Are there ANY good movies about time travel? Or are they all wrought with so much paradox that it ruins any immersion
Are there ANY good movies about time travel? Or are they all wrought with so much paradox that it ruins any immersion
Back to the future
>Or are they all wrought with so much paradox that it ruins any immersion
Sounds like you're autistic friendo, not sure I can help you with that
I don't want to talk about time travel because if we start talking about it then we're going to be here all day talking about it, making diagrams with straws.
This time travel crap, just fries your brain like a egg.
Terminator is kind of a paradox but it's such a neatly closed loop.
Just read AE Van Vogt
I agree with this user
What these guys said.
Time travel is generally just a mess OP.
>OP's criticism of a movie is that "the time travel isn't realistic enough!"
nice one, reddit
X-Kino: days of future past
12 Monkeys.
You have to accept that paradoxes have to be a part of time travel plots, otherwise they become alternate universe plots.
time bandits
Not going to lie.
Prisoner of Azkaban is one of the few good ones.
>Put on movie with someone who can't act, who is bland
>Play it in reverse
>You have a whole new time travel movie
Bernard's Watch
What story? The only one I can think of offhand with time travel in is The Weapon Shops
Gunbuster. Starts out about busty anime girls in robot suits, ends up exploring the scary side of time dilation.
Keanu Reeves GOAT
Whoops sorry, wrong board
Terminator isn't solely about time travel
I agree with these three.
What is with Gunbuster's sacred cow status on Sup Forums? I can't fucking mention how overrated it is without being set upon by angry hordes of fanboys.
X meme
Sup Forums is fucking trash and they live in a bubble
It's incredibly boring, though
Haven't been there much, had no idea it was a sacred cow.
I just came across it one day and thought it was a good cartoon. Not what I expected.
It looks really good, the use of time dilation, and again its just beautiful a high budget OVA. Its of course overrated but really any decent anime is going to be overrated just because there is so little good anime. There are less than 50 anime series which are actually watchable without enjoying animation/japan to begin with.
Good movies with time travel in them, IMO. However my enjoyment of the films will not be ruined by anything other than bad filmmaking.
Midnight in Paris
Time After Time
Les visiteurs
The Last Mimzy