texas Chainsaw massacre had a great atmosphere.

Addams family was funny as fuck.

Spiderman, again funny.

Bugs bunny, hilarious.

Batman, really fun at the time, now its worn down but I loved it alot back then.

It's so calming to watch Bootsy play games. He manages to stay calm and collected every time Mike throws a mini rage fit when he dies in the game.

Nope, there were 20 videos old school style. And they were much better than any other MM to date as they were the longest and most descriptive so far.

>1 hour long video about how he changed his basement to look a video rental store

I enjoy Jame's videos. He always seemed more genuine than alot of the more popular "youtubers"

Ironically it's the ones where he doesn't get angry, like the 4-part Castlevania that goes from the first one to SoTN. He gets angry at the n64 ones for a bit since he gets stuck but that's it.

Also the ones about consoles whole like the Sega 32x and Colecovision. They are informative and funny at the same time.

I have actual memory issues, so I'll take your word for it.



Sword quest was another fantastic serious one.

i had no idea bootsy was such a manlet, or are mike and james just BIG GUYS?


They seem like 6 or 5'11.
He's still short as fuck.

Bootsy playing through Battletoads was suprisingly relaxing.

I skip any upload that doesn't have James in it, are there other ones worth watching?

i actually bought (ordered) the first 5 dvds

>have one of mikes livestreams on in the background
>barely hear it
>suddenly a high pitched noise hits my ear
>it's mike screaming WHAT THE FUUuUuUUUcCcCk

Plumbers don't wear ties

Really comfy and nostalgic desu


